
Chapter 25

[Mission started: Prove your worth and get allies under your command!

Information: As Apostol it is your duty to take the 'Blessing' that is within you to those under your command, becoming the leader of your allies and granting them your 'Blessing'

Reward: Mysterious]

Yukio who had been jumping between the rooftops stopped momentarily on a rooftop staring at the window indicating the mission


Yes, exactly how and why a mission had skyrocketed so suddenly, really ... Why now?

As if a thought came to him immediately I try to find his answer

"Tell me something system, this mission is quite strange but ... My 'blessing' sounds more like seeking followers for the Goddess I serve, right?"


[Correct ... For each member of your team who 'believes' in you will be sending their 'Faith' to the Goddess Suna, which will cause their influence in the 'Divine Territory' to rise to another new point]

"It is like this ..." Yukio reflected on that a little "Then this 'Faith' is a way of raising the status of the Gods, it is quite easy to understand, therefore I, your Apostle, have a duty to help to her from here?"


"Then why exactly should I do it? ... I don't understand or earn anything with that"

Yes, if there was no gain then it was not something important to do, so he decided not to pay attention to those things

But contrary to their expectations the system released something quite impressive

[Contrary to your thoughts ... Sending 'Faith' to her Goddess has many benefits, if she reaches a certain point she could be promoted in her rank and you as her Apostol would receive another 'Blessing' from her ... That is another ability unique in its possession]

Oh ...

Yes, exactly that would be the same phrase that was currently inside Yukio's head

What would happen if he receives another unique ability? It was to become even more powerful ...

A smile crossed his lips, it was really nice to have this kind of mission


It was because the more 'Faith' he could possibly get a third unique ability and above all, there was the 'Mysterious' reward, no doubt that attracted his curiosity

"Anyway, I will simply do it in the course, though ... Allies? I certainly do not have and even if I do not believe that anyone wants to be under my command"

He went on his way while his mind was thinking about this mission


Hinata was currently at home while she took off her dirty clothes and left her lying on the floor beside the bed, taking a shower and slowly getting dressed.

Today had been a busy day for her

That was because his gang, today had been taking control of the bases of his former enemy, buildings, shops, and territories of his former enemy were now in his hands.

Although while she was able to discover something that made her feel uncomfortable ... Brothels, it was not just one but five of them for her this type of place was the scum of civilization

But even so, she did not destroy them but took them under her command, although if the first task as a new 'Boss' was to talk to the girls who work there

She was able to meet some, those girls who were forced to work there were released immediately, while the other girls who did it on their own will continue in their respective jobs.

Hinata had done it this way because although she hated this kind of place she knew that her gang did not feed on stones ...

Brothels were an excellent place for her monetary income, so she decided to support him at least for now to get something of money and make your gang happy

Although Hinata did not eliminate the Brothels, at least the sale of drugs and weapons in their territories was totally restricted, although she could not do much either because they had barely been elevated as a third-class gang

They had to keep their hands away and heads down when those second or first level gangs sold drugs within their territory ...

The more she thought about it, the more exasperated she was and the more headache she felt like the hate within herself.

"Huu ..." Hinata took a long breath as she put on her panties and lay on the bed staring at the ceiling remembering everything she had done these days

Just thinking about it felt somewhat exhausted but renewed because she never thought her gang could be saved against her impending disaster but it was all thanks to him ...

"Yukio ..."


At that moment Hinata who was so mired in her thoughts she heard a voice and her heart froze before she jumped in fear

Although his movements stopped when she looked at a person standing by the window looking at her

"Y-you ... H-How? ... Ah, forget it ..." She wanted to try to ask how Yukio had come in but then gave up, it was silly to ask a supernatural person how he entered

Even if Yukio told him that he had pierced the walls or teleported, she would believe it

Yukio felt laughable looking at her so nervous but he just stood there staring at her

"I have come for your training, do you think you have time now?"


Hinata immediately became interested while remembering that this little boy had suggested that she be part of her team and she had accepted

"Yes, I'm going to help you gain power ... All as long as you're true to me and nobody else, do you understand that?"

At Yukio's words, Hinata nodded and walked towards him to begin the training but she suddenly noticed that Yukio took off his mask and pointed it with his finger and then pointed towards the bed confusing her

"You know it's nice to see you like that and I admit that I would like to continue watching the show but ... If you continue that way it will be difficult to even train you, could you already wear some clothes?"

Hinata blinked and then under her gaze to remember that she had not put on a bra and was still in panties, her cheeks flushed with shame she immediately covered herself with her sheet while Yukio left the room


Hinata watched Yukio's actions she felt ashamed but for some reason ...Wasn't there hate or much less disgust

The more she thought about it, the weirder she felt until she remembered it ... It is out of respect, she felt immense respect for Yukio, and even within her there was a small fear towards this little demonic boy



Hinata was currently sitting on the floor of her living room while Yukio was standing behind her while placing her own palm on the girl's back

Gradually a somewhat turbulent atmosphere was slowly forming, Yukio was currently checking with his chakra if Hinata's body was at least adequate to learn about the Chakra but the more he made it the more disillusioned he was

"This is no use ..." Yukio muttered to himself but these words were heard by Hinata who felt somewhat fearful now

This process had been tried for about ten minutes but no matter how they apparently did Yukio had a face full of disappointment, which made Hinata think that maybe she was not useful now

While she was thinking about it, she turned around just to watch Yukio wave her hand and take out a strange ... Fruit?

"Your body is not suitable for learning Chakra, even so ... I think this will be useful to you, I just have to ask you something ... Are you really willing to be under my orders?"

Yukio placed the Mera Mera no Mi that he had previously received from the system at the nearby table while looking at Hinata seriously

Hinata also stared at her she was seriously thinking if it would be a good idea, Yukio had saved her from what she would call her weakest moment ... He was even offering her power and although obviously trying to use her for some plan ...

He was still asking if he really wanted to be included, Hinata shook her head before showing resolution on her face

"I know you intend to use me and I may die, even so ... Could you at least do something for me if I agree to be under your orders?" Hinata wanted to at least say her own thoughts and above all her reason for being accepting power

But Yukio shook his head unwavering his hopes ... Or so she believed until Yukio pointed up with her finger

"I know very well that you are not looking for the power for your plans ... You do it to be able to protect her, right?"

Clearly, Yukio had noticed the presence of someone other than Hinata in this house, he did not know who it was and much less cares to know ... At least that was until he realized that Hinata was looking for power to protect that person

Hinata nodded as her gaze turned to Yukio again "Could you ... If I were to die, at least take care of her? Although she is problematic in some ways is not bad"

Yukio shrugged it was really ironic that he was asked to take care of someone "I don't want ... I don't plan to take care of anyone not at least not against my will, that's why you should do it for you same ..."

"... Then" Hinata felt a heaviness in her heart

"So? Come on, I'm saying do it yourself, who said you're going to die? I haven't said before that I'm going to protect you?"

"Protect me?" Hinata muttered to himself remembering those words in his mind, it was at that moment that Yukio reached down in front of her and reached out his hand

"I'll ask again ... Will you be under my orders now?"

Hinata was silent looking at her hand before drawing a weak smile and slowly opening her lips.

"I accept it..."

At the moment that his words came out of his mouth, Hinata witnessed as Yukio immediately moved his own hand towards her and pierced his chest

Hinata's eyes widened in shock but strangely she felt no pain, rather Yukio's hand was almost intangible and soon some knowledge traveled to her mind.

The process seemed to be quite long but in reality, it all took place in five minutes, Yukio withdrew his hand while Hinata blinked her eyes before releasing a tired sigh

"That ... Couldn't you have notified before?" Hinata complained when she could feel her heart rate return to normal

Yukio rubbed his nose before grinning innocence "I knew that if I told you it would be impossible for you not to feel fear, it was better to keep it hidden ... Also, nothing went wrong or did it?"

Hinata wanted to protest but decided to simply roll her eyes to this boy in front of her and let him pass for now

"You should take it for yourself now ..." Yukio took the mere Mera no Mi in his hands again before placing it in front of Hinata who seemed confused

From the beginning to the end she did not know what this strange Fruit had to do with the situation, but knowing that nothing granted by Yukio would be normal she took a breath before taking it into her hands

She looks at her carefully from side to side as if trying to find something

"You know ... you just have to eat it and it's not like I'm trying to poison you, you're pretty paranoid."

At Yukio's mocking words, Hinata felt embarrassed and quickly took a bite out of the fruit

The fruit tasted horrible almost to the point where Hinata wanted to vomit but strangely she didn't spit it out and just chew it before swallowing it

His expression soon filled with pleasure before the Mera Mera no Mi remaining turned to ashes and eventually disappeared

Yukio watched everything with curiosity to the last detail where Hinata smiled and slowly opened her lips

"Thank you..."

It was the last thing she said before falling unconscious, Yukio quickly held her in his arms and shook her head.

"It seems to work, it's just that his body needs to adapt, at least I have confirmed that my rewards can be used by another ... Should I also look for the bearer of the Teigu?"

While he was thinking about it, he carried Hinata in his arms, because of the difference in sizes it was somewhat uncomfortable but with his STR he strengthens, it doesn't matter much

He took her to his room and left her lying on the bed while he took her shoes off, then he covered her with a blanket

He gave him one last look before leaving the house through the window and leaving without anyone noticing, while he did reach a conclusion

"Teigu ... I wouldn't mind carrying it, I need power and it's suitable for it ... Also, wouldn't it be fun to play a little with those Fallen Angels"

Oddly enough, it seems like a boy of only seven years who jumped the rooftops like a ninja kept a smile on his lips just imagining what kind of fun he would find soon

Hinata: https://senrankagura.fandom.com/wiki/Hinata

MARK: https://i.imgur.com/oBDdLi4.png


- Gunbai (Madara Uchiha)

- Kagetane Hiruko Costume

- Liz And Patty (Soul Eater)



- Chakra control (Naruto) - Steal (KonoSuba) - Thirst for blood (Assassination Classroom) - Demon's Extract (Teigu - Akame Ga Kill) - Random Skill Ticket (Unused)

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