

"So what are we going to do?"

Asami asked the other girls inside the room.

"Haru-kun said for us to stay behind but..." Rikka seemed reluctant.

"He intended to chase after the kidnapper alone? But I guess it's logical considering the situation..." Selianna murmured.

Lena had been kidnapped for two days and the location she was brought to was also unknown. With that being the case she's very likely in a huge danger so immediate action was required.

Fia and Elsie were fidgeting, not knowing what to do. In the end all the people there were restless and uneasy while being concern for both Haruto and the kidnapped girl in question.

".....I'll go after Haruto-kun."

Kaori said solemnly with a grim expression. The others looked at her perplexed.

"You Kaori-san? But..." Fia was stunned.

"...Indeed among all of us you're the one who could go and backed him up." Selianna interjected with a complicated face.

"Kaori-san can fly after all...." Rikka added while being frustrated for not being able to do the same and chased after her loved one.

"There's that too but that's not all." Kaori said with a bitter smile.

"What's wrong?" Asami asked.

".....I have a bad feeling for some reason that insist for me to go."

When Kaori said that the uneasiness of the girls increases. Her intuition might be her imagination but in this kind of situation they did not dare to even doubt their own instinct. This was especially true for Asami who already learnt about the cruel fact in the most torturing way.

"...Alright then please go and help him Kaori. We will do our own task here and looked out for the information regarding such a masked man." Asami nodded with a grim face and glanced at the others' eyes.

"Then I shall report on the palace regarding this case. No matter how small it was, this was a true mass kidnapping incident. For such man to wander around freely on the capital all this time he's definitely a threat."

Selianna also agreed and spoke out her plan.

"Sure, I leave it to you guys here that's why please also leave Haruto-kun to me. Elly-chan should also stay with everyone else okay? If something happened you have to let us know."

Kaori smiled and gazed at her 'older sister'. Elsie nodded vigorously while the others also responded by starting to made their preparation.

Kaori made her way to the door leading outside while spreading her glimmering silver wings, ready to travel through the sky at the same direction a certain black haired boy gone to.

She hoped what she's feeling right now was truly an exaggeration.....


After receiving explanation from the duo knights Haruto and them proceeded to interrogate the still unconscious one of the kidnapping group that was spared before.

No matter how Haruto was threatening him, he always said that they all didn't know anything so Haruto decided to change his question.

He asked the direction the mastermind gone to. Even if he did not know where their client might be planning to brought the victims, at least he should have seen where he'd go at.

But his answer remained the same that he 'didn't know' Haruto almost went mad and killed him right away but the interrogated guy immediately explained regarding what he saw.

He said the masked man carried the kidnapped people put on a large sack and exited the log house. The mohawk guy and the other crews planned to follow after him to find out where'd he go. The reason was obvious that it was to stab their client from the back and plundered all his belongings.

But after they followed him secretly for awhile, they lost their target and forced to pull back. Yet, one of them, the mohawk guy Haruto eas currently interrogating in was actually saw the guy during the time he went out to 'relieve' himself.

He said the man suddenly "absorbed" the large sack containing people into his body and then disappeared from that place in an instant like a ghost.

Haruto was astounded hearing that and opened his eyes wide.

Disappearing from a place in an instant, isn't that just like one of his signature abilities? To think the enemy also possessed similar ability. And what's with the case of the masked man "absorbing" things into his body?

It looked like things were even more complicated than he thought and that the girl he was planning to save was even more in danger than he expected. The fact that she might also be carrying a life on her body made him even more uneasy and frustrated.

He had to make his move now but how? He already checked on his sense but there's no sign of Lena's familiar energy signature. He forced himself to concentrate and searched for her energy but it was to no avail.

Hypothesises went through Haruto's mind and that was the kidnapper possessed ability to manipulate dimensional space. If that's true then it was no wonder Haruto could not sense Lena's energy, the culprit must be using his ability, causing him to not able to track his trace.

Or the worst possible situation was that the girl in question had already lost her life, the only one scenario Haruto wanted to happen the least.

Even if she's not so, it's just going to happen sooner or later so there's no time to stand still.

No time for that and yet he didn't know what to do, he already out of idea.

Damn it!!!

Is it hopeless already....?!

Is she already out of reach...??!

Haruto in his anger and frustration smacked the ground furiously. He bit his lip until it was bleeding while his body was trembling from his mind turmoil. The usually vigorous black eyes on his face now lost their light, showing his despair.

Perhaps if there's enough time he could slowly search for information regarding the case but right now was already the second day and it was almost the third day already so obviously time had already running short.

Not to mention just imagining Lena actually carrying his child on her body and the fact both of them were killed was too much to take on his heart.

The duo knights were perplexed seeing the boy's sudden bizarre condition and didn't know what to say. Why was he that care about their co-worker anyway? Weren't they only interacted for a short while back then? Could it be something was going on between them?

They didn't know and did not understand but at least the despair and frustration emitted from the boy's sad posture moved their heart.

In any case they tried to at least cheer him up but before they could the boy who hung down his head in frustration suddenly jerked and raised his head in shock.

He turned his gaze to the northeast and state at the direction blankly. He reached out his hand as if he was trying to catch on something but then his hand suddenly stopped as if what he's trying to capture had lost and disappeared.

....Even so that was good enough for him. Light returned to his eyes and his bleeding lip began to curve, forming a happy smile as if he just found a ray of hope.

"Found you..."

That was all he said before he leaped up high to the dark night sky and flew off immediately with incredible momentum, leaving behind the knights on the ground without looking at them even once before he go.