
Life can’t get any better.

"Hey hey hey, give my man some space here" says Shaan and lets me through it. Here at the party nobody listens to anybody, it's all loud music, dancers, performers and an impossible crowd. When I'm performing I make sure the crowd gets the best haptic in the suits. Now I'm m seeing colors all around me, sleek edges of the exo-suits impressively flashing from one end to the other, one person to the other. The vibe is real and tonight I get to party, no DJing by me. "Aha, finally found you, the crowd's crazy man!" says Riza and jumps on me out of nowhere. Im more than just happy to have met Riza, she's the one who got my first gig before I blew up but she is a seasonal martian so we haven't met for long. "So this is my surprise?" I ask and she starts to act all crazy and fun and she looks at my exo-suit and exclaims "Whoaaa…! How much did this one cost you?". It's a luxury suit that I'm wearing, with the best things packed into one single unit. It is really really costly but I say "Not so much." I immediately eject my suit, keeping it in a stance and hug Riza here. Sometimes it gets emotional with her. But we need to party. I hop in my suit connect to the hall and send a message "Let's get the party going."

The performer of the night takes on the centre stage and it begins. It's a grand grand party that you do not get to see everyday. This arena is a dome within the geodesic dome right at the heart of the city and tonight its out party. Riza, Shaan and me we make some space for ourself and drink till we can't behave. These two people, I just can't afford to lose in my life. So every time I come back or head somewhere I at least see Shaan. There's drinks, drugs and an entire night ahead of us. We can not afford to get wasted so soon we start dancing around the stage, dissolving into the crowd. Life can't get any better. Well no, it actually can. Haha! It surely can.