
The Life of Selah

goodgirlreadsweb · Teen
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6 Chs

Chapter 3: The Life of Selah

In the middle of her trip back to San Diego, her phone rang up. She raised her brows upon hearing the voice over the phone.

"I don't need to go back and fix again that mess. Besides, I have officially written you a resignation letter which I handed down to your secretary. From today onwards, I don't have anything related to do for you. Goodbye."

After she finished speaking, she hung up her phone and continued staring blankly at the window. When the bus arrived at San Diego, she got down and walked towards the place she often visited during summer.

A familiar face approached her and hugged her tightly smelling each other's scent. It was her grandma who's in her 70's already but still beautifully managed the place and the resort her dad left to them a decade ago.

"I thought you would arrived yesterday." Her grandma began asking her questions about her trip. She was a bit tired to answer it but forced herself to reply.

'I missed the trip yesterday." She just replied to cut off the conversation.

She immediately went to her room and laid there all day until she realized it was already late for a dinner. She stood up and walked towards the kitchen area and get some slices of pizza prepared by the staff of the resort for orders.

"Good evening ma'am Selah. Your grandma asked us to prepare your dinner. Where would you like to set it up?" one of the staff asked her while the others were busy taking orders of the customers.

The beach was a bit crowded . She wasn't expecting it to be crowded that much since it was already passing summer.

"Just set it up in a private place." She went back to her room to change clothes. She went directly to the place to have her dinner.

It was also summer, five years ago when she had her dinner in the same spot of the beach. She was a fresh graduate at that time with big goals and dreams for herself after her dad passed away. Unfortunately, fate greeted her in the form of a stable and finely compensated job- who's the CEO was her mother who left them five years ago for another man.

It was too late for her to decline the position offered to her. The resort, which is the only secured place left by her dad and she can call her own needed a large amount of money before the bank would take it away to them. She spent five years working under her mom's power. Unlike other side of stories where she had power to rule the company, hers is different. Her job is too demanding and toxic that made her  think to quit anytime. But, she had no other choice. The resort was desperately in need right now and dependent to her to pay off the loan her dad left after being hospitalized for years. If not, the bank would automatically take it away from her.

"You're still here. It's quite late. Go and take some rest." Her grandma said while calling the other staff to clean the area.

"We still need a large amount grandma to keep this place. Unfortunately, I already handed down my signature to her." she said while slowly walking hand in hand with each other towards her room.

"Selah, you're a good person. Back when you were a little, you always secured a good life for others. No wonder you still have me until now. The heaven would certainly find a way for you. For now, just take a good sleep and rest your mind." Her grandma said to her while fixing her bed.

When she woke up, a beautiful sunrise greeted her. She abruptly sat up on a sofa facing the sea view and enjoyed her coffee especially made for her.