
Party 9:30 at Ash’s

It all started when I was 10, was 15 minutes late to school and was expecting a negative comment on my punctuality. But as always I am let to sit in the classroom without a single such comment. For me it was always OK because I was somewhat "special". Special in the sense that I belonged to a very rich family and my father was a very powerful man who started the company that revolutionized everything. And by everything I mean "Everything".

My grandfather was a Nobel Prize winning scientist who built the GATE. My father inherited the patents and he built an empire that commercialized the technology, changing the whole world within the first 7 years of his career. Now he is 67 and I am the legacy he leaves behind. The word "legacy" doesn't sound right to me when I am known by my father's reputation. I am nothing like my father but quite the opposite, dreamy and creative but not really that smart. That's the day I knew I was different and I had a lot coming my way. I was not a bit excited but instead I decided to just be and be me and let time play it's role. I am just a human being, young and unprepared but always given an upper hand at everything. Basically I am a rich spoiled kid. Now Im 23 and its been 6 years since I graduated and to my own surprise I turned out good in studies, really all the education was not that tough, I am just stronger than I thought but I did not join the company or do much science or business. I was not the smartest but I could earn myself the Gate Pass to the moon, mars and also titan. This is as far you can go as a human being using the Gate. Its year 2165 and I am an Interplanetary artist who makes music for the entire solar system we call home. I am everything I wanted to be and the world is fine with it but funnily I still own more than 45% of the shares of my father's company. So you must know what it means, every young man on earth wants to be me. I have just been back from my 3 month music tour around the terra-systema (the first human colonies in space) and I feel incredibly special. Im happy actually to be able to play music in the Grand arenas around the system and make the people dance in the depth of space away from Earth, the feeling is amazing. All the lights and the people and the luminosity of the people and the lights in them; I see it all. Everything is so beautiful and to be honest I love my father for who and what he is."

"So when are you going back to Earth since you've completed this tour? Your Moonbase performance was really really amazing." says the interviewer. "Im leaving in a couple of earth hours through the Copernicus Gate Terminal. I just didn't want to let down a gorgeous luna like you though I was supposed to leave about an hour earlier. I have got some friends waiting and its probably gonna be a party toinght, another night, just like that!" "Well she isn't the kind of woman you would want to disappoint. I don't know if anybody notices but I feel like Im living my best life." I think and I know while Im hanging to that thought I look like an asshole, my body language displays it all like the spectrum of light from a holo cube. I put that completely on God. But there's nobody to hate me, I mean there's always people that don't quite like me and some who just happen to like me, some are total fanatics and a lot of people are just like me, one who likes everybody.

Its 11:45 AM over in Israel and I should be in Israel by 1:56 PM so I book my Gate to Israel teleporting at 1:55. I leave the crater and call my pod, travel a few miles on the surface to CGT3 and teleport to Israel Planetary and Interplanetary Teleportation Terminal.

As I reach Israel I cannot help but wonder how the human consciousness also travels through space-time as if it is embedded into a safe system so that the body is never detached from whatever we call consciousness. In fact the teleportation experience is so majestic, I hear some people also get this condition called Teleport mania, its nothing so major but if there's such a thing then I think I know why it develops. For a few seconds, 7 to 8 maybe there's this amazing display of supersymmetric crystalline something and suddenly you reappear somewhere far away or real close like magic. It reminds me of the pictures and simulations I used to see back in school in our "Spiritual Health" classroom. And the tryptamine trips, they're the real deal but sadly nobody remembers exactly what we experience on it.

I should have taken my Subterranean train to Mumbai but I love flying, its a little slower but it makes up for the time I need to bring myself back to a state. I hop on the jetpod and it takes off like a kite swiftly and gently gaining altitude. As I look down I see the dome over Israel, it looks like a sunflower with petals around it delicately placed on the circumference. The Earth has become a few degrees hotter on average, everything else is quite fine and in the last 100 years we have lost some old nations to desertification. Its incredible to think how Science has brought us so far when a couple hundred years ago we feared we might lose our own planet. I believe in God and the purpose of us as a species and everything I have or have experienced in my life I believe there's a higher power facilitating it all for this vessel that carries consciousness with it.

I reach Mumbai, Its 2:45 in the afternoon and I have friends waiting for me on the surface.

There's a message in my lens, "Hey you son of a bitch, we're here to pick you up at the exit. Where you gonna run now boy? You can't teleport anywhere for another hour at least and I have someone with me its a surprise. Come to the location here's the pin, give me a call when you reach here." Its Shaan, my childhood friend but I decide to not make the call and head straight to the location. I see this bitch from a distance and send him a haptic location. He turns towards me and yells like a crazy man, "Hey yo, get your ass here right now I wanna kiss you on your lips like we're gay!" I feel like Im home now. This guy is right there in my heart, he's a fucktard but that's him. "Fuuuuuuccckkk youuu…" I show him the finger rev my exo-suit motor to full speed and grapple him by his neck with the elbow and we both swirl like ice-skaters for a second. People think he and I have some sex thing going on but we both know its nothing like that. Shaan hands me this earth suit, the space exoskeletons are so bulky I feel like a bull wearing it. I take the earth-suit and change. "Now I feel human." I say. "Shut up, you've always been an animal." He says.

Around him it always feels like home, now its time we go see some fine women. The party will not be left unattended especially when its Shaan throwing one. And there's this surprise waiting for me at the party, a surprise that is someone I must not have met for a long time I guess. We both Shaan and I send out messages through our comms saying "Party tonight, 9:30 at Ash's".