
The Life of Selah

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6 Chs

Chapter 2: The Life of Selah

"Do you have a good sleep last night?" the woman asked while filling the bread with jam.

She just nodded to say yes and that caught the attention of her. She continued eating her breakfast served in the table when suddenly, the door in her room opened. She almost spilled the milk she was about to drink when a man came out of the room.

"That was not a dream." She whispered to herself.

She was swallowing her saliva as the charming scent of the man from the last night's dream was invading the whole living room. The man was wearing a white shirt and black knee pants and a casual look on his face.

"You're awake." The man glanced at her and kissed the forehead of the old woman in the kitchen area.

"Oh, you're here already. I thought you got an afternoon flight." The old woman said while busy beating the eggs.

"I haven't expected either." He said while wiping the water droplets on his hair naturally with a towel. He went to get a clean plate and sat against her in the dining table.

She finished her breakfast as fast as she could to leave and avoid the stare of the man. When she was about to get up from the table, the man interrupted him.

"Could you at least wait for the others to finish their breakfast? It's called table manners, in case you didn't know." A blush crept onto her face. She blushed slightly but still didn't say anything.

"So, how's your trip, son?" the old woman diverted his attention by asking about his flight.

"It was good. I just hate the flight schedules. It wasn't fixed unlike before. Still, we're fortunate to arrive with the early flight."

"I see. You haven't called me. I could at least prepare a room for you since…" she stopped and stared at her trying to get her name.

"Selah." she simply replied. "I could at least prepare a room for you since I let Selah used your room." She continued.

"It's okay. I was with her the whole evening. She was in deep sleep so I didn't bother to wake her up." He said while slightly staring at her then back to his food.

After eating their breakfast, she immediately went to the room and packed up her clothes and things. It's better if she left the place already since she just only approved to stay there for the night.

It was already ten o'clock. She's almost done fixing her hair when someone entered casually in the room. It's the owner of the place- the man who spoke about table manners a while ago same person who slept beside her the whole night casually.

"You don't need to leave so early. You can stay for another night." He said while his eyebrows were going up and down the pages of the book he was reading in his mini library inside his room.

Instead of answering back, she grabbed her clothes in the closet as well as her bag and quickly left the room. The man just smiled at her charmingly and continued reading the rest of the pages.

She thanked the old woman who was watering her plants in the garden for letting her spend the night in the mansion. The woman just accepted her gratitude and welcomed her anytime she needed a place to stay. She directly went to the bus station which could take her back to San Diego.