
The long forgotten system

As soon as Thomas noticed his body laying there dead on top of a puddle of his own blood he sees a large mirror next to his body. Thomas was so focused on his dead body that he didn't notice the mirror at first. As soon as he noticed the mirror he started walking towards it wondering what the hell it was, what was going on. As Thomas walks up to the mirror he sees himself. But something was off he didn't notice it right away but as he was getting closer to the mirror he started to see his shadow move and unusual ways. Finally as he got to the mirror his shadow started rising behind him, Thomas was dead but it felt like his heart was beating so fast his chest hurt. Then he heard it, A slight whisper barely noticeable but he could hear it, it was telling him to touch the mirror Thomas felt hesitant. But he was dead what's the point of hesitate when you're dead so we got up to the mirror and touched it. As soon as he touch the mirror everything went white he couldn't see anything he felt blinded by the pure whiteness that surround it his vision. He didn't know how long he was like that, how long he was surrounded by the pure whiteness that felt endless he couldn't move he couldn't hear and he couldn't feel anything, it was so weird to be stuck like that but what could he do?

Garbagecan115 · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs


Thomas heard a voice, it was odd because it sounded like it was coming from inside his head unlike the mumbling he heard all around him.

"Haha. Finally I was starting to get very bored sitting around waiting for you to be born."

He didn't know what to think after hearing that. "What?" Thomas thought.

But before I could hear anything else he felt a sharp pain imitating from a lower part of his back.

"Ahhh" Thomas screamed, but the dark figures around him seem to get even happier, "What the fuck!!" Thomas yelled

"Oh stop whining, they are just happy because it was a 10 hour delivery, oh and that pain was just your ass being smacked by the doctor, he has to make sure the new born is alive you know?" The unknown voice inside his head said.

"Who are you? Where am I? Why can't I see anyone? Why can I understand you and not them? Why can I hear you inside my head?" Thomas shout out a barrage of questions.

" OK now, slow down one thing at a time okay? First of all you can call me Ren, Second you can't see because you were just born you have not been cleaned up yet" Ren said.

"Wait!! What do you mean I was just born?" Thomas questioned.

"Oh right, you have died and reincarnated into a new life. Ren said.

Thomas thoughts were everywhere after that statement, he didn't know what to think. "How is this possible? I felt like I was in that place for a long time."

"That's not relevant at the moment, anyways on to the next question." Ren said.

"You can understand me because I'm speaking directly to you inside your head, i'm attached to you now ever since you died." Ren said with a tint of laughter in his voice.

"What do you mean?" Thomas can I help but ask.

"Do you not remember what you saw after your death?" Ren asked.

"I remember I touched the mirror and everything turned to crap!" Thomas couldn't help but curse after he remembered the mirror in the event that followed.

"Ah yes, but do you remember why you touched the mirror?" Ren questioned.

"Uhh." Thomas couldn't remember right away it took him a second. "Yeah I heard someone whispering to me, telling me to touch it."

"Yes, that was me." Ren chuckled a little. "I watched you get killed from that pathetic child you called Chris."

"You watched? Thomas asked "why didn't you help me instead of just watching?" Thomas couldn't understand how someone could just watch Chris kill him.

"Oh, yeah about that. I couldn't really help, do you remember what you saw inside the mirror before you touched it?" Ren asked.

"Not really." Thomas really couldn't remember he was having a hard time processing all the information he has obtained so far.

"How about you refresh my memory?" Thomas asked.

"After you died was when I could help you, if I didn't you would not have been reincarnated, I shielded you in that pure white place." Ren said.

"I attached myself to your shadow, It was the only way to reincarnate you, your mind was weak and would have shattered in that white place if not for me, you're welcome." Ren said with pride filling his voice.

Thomas started to remember how his shadow started to move before he touched the the mirror. "Wait, I remember that. That was you?"

"Yup, anyways enough questions for now looks like you're clean try to open your eyes and meet your new mother." Ren said.

As soon as he said that Thomas felt a warm in-brace he struggled to open his eyes and his vision slowly started to clear.

He saw a beautiful woman with long blonde hair that had red streaks going through it, she looked liked she was in her early 20s.

She started to speak to Thomas but he still can't understand her. "Ren why can't I understand what she is saying?" Thomas asked.

"That's because she is speaking in a different language from what you are used to." Ren said.

As Ren saying that Thomas seen the beautiful woman lifting her hand and a cup of water floating into it.


Going to try to do two chapters a day on the weekdays and three chapters a day on the weekends. I hope you guys are enjoying so far

If you are let me know in the comments

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