
Troubles (2/2)

Haruto dashed to Selianna's home while being anxious. He jumped from building to building like a famous ninja. He's not considering using Instant Transmission since the current mood with his companions were kinda awkward right now so if he just appeared beside them all of a sudden....

In any case he had to apologize to them first. The fact Elsie did not contact him since yesterday and refusing to answer his call was definitely worrying. That girl might be gentle and obedient but could be really scary when she's truly angry.

Sighing, he continued his way there but suddenly a commotion happened below him on the street.

"Hey look!"

"What? That guy is from yesterday!!"

"Yeah!! He's the one messing with the girls! That black and orange outfit, there's no mistake!!"

"Catch him, don't let him get away again!!"

"That fucking bastard just going around hitting on someone's possession, I'm so envi-*cough* so mad at him!!"

"Make sure he won't live as a man anymore after today guys!!"

Haruto was stunned from the uproar of the men. He remembered about the thing from yesterday and shuddered. Even though he was masked yesterday but his attire was still noticeable. He would like to bow his head and apologized but seeing the frenzied eyes of the people below he refrained from the thought and decided to escape instead.

"Ah he ran away!!"

"Goddamnit!! After him!!"


"*Huft* *Huft* That...was harsh.."

Haruto finally arrived near Selianna's villa. By going through various trials he managed to shake off the men and reached a safety area. Thankfully his antics from yesterday did not reach his current area at the northern part of the city. He cursed his yesterday self for not changing his clothes. At the very least "he" shouldn't brought so much troubles for him...

Now he couldn't wear his usual outfit inside the capital, at least not until the situation had calmed down. Who knows when it will be...

Sighing again while blaming himself he moved his feet to the back door of the villa. He rang the bell and waited for someone to open the door. His heart was beating like mad, he already stormed his brain thinking what to say but did not find the right word.

Before long the sound of locked being opened was heard and the door opened. Haruto raised his head and his face turned pale immediately while letting out cold sweats.


Standing there was Selianna glaring at him with absolute zero eyes and pitch black aura. Her face was emotionless and light did not reach her eyes.

Let's prepare for my second death, Haruto thought.


"I'm very sorry."

Haruto was currently kneeling on the floor in front of three young girls. It was a perfect dogeza that even his fellow japanese would be proud of him and giving him a thumb up.

Elsie was sitting on left followed by Selianna on the middle and Fia on the right.

Elsie puffed her cheeks while having teary eyes while Fia averted her gaze from him while blushing. Selianna still glaring at him with her unchanging cold eyes.

"...I've heard of what happened." Selianna said coldly.

"Looks like you have so much fun on your stroll outside yesterday huh? Even these two poor little girls did not escape your poisonous fang. Truthfully I'm so impressed.

42 single teenagers girl.

67 teenagers girl in relationships.

134 for other women in twenties, both single and in relationships.

That makes 243 victims all over the capital within half a day. You're very energetic aren't you? Apparently some noble girls managed to fell as victims too. I wouldn't be surprised if a bounty was placed in your head starting from today. Thankfully nothing too serious happened to them so you could be considered as barely safe."

"I did not have anything to say about that..."

It looked like Elsie and Fia did not know what he had done yesterday so after hearing what Selianna just said, they looked at him with amazement.

"I know Haruto-nii was having problem with [Growth] but it's still too much isn't it?"

"Eh? It's normally not like that?" Elsie asked.

"Well yes you would be very stimulated during that time but normally it was not to that extent. At the very least everyone would be acting in high tension and became a bit weird but that's about it. In Haruto-nii's case it was so severe as if he was being made to drink a gallon of ecstasy drugs."

"Now that you mentioned it, he was." Selianna pondered for a bit a nodded.

"I remember the effect on the personality was differed based on their [Growth]. Just how much did you improve for it to be that extent?" She continued.


Haruto examined his body once again. His overall base power definitely increased several times over. He had more reserve of Ki and his senses were sharpened.

But the most important thing is one of his "Restrictions" was weakened. It was weakened, not completely opened so it made him wonder what's going on. His current body should be able to endure the next level of transformation so why is it not released yet?

He thought for awhile and realized it must be because his proficiency with the first Super Saiyan transformation was still too low. He must mastered the form first before he could access the next level. Because he inherited Goku's legacy from the later part of the series it shouldn't be that hard to achieve, at least not as long as Goku did for the first time.

Selianna and the others were eyeing him curiously since he suddenly fell deep in thought and wondering what he was currently thinking about.

Haruto closed his eyes and concentrated. Once again he focused his mind and tapped into the power inside his body. But this time he tried to keep the power from bursting outside and controlled it.

Before long his body glowed golden and his hair raised up. His hair and eyebrows turned golden and he opened his eyelids, revealing the now green eyes.

The girls gasped seeing his sudden transformation. Fia and Elsie especially was really shocked since this was their first time seeing Haruto in Super Saiyan form. Selianna too was startled for witnessing the familiar form but what surprised her more was this time it felt different.

His power did not burst out violently like before and instead it was suppressed smoothly inside his body. There's no fierce and violent impression from before and what she could see was tranquility in his eyes. He was calm and serene.

'Hmm as expected the second time was much easier compared to before. But it still hard to maintain it indefinitely even though I did not utilize any power'

Clenching his fists and opening them repeatedly Haruto analyzed his condition. He succeeded to transform quietly without burst of power just like Gohan did when he just entered high school to disguise himself on fighting the bandits.

He reverted his transformation and let out a deep breath, he decided to take it slowly and trained it constantly starting from today. If it's like this he should succeed in a few days and reached the Full Power Super Saiyan. He could feel the restriction weakening yet again when he's able to control the form better.

Fia and Elsie was frantically asking him question about what he just did. By now they already forgot what Haruto have done to them and questioning him excitedly. Haruto smiled wryly and explained about his transformation abilities and they were very impressed with him.

Selianna sighed seeing their enthusiasm and shook her head but she also smiled wryly and let them be.

After the session of Q&A with his companions Haruto decided to do the thing he had not done yet since the fight in the dungeon.

It was time for him to get his second summon.