
Chapter 12

Chapter 12

As Li Yao relayed the situation through the intercom, the tension in the air heightened. With Ma Qing Yang's squad a mere 13 kilometers away and a formidable enemy force hot on their heels, the team knew they had little time to spare. The sight of 15 armored cars and a Black Harrier helicopter in pursuit painted a grim picture of the challenges that lay ahead.

The meeting point, set on a hill 3 kilometers away, beckoned as their beacon of hope amidst the chaos of the desert. Li Yao's instructions were clear and concise, emphasizing the importance of slowing down the enemy and linking up with Ma Qing Yang's squad without engaging excessively. As a back-line supporter, his role was pivotal in providing precise coordination and tactical advice to ensure the team's success.

With a sense of urgency, the trio—Jake, Han Xiao, and Li Ya Lin—alongside the field team, swiftly reached the designated location. The vast expanse of the desert stretched out before them, the sun beating down relentlessly as they prepared to face the oncoming threat.

As the engines roared in the distance, signaling the approach of the enemy convoy, tension gripped the team. Soon, the chaotic scene unfolded before their eyes as a single vehicle emerged, desperately fleeing from the relentless pursuit of the armored cars. The air was filled with the deafening roar of gunfire, punctuated by explosions and billowing clouds of smoke trailing in their wake.

With precision and efficiency, Han Xiao assumed command, his strategic mind analyzing the unfolding situation. "We need to act fast," he stated, his voice firm and authoritative. "Li Ya Lin, take point and prepare to intercept the fleeing vehicle. Jake, cover her from a distance. Li Yao, provide support and guidance as needed."

Li Ya Lin nodded, her senses sharpened as she prepared to spring into action. With a nod from Han Xiao, she darted forward, her agility and speed carrying her swiftly across the desert terrain towards the oncoming vehicle.

Jake positioned himself with his sub machine gun, ready to unleash a barrage of firepower upon the pursuing enemies. He gave cover to Lambert who was sniping the enemies Armored vehicles.

Meanwhile, Li Yao remained vigilant, his eyes glued to the tactical display, monitoring the enemy's movements and relaying crucial information to his teammates. With each passing moment, the intensity of the situation escalated, the stakes higher than ever as they raced against time to complete their objective.

As the enemy convoy closed in, the team sprang into action with practiced precision. Li Ya Lin engaged the fleeing vehicle, her retractable knife flashing in the sunlight as she deftly disabled its pursuers with calculated strikes. Jake's sun machine gun roared to life, unleashing a torrent of bullets that kept the armored cars at bay, preventing them from closing in on their target.

He also used his ability to create shields to give assistance to the field agents in their mix.

Han Xiao's strategic guidance proved invaluable as he directed their movements with tactical expertise, ensuring that they maintained the upper hand in the face of overwhelming odds. With each coordinated maneuver, they edged closer to their goal, determined to fulfill their mission and emerge victorious against all odds.

As the battle raged on, the team's resolve remained unyielding, their determination unwavering in the face of adversity. With Li Yao's tactical insight guiding their every move, they fought with courage and determination, knowing that the fate of Ma Qing Yang's squad depended on their success.

With the enemy forces temporarily stalled, the team seized the opportunity to regroup and press forward towards their objective. The meeting point loomed on the horizon.

They did not waste any time and started to retreat.

As Jake's mind was assaulted by searing pain and his nose began to bleed, he instinctively knew they were under attack by a formidable adversary. The mental assault inflicted upon him and the other field agents left them incapacitated and vulnerable, their bodies wracked by uncontrollable spasms as blood flowed from their orifices. Jake's Deadpool-inspired bravado momentarily faltered in the face of such overwhelming power, but he quickly rallied his resolve, refusing to succumb to fear or despair.

As he surveyed the scene with growing horror, Jake's mind raced with possibilities. He knew all too well the capabilities of their attacker—the superhuman agent sent by the Germinal Organization. Hela, their former superior, possessed formidable psychic abilities that made her a force to be reckoned with. Her sleek figure and jet-black leather suit only added to her intimidating presence as she closed in on them with incredible speed, her fiery red hair trailing behind her like a crimson comet.

Despite the chaos unfolding around him, Jake made a split-second decision to conceal his identity from Hela. He knew that revealing himself could jeopardize their mission and put his teammates at even greater risk. With a quick adjustment of his face mask, he ensured that his true identity remained hidden, his wits masking the gravity of the situation.

As Hela drew nearer, her emotionless eyes scanning the scene with chilling precision, Jake's mind raced with possibilities. He knew that they needed to regroup and come up with a plan to counter her formidable abilities. With a silent signal to his teammates, he urged them to fall back and reassess their strategy before engaging their adversary head-on.

As they retreated, Jake's mind raced with thoughts of how to neutralize Hela's threat. He knew that their best chance of survival lay in exploiting her weaknesses and finding a way to outmaneuver her.

As they regrouped at a safe distance, Jake took stock of their situation. The sight of his comrades, still reeling from Hela's mental assault, filled him with a sense of urgency. They needed to act fast if they were to stand any chance against their formidable opponent.

With a grim determination, Jake rallied his teammates, Despite the odds stacked against them, he refused to give in to despair, knowing that their survival depended on their ability to outsmart and outmaneuver their enemy.

(Hela is really strong guys)

As they prepared to confront Hela once more, Jake prepared himself for the coming battle. With his squad by his side and his weapon, he faced the looming threat with courage and resolve. For in the heart of darkness, he knew that their unity and determination would be their greatest strength against the forces of evil that sought to destroy them.

I hope everybody enjoyed it....

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