
Troubles (1/2)

"W-what's with this guy?"

"Yeah and the hell with that mask? Gure..it Sei..yaman?"

"Could it be he's one of those people called as 'unfortunate person'...?"

The ruffian men were bewildered from the strange appearance and introduction of a new person and whispering with each other.

The bizarre masked man in question heard their mutterings and shrugged while sighing deeply as if saying "yare yare daze" to which veins appeared on their foreheads including Lena.

"It's Gr.ea.t Sai.ya.man, Great Saiyaman, got it?"

He corrected the guys while waving his index finger side to side with 'Tsk tsk tsk'. More veins appeared on their foreheads and their skin turned dark red.

"Ahhh to hell with this guy, kill him!!"

'Woaahhh!' the other guys roared and charged at him with great vigor as if facing their worst nemesis.

Great Saiyaman(?) responded to their attack by ducking his body and moved under one of the man before clenching his fist and struck his chin with a powerful uppercut.

"Justice punch!!"

The body was launched upwards while twirling and crashed to the ground, no longer moving with his head completely crushed. Next the self proclaimed hero pointed his finger to the next target. The man yelped seeing that and asked frantically, "W-W-What!?"

"You're already dead."


He looked at his chest and a hole as big as a coin appeared right where his heart was located. He vomited blood and fell to the ground.

Two deaths.

Lena was extremely shocked from behind. 'When did he do that!?' she couldn't sense his attack at all and before she noticed the thug's already pierced on his heart. She already realized the masked man who proclaimed himself as "Great Saiyaman" was definitely Haruto from his attire and voice. But she didn't recall him being that fast before.

The last man was obviously trembling in horror, he was examining his body in fear of suffering the same thing as his companion but realizing there's no wound he breath relieved. Just as he was feeling this,

"As for you..."

A finger poke the back of his head and before the man knew it the figure of the masked boy had already disappeared in front of him and stood behind his body.



Suddenly his body exploded. Flesh and blood splattered everywhere. He couldn't even screamed and his entire body was scattered into pieces.

"Art is an explosion...."

Lena was obviously feeling afraid from his vicious way of killing. How could someone's able to burst other's body that easily?

She looked at the girl that was captured before but noticed the girl's already unconscious. She realized once again Haruto just knocked her out without being seen.

"Fuh, another good deed for today's Great Saiyaman."

He crossed his arms and said full of satisfaction. "He did this kind of thing before!?" Was what Lena thinking in her head. Obviously this was the first time Haruto acted as mysterious superhero.

And then he pointed his fingers to the other corpses and launched a small beam, burning them to ashes as well. After he finished, he turned his head to spot Lena gazing at him nervously.

Lena yelped in her heart and although his face was covered by a mask he could hear his smirk when he looked at her. Somehow she got an ominous feeling as if something important to her would be lost if he managed to catch her. There's definitely something wrong with him today and she was afraid of it.

She tried to escape immediately but noticed one of her wrist was caught and she was pulled behind, leaning her back to the still masked boy.

"Fufufu, trying to run away? That's very cold of you, even though i spent my effort to come here and rescue you....oh my heart was so hurt...."

'You didn't seem like it! Your heart was beating excitedly right now!' Lena retorted in her heart. She could hear the beating of his heart because her head was leaning on his chest from his pull.

"W-Wait wait wait, Haruto-san! It'll be best if you calm down for a bit and release me...."

"Oh? Whatever do you mean? I'm extremely calm right now. Come to think of it, it was only natural for someone to payback when they're helped ri~ght?"

*Bikun* Lena's body jolted and her face started to turn pale. 'Seriously, what is happening to him!?' She tried to struggle but Haruto was just too strong for her and somehow she was getting nervous too with a strange feeling in her heart.

"It's o~kay. You can pay me back.....with your body."

She was so doomed...


"Mmmph! Nmu...nmu...nn~"

When she noticed they were already inside an inn's room and Haruto kissed her lips passionately, already removing his mask.

Their lips were wet from the intensity of their kiss and the sound of tongue entangling with other could be heard loudly. Haruto sucked her soft lips and tongue while slowly dragging her body by her waist to the bed.

Lena's mind had gone blank. She didn't know what's happening anymore and she noticed Haruto already pushed her down, laying with her back on the bed while still kissing deeply and her breasts fondled by his hand.

Moans of pleasure and hot gasps escaped for her mouth and everytime Haruto licked her neck and rubbed her chests her consciousness turned even more muddy until it was completely white.


Chirps of birds reached Haruto's ears and he opened his eyes to see light of sun shining brightly from the windows.

He raised his body and rubbed his sleepy eyes. After yawning deeply and stretched his body, he's finally sobered up.

'Huh? What was I....'

And then it came.

His antics from yesterday and what he had done, he remembered all of it. He was in a post [Growth] state and 'rampaging' around his surroundings. He could recall the girls he molested secretly while exploring the town after walking out of Selianna's villa. He was chased around by furious boyfriends who girlfriends were sexually harassed by him and he just laughed mockingly at them while escaping.

And then he sensed a particular familiar energy and headed to that location after shaking off his pursuers. He saved Lena the beautiful female knight he's acquainted with and forced her to come inside her room and then...

He gasped and looked beside him. He found no one was there and secretly relieved. But he was very scared since his upper body was currently naked.

He couldn't remember...

Haruto could recall until he was forcefully kissing and pinning Lena on the bed while feeling her entire body but for some reason his memory during that time was foggy and blurred.

Did they do it? Did he just violated someone's girlfriend in a spur of moment?

His face became as white as a paper. He opened his blanket and look at the bed sheet. He was relieved once again seeing no trace of blood or body fluids thinking they were fine.

But he still felt nervous since he couldn't locate the figure of Lena. He frantically looked around the room and he heard a noise from another room.

This inn was quite luxurious even though it was not that pricey. Rather than inn it was more like an apartment with it's own bathroom and kitchen for each room, beside the bedroom. He noticed someone's cooking in the kitchen and approaching timidly after putting on his clothes.

He peeked inside and saw Lena making breakfast with pan. Lena noticed him and turned her head towards him. Haruto jolted immediately.

"Oh you're awake, good morning Haruto-san."

Lena smiled softly and greeted him. He was stunned seeing her acting normally. So they did not cross the line after all?

"Oh? Uh... Yes good morning..." He replied awkwardly.

"Fufufu please wait for awhile, I'm currently preparing breakfast."

"Uhh no it's alright, more importantly Lena-san..?"


"Did we just.... Umm you know.. yesterday..."

He didn't know what to say he tried asking directly but couldn't bring himself to. But fortunately Lena seemed to understand what he meant and she made a troubled smile.

"Ahh, that... Well it was..."

"...As expected, we did it..?

"Uh no no no, we didn't do it! You're suddenly collapsed before we crossed the line and nothing happened!"

"R-Really?" He asked hopefully.

"Yes." She smiled softly, assuring him.

Haruto released a relieve sigh and pat his chest. He still felt guilty for kissing and fondling her body but at least he didn't cross the line.

"Ahahaha I see...Sorry about everything Lena-san, at that time I was..." He awkwardly smiled and scratched his cheek.

"I know, you just had your [Growth] right? I can understand, don't worry."

"Eh you knew?"

"At first I didn't realize it but then I started to notice your recent collapse after the dungeon so.."

"Is that so.. Well in any case I'll make sure to repay you for causing much trouble so please don't be afraid to ask anything from me in the future."

"Fufufu is that so? I'll take you up on your offer then." She chuckled and accepted his offer.

"Oh yes I think it'll be ready soon, so do you want to have a breakfast with me?"

"Hm? Ah it's okay I must return back to the villa, it seems i've caused troubles there too...."

His stomach was aching from remembering another one of his misdeeds from yesterday.

"Ara, is that so, then you should go quickly."

"Yes, see you again later Lena-san, once again I'm sorry for everything."

"It's okay, it's okay. Just remember your promise okay?"

Haruto smiled and nodded. Then he went out of Lena's room to return to Selianna's villa in order to apologize to the other girls. He tried to contact Elsie from telepathy but for some reason Elsie refused to answer, making him even more nervous.


Lena had finished eating and washed all of her plates. She sighed and went to the closet inside her bedroom.

She opened the closet and took out a blanket and a bed sheet. She spread them open and saw trace of blood and body fluids sticking on the sheet and blanket.

Lena sighed again remembering what happened yesterday. She was ravaged by a very hungry wolf until late at night without being able to resist at all. She moaned loudly and gasping from the intense sexual activities, her lower abdomen was completely filled with Haruto's seed again and again. Her body was completely played around by him and she was violated from behind while grasping the bed sheet tightly with her hands.

She also made to climax countless times despite her first time and screamed cries of pleasure. After that they fell asleep together from exhaustion. And waking up early in the morning she secretly replaced the blanket and the sheet while Haruto's still sleeping. His mind just recovering from the effect of [Growth] so he slept quite deeply and did not notice anything.

Based on her experience, Lena knew Haruto wouldn't remember much about the event last night so she's not worry about him finding out what he had done to her. Even if she was kinda raped by him, she for some reason did not resist him that much and she knew he saved her life previously and didn't wish to blame him. That's why she decided to keep the truth as a secret from him.

And then after looking at the dirty sheets and feeling the discomfort on her lower body, she finally realized she was robbed of her virginity by a man she just recently known of, not to mention she still had a boyfriend. She let out drops of tears and sobbed silently in her room.