
The Limitless System

Faced with inevitable annihilation, Humanity was forced to evolve and awaken unique abilities.With many loss on both sides a peace treaty was handed in placed serving as a crossroad of peace for both parties. The world powerhouses having had enough of earth being looked down upon by other beings swore to protect earth and it's inhabitants.This fuel of determination eventually turned them into training up awakened. once an awakened is born,their life is plunged into a world of pain and hardwork.Lacking both talent and hardwork as an awakened labels you as a trash. In Present time,Arthur,a teen who's ability has been dubbed as the world's trashiest, one's which purpose makes him dry up blood.A pathetic ability wouldn't you say so right?. His life however takss a drastic turn when he's discovered by a system bound to be limitless,destined to wield great rule and become the saviour and ruler of the universe. °°°° "What's that strange light heading here" Before he could even move a muscle a white ball of light pierced through his body. [Does host wish to awaken the limitless system]

Realitymanga · Kỳ huyễn
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43 Chs

Rank 5 Awakened Weapon

"To think I got the wrong info about him...Anna is using his full power yet still he's not being pinned down".

Lucas was starting to have doubts about whether Anna would be able to secure his date for him,what would be more heartbreaking is he would have to give Miss Jade that rank 5 weapon he promised.

"I'm really glad he's gotten a challenge,but I'm quite surprised she's able to match him equally...his rank never reveals his actual strength I see".



Arthur and Anna kept exchanging fists and kicks at a closer range than usual.Arthur twisted his lower part delivering a tornado kick.Anna brought her arm to her side and took the hit.

The kick carried such power that even the students that were spectating the match could feel the shockwave.

"That's our goddess!!"

"Yeah!!Get him!!".

"I'm at my limit.10% is all I can draw out".Anna inwardly said gritting his teeth as she was pushed back by a punch."I can feel the rush,I'm about to reach the 4th stage".Arthur said internally.

"I was so excited I failed to notice the setbacks adrenaline had."Arthur thought staring intensely at her hour glass figure."It's taking a toll on her,I need to end this quickly or else shes going to suffer alot of damages".

Arthur for some reason felt the need to try and help stabilise her body or her adrenaline would really affect her.Although it felt surprising he wanted to help her after what he has been through.

When he was on the losing end no one except Miss Jade tried to extend a hand to him.'An eye for an eye,a tooth for a tooth',that was the saying after all.Arthur however didn't want her to suffer any drawbacks since he's the one that pushed her to go this far.

He had to end this match quickly but right now he and Anna were at a standstill.The only way Arthur felt he could win was by blood manipulation or if he increased his stats.

Since he didn't want others to know of his ability,he had to opt for the latter."I knew saving you up would come in handy". Fortunately for him,he had refrained from using the attribute points he received.

[Attribute Points:55]

"System,allocate 20 to strength,15 to speed,15 to perception and 5 to agility".

Arthur could feel his strength being increased.His senses seemed to have been sharpened as well.This feeling never ceased to amaze him.


Arthur's figure disappeared from where he stood appearing behind Anna."Huh!..I can't sense his presence".Anna found it difficult to keep track of his speed hence she couldn't pinpoint his direction.

From how Arthur had suddenly appeared behind her,one could say he was about to deliver a heavy punch but contrary to what others thought Arthur just raised his hand and moved it at a crazy speed,hitting a pressure point behind the back of her neck.

[Never thought you would like someone]

"I don't"

[Sure right,have you forgotten I'm inside you]


[You definitely like her]

"Would you just shut the hell up!".Sometimes Arthur would question the system's help.Did it come to get on his nerves or did it come to make him stronger.

"Arck".A small grunt escaped her mouth as she felt her vision slowly fading away."I had fun Anna...".These were the last words she heard as her body descended towards the ground.

[Quest completed]

Arthur however caught her mid air and slowly approached where Miss Jade and Lucas said."I can't believe it....She lost".Lucas however found it hard to accept her defeat.

"No way..she lost,she actually lost!".

"She's our best student,even the dojo from the other end couldn't compete with us".

"Yeah right,and even they had the ice goddess".

"He's soo dreamy..I want him"

The students who were spectating couldn't help but comment on the outcome.Even they were finding it hard to take in.Anna was someone they viewed as quite powerful.

Not only did she have an overpowered ability but she could fight hand to hand combat with little effort and was the best student.Lucas immediately bolted to her aid after Arthur placed her down.

"Thank you for not hurting her".Lucas muttered in a very low tone so only he could hear it.Arthur didn't reply and just stood there with the corner of his eyes staring deeply at him.

"I guess I misjudged you".Arthur said internally reaching Miss Jade's side."You did well...more than I even expected"Miss Jade said rubbing her hand over his head."I learnt from the best"."You sure did"

"Follow me Jade".Lucas voiced out after having tended to Anna."Is she alright?"Miss Jade may be heartless but she wasn't all that bad.If anything Anna really impressed her with her strength.

"She's just unconscious that's all".Lucas said entering his private room or rather his office."Here is the rank 5 weapon I promised".

The ring on Lucas middle finger of his right hand glowed intensively conjuring up a peculiar weapon or rather some would term it an armoury glove.

"A Gauntlet huh and a powerful one at that". Miss Jade said grabbing onto the gauntlet Lucas brought out from his storage ring.Examining the gauntlet Miss Jade could see what seemed like a diamond core embedded on the knuckles of the gauntlet.

With it's crimson colour burning bright like flames."To think it even suits your student very much".Lucas voiced out with a slight smile." I planned on getting one for him but thanks to you he has acquired a powerful one".Miss Jade then turned around to leave him.

"Oh and it's an awakened weapon and before you ask I don't know it's skill".For Lucas to be able to get his hands on a rank 5 weapon was already something but an awakened one was quite impressive,to others that is but not Miss Jade.

Miss Jade simply waved at him as he got out of the office."Come on let's get going it's already getting late".Miss Jade voiced out heading out of the dojo with Arthur behind her."I'll hand it over to him when he's about to participate in the entrance exams".


"You'll be coming back to the academy starting tomorrow right?".

"Mhm yes"

"Good,then I take it you're going to apply for the entrance exams of the awakened Union?".

"Yes Miss Jade".Arthur replied taking a large bite out of his meat."Eat slowly!"Miss Jade said smacking him on the head.


After eating Arthur didn't waste time heading to his room.

[Quest completed]



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