

A few moments later, Li Chang Hu opened the door and gave Di Tou a slight glance before letting out a smile, "Did Sir Yin have a rewarding day?"

Hearing this, Di Tou who was still stretching slightly kerned his neck before nodding, "I met with your brother and went to check in on the Fu kid, seems like he isn't too bummed out which is good. The youth are too young to be worrying and thinking about death and desolation."

Agreeing, Li Chang Hu thought for a moment before saying, "If Sir Yin is interested in practicing his Spiritual Sense, I can give Sir Yin a pass to go to one of the Academy's training grounds. Although it isn't to the point of having twice the effect with half the effort, at the very least it'll allow for more control and variation, allowing you to customize the training space as opposed to changing a location each time."