

The woman sighed and extended her hand.

"The name is Alina Petrov. You want to be my student? You are going to have to start by carrying my baggage."

She said as she let go of her excess baggage and dropped it.

It sounded like rocks crashing down from a hill. Grim turned pale instead of being happy.

"J-Just what does she keep in these?!" He asked himself.

"Does this mean that you accept me to be your student?" Grim had a bright glint in his eyes.

"That much is obvious, boy. But do not get complacent, if I see the slightest hint of weakness within you, I will not hesitate to throw you out and end your apprenticeship." Alina's face was covered in darkness, only showing her menacing eyes in a comical fashion.

"It has been a good adventure so far, Grim. I trust that you can get through this on your own, just hit me up. I will be at Marko's place having a dr-"

As Dart was about to walk away after climbing out of Grim's backpack, Alina saw him and locked eyes with the baby dragon.

"And where do you think you are going?" She asked.

Dart hurriedly ran back up to Grim.

"Oh, by the way, boy. If you wish to continue to being my apprentice, then you are going to have to pay for tonight's dinner. Maybe tomorrow's as well." She grinned menacingly as she said that.

"What did I get myself into…" Grim said to himself.

They walked back to the city and as Grim pointed that the Six Symphonies tavern had some good food and even better mead and alcohol, Alina immediately shook her head.

"No. We are not going there." She was firm in her words.

"But why? I have an in with the owner, we might get some discounts and stuff." Grim was about to pass out from carrying her heavy baggage, while Dart was cheering him on.

"Be careful, Grim. I will die if you die, you know?" He snuck some giggles here and there as he said that.

"Because I do not have good memories of that place." Her tone was serious, for the first time.