
Epilogue (Vol.1)

The current weather was very clear. The sky was blue and the sun shone brightly but even so the temperature was not that hot from the constant blew of the wind. Birds were flying happily and rabbits could be seen running on the field.

Today's definitely the best weather for a journey. And yet the atmosphere inside the carriage passing by this road was stark contrast from the surroundings.




It was so very silent. A fox girl driving the carriage, a cute young devil with purple kimono having troubled face, constantly glancing at the person in front of her.

The last person there, a young boy with black hair was currently laying his body on his side, supporting his cheek with his arm.

His eyes were languid. Time to time he would sigh again and again. His face was full of what people called 'Slothness'. He could be heard grumbling something with extremely tiny voice.

Haruto's mood was definitely the worst. It's always been like this ever since he returned from the dungeon. He felt very sluggish and lethargic. His mind did not work properly and he definitely did not feel like doing anything troublesome.

"...Anoo Kami-sama?" Elsie finally could not bear the atmosphere and tried to talk.


Alas the boy responded with an annoyed face. Elsie immediately shut her mouth with "It's nothing~" and averted her gaze.

She looked at Fia on the driver seat trying to ask for help. But she just smiled wryly and signaled with her eyes "Let him be" she said.

It's been a day since the event inside the dungeon. By now they've already resumed their journey for the capital.

After Selianna and the other knights returned all beaten up, Fia and Elsie were extremely shock, in addition Haruto too was brought along with them.

He already regained his consciousness but his eyes were hollow and his emotion went downhill. He just greeted them with "Yo." before turning silent and sighing for countless times.

Selianna smiled wryly and explained the situation to them. After receiving the explanation Fia instantly "Aaah" with an understanding face and smiled wryly too.

Compared to her Elsie alone was confused. She didn't get why her Kami-sama suddenly became like this and extremely worried about him but Fia and Selianna reassured her he's fine and would recover sooner or later.

Selianna asked about the content of her report regarding the incident before to Haruto but he just replied "Whatever, just remember what you promised, just make you the hero this time around."

She wanted to protest since usurping other's achievement was not something she fond of. But Haruto just glared with his hollow eyes as if saying 'You've promised so just get on with it already...'

In the end she gritted her teeth and complied but not before she vowed to compensate him for this.

Fia told her about their plan to leave the city and continued their trip tomorrow. Selianna nodded and said "I'll follow you soon."

Right, she was surely gonna have to go to the capital after she reported on the quarter regarding her current mission. The headquarter would surely demand further explanation from her directly. In addition to decide on her rewards and other matters from the higher-ups.

And so after exchanging pleasantries the knights and Haruto's group part ways with Elsie holding Haruto still being worried about him. The next day they departed to the capital.

A few days later they finally reached the capital of Human Empire Filtrania. An extremely massive city dozens of times bigger than Latia. The qualities of the buildings and size too were definitely different.

Sadly the still lethargic Haruto did not have the chance to feast upon the view. He just grumbled "Finally arrived, about damn time..." with Fia and Elsie sweatdropped and bitterly smiled seeing him.

Since his involvement could not completely disregarded for the dungeon's case he was asked to come to the guild as soon as they arrived at the capital. To which he immediately frowned as a respond, showing his displease.

He walked unsteadily towards the guild saying "Let's get it over quickly...."

Both girls followed and supported him on the way. Since he did not have the mood to look around, they too could not enjoy the surroundings.

Thirty minutes later they finally arrived at the guild. It was several times larger than Latia's adventurer guild. No wonder considering this to be the primary branch for the human country.

The inside was very crowded so they needed to wait for sometime before they could approach the receptionist. By this time Haruto's mood had reached rock-bottom.

The receptionist was a young male in his mid twenties. Showing a bright business smile towards Haruto's group.

"We've been waiting for your arrival Haruto-san. We've already informed by the management staff of Latia's branch."

"...That so? Then what do you want?" He said coldly.

The male receptionist did not mind his attitude and kept his smile.

"In regards of your involvement for the Latia's dungeon case we'd like to reward you with 15000 quartz and elevate your rank to green rank adventurer."

Fia and Elsie was excited hearing that and congratulated him. Alas he just snorted and maintain indifference, causing the two of them to smile wryly.

The receptionist proceed to prepare his rewards and placed a bag of quartz on the table along with a small bottle container.

"Then here's your 15000 quartz. Would you show us your card?"

Haruto gave his card and the male receptionist went to the back room for a few minutes before he came back and his previously yellow card was now green.

"Then please dropped some of your blood both on the card and the bottle container please." He presented the card and bottle along with a small needle.

"Huh? I never knew we need to place our blood on a container during a rank up" Fia asked bewildered.

"Oh this is for additional documents please don't mind it." He said smiling.

Fia somehow felt suspicious and furrowed her brow. But the receptionist just smiled innocently ignoring her gaze.

"Alright, alright just give me that needle." Haruto said deeply sighing, seemingly annoyed.

If it was the usual him perhaps he would thought the same as Fia and noticed the peculiarity but the current him definitely did not have a mind to consider that. He just wanted to get this over as soon as possible and rolled around the bed ignoring everything.

Fia sighed and did not say anything. Since this was a special case perhaps there's really an additional requirement. At least she tried to think so.

Haruto dropped some of his blood on the card and the small container. The card shines brightly before fading. The receptionist seemed satisfied seeing the spectacles and retrieved the bottle.

"Thank you very much, with this you're an official green rank adventurer, would you like to see some quests?"

"Leave it at another time, so are we done here?"

"Yes it's already done."

"Then I'm outta here, later."

He turned back and gestured to his companion to follow him. They left the guild together and decided to immediately search for a place to stay since Haruto seemed to reach his limit.


A few hours later in a large mansion somewhere at the capital.

"Did you get it?" A figure of a middle aged man asked the person in front of him inside an office-like room.

"Yes, one of his companion seems to doubt us but there's no problem."

The person in front of the middle aged man was the same male receptionist Haruto met before.

"But are you sure he was the best candidate so far?" The man asked.

"It was without a doubt. We've already scanned through the other's candidates but he's definitely the most powerful with the most affinity. He's really an irregular among all of them, even outside the candidates."

"....An irregular among the otherworlders is it? Well that might have happened. In any case it doesn't seem to be that big of a deal." The man's expression turned solemn before he shrugged.

"...Perhaps it was so. But still, the numbers of the otherworlders in his generation was not that great and we needed the blood of a youngster like him so the other otherworlders were out of the question."

"Yes, because of that we have to spend a lot of time to search for a suitable person. And I've finally found it after 10 years...."

The man could not hide his delight. His goal for all this years just about to be realized. For 10 years since he found 'it', he couldn't do anything without fulfilling the requirements but it was finally fulfilled with Haruto's blood.

Soon the room was filled with the man's laughter while the male receptionist just bowed his head and stood calmly without any emotions.


Haruto would never known at this time that his actions would led him to an unexpected reunion.


- End of Volume 1 -