
Chapter 26

Two days had passed since that night during this time Yukio was escaping at night to give Hinata some training on her new abilities

While Hinata was astonished and equally scared when her body suddenly ignited on fire she could soon calm down due to Yukio's advice, although she did not completely control her power at least she had a more or less clear idea of ​​how to use it

Everything related to forming an assault team for the future was on its way and if nothing came out suddenly then their plans were safe.


Today was a fairly quiet day in which in an abandoned warehouse in Kuoh you could see the silhouette of a man who was sitting in a metal chair while he seemed to look at some documents on his metal desk

The scene was extremely strange but still, nobody could watch it unless they managed to get through this man's perception

It was at that moment that an undulation happened and a young seven-year-old boy appeared mysteriously while sitting immediately on the floor in the lotus position

"Shouldn't you be with your family?"

Tobirama asked without even looking up, he was just now reviewing in detail the information he had taken from 'Phantom' about HELL

"I left a [Shadow Clone] with them, although I admit that I like being with them I have to strengthen myself for my plans ... Could you take care of me while I make my situation here?"

"As you like"

Without more words, Yukio waved his hands and instantly a golden chalice with a dark symbol in the center, inside it, you could see a certain amount of dark liquid that even took out some cold fog

There was a great bad reputation about the 'Teigu' and especially this one that serves to corrupt the users

"If there are no sacrifices there will be no results ... isn't it?"

Yukio took a breath before taking the chalice in his hands and immediately sipped the liquid

The moment he did it, he didn't even stop for the disgusting taste and continued drinking because he knew that the more he managed to sip the stronger his powers would be ...

But although the liquid also managed to give it more powers was the negative side that would attract strength to the voices that would try to corrupt it

But whose voices never came it was somewhat confusing but the pain went away until everything returned to normal and he looked at the empty chalice without any drops

"What? ... System is something wrong?"


[The user has fully integrated with the 'Teigu', there have been no errors ... Completion of Integration 98%]

"98%? ... Why do I feel that this seemed already to be planned before?" Yukio frowned as he thought about it but then changed his gaze to Tobirama who was looking at him "Is something wrong?"

"Tell me that you can retract all the ice you just made on the ground ... Even if it doesn't bother me soon, outside people will notice and lose my 'home' you know?"

Yukio looked at the ground which had become practically a skating field and chuckled and then placed his hand on the floor trying to retract the ice

At first, he thought he couldn't do it but immediately realized something

He could even control any part of this icy field as if it were his own arm that was wonderful and totally powerful to have in his hands

"Tell me now, what happens with Phantom?"

"Oh that, I have already managed to get the information we needed but I found something quite interesting around your home a few days ago"

"Something interesting a few days ago? Why didn't you tell me so far?"

"It's because that 'interesting' thing didn't present any danger besides you don't come to this place either, I don't have time to rest knowing that you've even sent me to look for that woman named Mittelt"

Yukio was silent and shook his head it was true that Tobirama had almost no free time because Yukio normally sent him to do his missions

"How did you find it interesting? Besides, how sure can we be that the information given by Phantom is true?"

Tobirama took the documents that were on his desk and when he heard Yukio's question he raised his hand making a gesture which could be understood too easily

"I assure you it is quite true, for now, take and here is a picture of that 'interesting' that I found around your house, I admit that this called cell phone is a good use of espionage"

Yukio looked at Tobirama before sighing and approaching, it was normal for Tobirama to see cell phones interestingly because in his ancient world they simply communicated with letters or telecommunication mental

Looking at the document Yukio took it in his hands and looked at the photo that was on Tobirama's phone just to be a little surprised

"Is it Grayfia?"

"Do you know her?"

"Knowing her personally would say no, but I know her story in this world more or less, besides being a very strong person that I don't want to offend at the moment ..."

Tobirama nodded because he knew that Grayfia was quite strong and yet it did not seem very interesting because once he managed to return to his optimal condition then she could never stop him

Yukio could realize Tobirama's thoughts and had to agree, Tobirama was a Legendary existence in the World of Naruto where they almost touched the threshold of the Gods

Even so, he didn't want to bring problems with Grayfia openly, so he decided on a better idea at this time.

"I need you to investigate what she was doing in my house and if it is possible that you investigate her life in this world, with this Temporary Alteration I would like to know if there are notable changes in this place ... Forget Mittelt I will look for it myself for now"

Tobirama nodded and prepared for his new mission while putting on his ANBU clothing along with his mask, he didn't know exactly why Yukio prevented him from revealing his face but he wouldn't ask much

When Tobirama disappeared with his Hiraishin, Yukio kept looking at the photo on the phone before sighing

"Why would she appear there? Do they even know about my identity?" This was his biggest concern and he decided to find out right now.

He had to strive to fulfill his plans and perhaps today would be an opportunity for his appearance ... No, his second appearance where he could get to have his game with the Fallen Angels

"I just need idealistic people ... And I have a lot of people in mind even if they don't accept, I don't care, even so, there is an objective that I must bring at all costs"

With those thoughts in mind, he disappeared in his Hiraishin ready to prepare for tonight


In a tall building in which it was difficult to observe it from below due to its structure made of tempered glass that caused the reflection of the sun you could see a small silhouette which was sitting on the edge of the roof looking down without any expression

At that moment her gaze moved towards the distance where she felt two Space-Time movements that made her feel somewhat interested but in seconds she lost the location

"... I found you, 'Nonexistent'"