
The long forgotten system

As soon as Thomas noticed his body laying there dead on top of a puddle of his own blood he sees a large mirror next to his body. Thomas was so focused on his dead body that he didn't notice the mirror at first. As soon as he noticed the mirror he started walking towards it wondering what the hell it was, what was going on. As Thomas walks up to the mirror he sees himself. But something was off he didn't notice it right away but as he was getting closer to the mirror he started to see his shadow move and unusual ways. Finally as he got to the mirror his shadow started rising behind him, Thomas was dead but it felt like his heart was beating so fast his chest hurt. Then he heard it, A slight whisper barely noticeable but he could hear it, it was telling him to touch the mirror Thomas felt hesitant. But he was dead what's the point of hesitate when you're dead so we got up to the mirror and touched it. As soon as he touch the mirror everything went white he couldn't see anything he felt blinded by the pure whiteness that surround it his vision. He didn't know how long he was like that, how long he was surrounded by the pure whiteness that felt endless he couldn't move he couldn't hear and he couldn't feel anything, it was so weird to be stuck like that but what could he do?

Garbagecan115 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs


"WHAT THE FUCK???" Thomas was amazed and confused.

"What?" Ren asked. "Are you not happy with your new mother?"

"What? No, it's not that, it's what just happened with that cup of water!!" Thomas said.

"Oh right, that's part of her system." Ren said

"System?" Thomas asked, not knowing what he was talking about.

"Yes it's called a system, the people of this world get a system from the gods at the age of 10 if the said god find them worthy." Ren answered.

"Gods?" Thomas couldn't help but ask, there were a few gods on earth but he never believed in God.

"Yes GODS." Ren said "There are thousands of gods some are weak and some are strong, the system that people can obtain from them are the same."

"So when I reach the age of 10 I can get a system?" Thomas asked

"About that..." Ren said

"About what? Don't tell me a can't get a system, please don't." Thomas said with a tint of disappointment in his voice.

"Well when I attached myself to you, my system also attached itself to you, so no you can't get a system when you turn 10 because you already have a system."

"What I do? How do I do what she did? How do I know how strong my system is? Can it get stronger?" Thomas couldn't help but ask a barrage of questions.

"Slow down." Ren said " you do have a system but as of right now you cannot use it, that is until you turn 10 years of age."

"As for your other questions. You will be able to do what she did and more. And yes systems can get stronger." Ren said.

"As of right now your mother has a class C low grade system. The way the systems work is by grades, There are 8 system grades which are F, D, C, B, A, S, SS and SSS."

"And then their is three inner grades. Which are low, mid and high. These grades are kind of like secondary grades to rate how strong your system grade is." Ren explain.

Thomas tried to ask more but he got distracted because his mother put his face up to her breast and he didn't know what came over himself, because as soon as he got near her breast his mouth latched on to it.

Thomas's body was reacting out of instinct and he started to feed off of his mother and few minutes later he grew tired and fell asleep.

"This is going to be a long 10 years." Ren thought.

As Thomas was sleeping he started to have a dream but he wasn't inside of his own body it more like he was a bird flying over a battlefield.

As he inspected the battlefield he saw what looked like fire balls, water whips and giant balls of earth flying throughout the battlefield.

That was not all, there were many different things that he couldn't explain, he saw this one soldier standing there and in the next second he turned into a blur and zoomed around the battlefield leaving a trail of blood in his wake.

But then he saw one particular scene that caught his attention the most. Right in the middle of the battlefield he saw a black dot that look like it was pulsating so he moved in closer to inspect it.

As he got closer he noticed what seem to be a shadow ripping the enemies that were charging at it to shreds.

Once he got close enough to that scene he noticed the blood scattered all around the shadow it was like the shadow was in a lake of blood.

He looked at the shadow to see more details it look like a Grim Reaper without the cloak and at the end of the arms and where the legs should be looked like shadowy roots.


(Author note: Look at the front cover of the book to see more details of the figure.)


As he watched the shadow he saw what look like waves of dark matter heading towards the enemies and turning them into clouds of red.

The shadowy roots darted towards the ground and sprung up in different spots in battlefield piercing enemies all over.

He also saw what look like dark bullets shooting out of the arm areas of the shadow piercing enemies heads with extreme accuracy.

The shadow was like death himself. It was a gory scene to behold.

Won’t be able to do tomorrow because of work but I’ll try to get 4 out soon

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