
The Legendary Mechanic : JAKE QUEEN [Dropped]

A guy from earth gets a second chance in the game world of THE LEGENDARY MECHANIC. Updates: one chapter per day....

luminous1_vanqu10 · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

Chapter 13

Chapter 13

As Jake and his team prepared to confront Hela, the tension in the air was palpable. With their combined skills and determination, they stood ready to take on the formidable combat commander of the Germinal Organization. As the battle commenced.

With a wave of his hand, Jake summoned shimmering shields to protect his teammates, their translucent barriers providing a crucial defense against Hela's psychic attacks. As Li Ya Lin and Lambert launched into action, their precision strikes and swift movements keeping Hela on the defensive, Han Xiao and Li Yao provided invaluable back-line support.

From their vantage point, Han Xiao and Li Yao observed the unfolding battle with keen eyes, their strategic minds analyzing every move and countermove. With a calm demeanor, Han Xiao offered pointers and strategic advice to Jake and his team, guiding their movements with precision and foresight.

"Jake, focus on maintaining your shields and keeping the team protected," Han Xiao advised, his voice steady and reassuring. "Li Ya Lin, look for openings in Hela's defenses and exploit them. Lambert, keep up the pressure with your ranged attacks. Together, we can overcome her."

As Jake and his teammates pressed forward, their determination unwavering, Li Yao provided crucial support through hacking and surveillance, keeping their adversaries off-balance and one step behind. With each passing moment, the intensity of the battle escalated, the desert sands swirling around them as they clashed with their formidable foe.

Despite their best efforts, Hela proved to be a formidable opponent, her combat prowess and psychic abilities posing a formidable challenge. With each strike and parry, Jake and his team fought with unparalleled ferocity, their determination unyielding in the face of adversity.

As the battle raged on, Han Xiao and Li Yao continued to provide guidance and support, their expertise proving invaluable in the heat of combat. With each strategic insight and tactical suggestion, they helped to tip the scales in Jake's team's favor, guiding them towards victory with skill and precision.

With Hela on the defensive, Jake seized the opportunity to press their advantage, unleashing a barrage of attacks against their adversary. With each strike, he channeled his Deadpool-inspired courage and determination, refusing to back down in the face of overwhelming odds.

As the battle reached its climax, Han Xiao and Li Yao remained vigilant, their eyes scanning the battlefield for any signs of weakness or opportunity. With their guidance and support, Jake and his team fought with renewed vigor, their unity and determination shining through in the midst of chaos.

With a final, decisive blow, Jake and his team incapacitated Hela, emerging victorious against all odds. As they regrouped and prepared to continue their journey, Han Xiao and Li Yao offered words of praise and encouragement, their unwavering support a testament to the strength of their bond as a team.

As they stood triumphant amidst the desert sands, Jake couldn't help but crack a grin, through even in the aftermath of battle. With their mission accomplished and their adversaries vanquished.

"Come on everybody let's move she's just passed out. Let's leave the area before reinforcement arrives" Jake ordered and continued walking towards their transport.

He knew that they couldn't take down Hela that easily.

Hell even Han Xiao had a hard time when he was at the same level as her. It was because of the special potion he bought in the middle of the fight.

' I really need to be prepared for this type of situation. And I did not leak Han Xiao's identity here so it's gonna be different from here onwards....' Jake thought to himself.

After a tense journey back to headquarters in the armored truck, the team finally reached their destination where the plane awaited them. With a sense of relief, they boarded the aircraft and took off, leaving the desert behind them as they soared through the sky towards home. As the plane cruised through the clouds, the team took a moment to decompress and reflect on the events of their mission.

Upon their return to headquarters, they wasted no time in heading to the meeting room to deliver their mission report to Feng Jun. With meticulous detail, they recounted the challenges they had faced, the obstacles they had overcome, and the ultimate success of their mission. Feng Jun listened intently, nodding in acknowledgment as they spoke.

Once the mission report was submitted, the team took their leave from the meeting room, their minds already turning to the comforts of their own apartments. The adrenaline of battle began to fade, replaced by a sense of exhaustion that weighed heavily on their shoulders.

As they made their way back to their respective living quarters, the team members exchanged weary smiles and nods of solidarity. Despite the physical and mental toll of their mission, they knew that they had accomplished their objectives and upheld the values of their organization.

Upon reaching their apartments, they each took a moment to decompress and unwind, shedding the weight of their gear and sinking into the familiar comforts of home. For Jake, Han Xiao, Li Ya Lin, Lambert, and Li Yao, it was a chance to recharge and recuperate before their next assignment.

In the solitude of their apartments, they reflected on the events of the day, processing the highs and lows of their mission. Each member grappled with their own thoughts and emotions, finding solace in the quiet moments of reflection.

Despite the challenges they had faced, the team emerged stronger and more united than ever before. As they settled in for the night, they knew that tomorrow would bring new challenges and new opportunities to prove themselves in the field.

With a sense of determination and camaraderie, they prepared to face whatever the future held, knowing that they would do so together as a team. And as they drifted off to sleep, they found comfort in the knowledge that they had each other's backs, both on the battlefield and off.

After reaching his apartment Jake opened his system and saw the quest Completed notification.

I hope everybody enjoyed it...