
The Lazy Dragon: The Slothful One

This is my first cultivation novel, so forgive me for making mistakes. >>> A Story. A Legend. An Adventure. This is the tale of a Dragon—a reincarnator—whose ultimate aspiration is to become a true Dragon. He yearns to plunder kingdoms, kidnap princesses, and engage in battles against knights who dare to rescue them. However, there's a twist to his character: he is incredibly lazy. >>> Read the first chap and see if you like. Comment how you want the story to progress.

Zereeo_Ak · Kỳ huyễn
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35 Chs

1. The birth



The ripples of unrest spread though my mind as the fog that covered my consciousness cleared. A crispy cracking sound entered my ears as I woke up from my sweet slumber. I felt annoyed and irritated as the cracking sound became more distinct. 

I open my eyes to look for the bugger causing this noise but all I see is darkness, so I close my eyes to go back to sleep.


'Ahhh, let me sleep fuckers!!!' I shouted, but all I heard was,"Arghh, grr graw grrrr," a bestial growl. 


What in the fucking hell was that? 

I know that I growl like a beast when I am woken mid-sleep, but that was clearly different from my growls. It was more bestial than my normal growls. This cause me to snap open my eyes but all I could see was darkness with specks of light slipping through the crack.

'Hello,' I voiced or tried, "Graaw," but only a growl came out of my mouth.

Feeling that something might be wrong with my mouth or voice box or whatever you may call it, I try to move my tongue to check. But my tongue instantly feels different, it's like you were given a different pillow than the one you used to sleep in. You instantly know that it is a different one. 

Seeing that something is weird, I move my limbs, expecting to see a grown human hand but what came into my view were claws and not any claws, thick solid claws.


Well, lets deal with it later.

I put my hands back or should I say claws back now. Now that I have found out something is definitely weird, I look toward the crack that was spilling light. I try to see what's on the other side but the crack is a bit too small.

Since the crack is too small, I am going to do any human would do. Well, I am not sure what I am but I am about to punch myself out of this hole and I assure you, I am a certified puncher. If you don't believe me, just trust me.

'Let's do this,' I hype myself, but again, "Grraw grr graw."

Putting my linguistic skills aside. I take a deep breath as I pull back my hand and at this point, I notice that I am not standing but lying on my back. Exactly not the best position to throw a punch but I can work with this.

I punch out, as I exhale, with all my strength. My fist connected with whatever blocking the light.


A cracking sound was heard as my fist punched a hole through and the light flooded in like an open dam, This caused me to squint my eyes and I take my leisure time as I wait for my eyes to adjust. 

You may wonder why I am not panicking or hurrying to check myself. It's because I would rather take rest and keep calm than meet my problems. I don't like problems. I am the type of guy who sleeps through his troubles and drifts with life.

After resting for a few minutes, I twist my body in weird angles and somehow managed to poke my head through the hole. This caused the already cracked confinement to split open. This just made my efforts worthless. 

But on the bright side, I was out of whatever kept me. So, I take this time to check my surroundings. This is a must for your survival, taught by Bear Grills, you need to know about your environment. 

From my keen observation, I found that I am in what you could call a cave as I am surrounded by dark rocks. the light was spilling through the ceiling. Fortunately, or unfortunately, I am the only one present. 

While I was observing, I also found out what I broke out of. It was an egg, pitch black with specks of blue, white, yellow, orange, and red. The egg looked like the night sky with twinkling stars. 

Now that I have checked my surroundings, it was time to meet the problem. I lower my head at what happened to me. Well, what I found was no big deal, just clawed hands and legs, and my skin was covered in hard scales. 

From my speculations, I have become a lizard,

A fucking lizard!

Seeing the situation doesn't make much sense, I think back to the memories. I remember reading novels until it was 4 A.M. It was a common occurrence for me as I normally sleep late and get up late.

But what I find weird is that I was reincarnated. I already know I was reincarnated. Ah, come on, the latest trending tags were reincarnation and regression. These tags were used so much that you can't find a good new novels anymore.

Ahem, I was going out of the subject.

Back to the matter at hand, I find myself wondering why I was reincarnated as a lizard and why me though? I didn't have a bad life! I could even say I had an easygoing life. So, where is the cliche background story? It almost feels like a punishment. 

Think about it! No phone, no internet, no cat videos, and no cultured magazines, you know when you know. It was like I was stripped away from my life and thrown into hell. I am starting to get annoyed now that I think about it.


Again, I was going out of the subject. Now that I am a lizard with claws, scales, and wings...Wings? I turn to look at my back, there were indeed wings. It was my lightning movement and my bulb burned bright. A smile threatened to make its way to my lips as I feel the extra pair of limbs on my back.

"Gra," A chuckle escaped my mouth as I think of the future. 

They were my wings, pure black, in all their glory and what does this make me? A winged lizard and what is the other name for a winged lizard? A dragon.

Yes, a fucking dragon!

"Gra...Gra...Gragragragra," Unable to control my joy I started laughing like a madman.

My laughter fills the empty cave and echoes back to me, causing my scales to tinkle in fright.

No wonder those bastards always said I laugh like a villain. I do sound like a madman.

But I don't care about it as my iconic villain laughter will help me in the future as I am a fucking dragon that rains down hellfire, kidnaps princesses, hoards treasures and, last but not the least, sleeps forever.

I am The Dragon, 

I shall rip apart those who oppose me and drink the enemies' blood. I shall show this world the true horror of the Dragons. I shall make those arrogant gods kneel before me.

"Gragragragaragaragagag," My bestial laughter filled the cave.

After having the laugh of my life and scaring myself with my own laughter. I decided to start my journey.


I don't see a way out other than the ceiling and I know in my intelligent mind that I can't climb the walls with my, now clawed, hands. And I definitely didn't want to send myself to dragon heaven by trying to climb my way out. 


I sit down on the cave floor as I wonder how to get out of this hell hole. I, really, don't want to die right after I became The Dragon.

I was sitting down with my butt on the rocky floor like a Dragon, like a dog. It feels weird, to say the least, sitting with my arse without your fat butt is uncomfortable. My tail just lies straight, waving at times I contemplate intensely.

Now I need to find a way out. And to find a way out, I pull up all the memories related to Bear Grills programs. First, I need to find an opening, and to find the opening, I need to follow the wind. So, I spit my saliva on my hands and raise it to feel the wind.

and I wait,

I wait for the my skin to feel the wind direction.

I wait,

But I couldn't feel the wind. I checked my hands and the small layer of saliva sticking to it. I found the reason for it when I look at my hand. It was because of the rough obsidian black scales were covering my hand, and no wonder I don't feel the fluctuations of the wind. The scales are not the best receptors to find the wind fluctuations.

Now, I know this because I use to read novel where the protagonist is reborn as a Dragon. And Dragons are a kind of reptiles and reptiles scales are not sensitive as they sometime gets cooked when they sun bath.

Yep, they get sun cooked.

Another thing that I noticed was that I am a endothermic creature, so I am a warm blooded creature unlike the normal reptiles. This is a good news as don't need to find the sun to keep me hot. Now thing about it, a Dragon that lies on a rock with its belly up so it could get hot. 

NOT majestic at all. 

I would really love to do that but I don't want my image to be ruined.

I am going side tracked, again. Since I couldn't find the exit using my hand, I thought to use the next best receptor, my tongue. I put out my tongue like a lazy dog to sense the wind direction. 

And I do. 

The wind was flowing from left to right. So, like any well minded person would do, I follow the wind. I circled around the cave to find the exit and to my surprise I ended up back to where I was before.

The wind was going in circles inside the cave, more like a cavity. The wind was coming through the ceiling, making a round in the cave and out through the ceiling.

Since I am back to where I was. I sat down and calmed down as I look at the sky above. Since I can't find an immediate solution for my problem, my mind wanders. My mind process a million thought as it wondered.

Why did I reincarnate?

How did I reincarnate?

Did I die in my sleep? 

No, my instincts tell me I didn't die in my sleep.

How is my family?

What about my mother and father?

What about my annoying siblings? 

It was hard to say that I miss them, I don't feel much different than I was before. I never actually connected with my family, living like an outsider but I still was okay with them.

My mood became gloomy as I thought about the thing that I couldn't accomplish. I didn't even make my dream come true. 

My dream of eating and sleeping all day. 

Now that I am a Dragon, I should at least complete my mission. I will continue to live like a shut-in that I am. And Dragons sleep all the time. So, I have a perfect reason to do so.

Even though I have my mission, I will not forsake my duties as an Evil Dragon. I shall burn kingdoms, kidnap princesses, and fight chivalrous knights who come to rescue them. I will also loot the kingdoms and build a mountains of treasures. Then I will sleep above it.

Now that we are at the subject of me being a Dragon, I need to check my assets.

I have sharp claws, four legs, two wings, tail. and horns, which by the way is quite sharp. My body is fully covered in scales that work as armor and I have to say I am dashing. My scales are pure black with spots of white, blue, yellow, orange and red.

I look like the night sky.

I got to say I am the most handsomest Dragon there is. I am worried that I would start a war of Dragons with my beauty. 

Ahem, let's move on,

Now for the skill that a dragon might possess according to the knowledge, which comes from all the novels I have read. I should possess Absolute Mana Control, Dragon Roar, Dragon Fear, and Dragon breath.

This is all I can think of at this moment.

I spring to my feet exited to test my new sets of overpowered skill, I couldn't help but imagine myself breathing fire as I glide through the sky while punishing the mortal for their sins. 


First, I need to check Mana control. I am pretty sure I am not a Qi Dragon as I am not a eastern dragon. I am not a 'long' Dragon that ascended from an Imugi. I am a western dragon. And I don't have anything against an eastern dragon, It's just that they look like snakes with extra limbs.

And I am pretty sure I am not in a novel called, 'American Dragon in cultivation world'. I mean, it would be hilarious. I am not in a cultivation world, I hope so. Because I don't know shit! 

I am not jinxing it.

But before I go off checking Mana, I need to check my wings, my flight. I could just fly out of here if I could fly. So, I look around, searching for my spring board and not to my surprise they is no elevated plate form for me to jump off.

I decided to do the next best thing. I started to flap my wings as I stand. My first flap was extremely weak, they couldn't even move the wind but I am not disheartened. I keep flapping continuously like an idiot and I would have die out of embarrassment if someone were to see this.

After few minutes of trying, I became familiar with my wings and each flap pushed the wind down but it is still not enough to lift me. Seeing that just flapping is going nowhere, I started to jump with my wings. 

That looked so stupid. (ノへ ̄,)

This caused me to lift-off for few moments. But again, I couldn't fly away and I started to feel tired. So, I stopped myself and decided to try something else. One of my strongest assets.

Let's check the Mana or whatever energy inside me for now.

I sit down and try to concentrate on the energy inside me, and you should note the word 'try' as I couldn't even concentrated. Every time I try to focus and enter a meditative state, I could feel every inch of my body, making me loose concentration. I try to concentrate few more times before I drop it.

Fuck it! I am a beast! I am a dragon! I will eat and sleep to get stronger.

I turn to my next skill, Dragon Fear. I imagine myself of being scary but I couldn't feel the difference as I am the only living being in the vicinity. I mean deterrence is useful power but it can only be use on other people. Its like bluff it until you make it. I could deter a stronger opponent to surrender.

Okay, next skill, Dragon Roar. You all know what I am going to do. I sucked in as much as air I could into my lungs and shout at the top of my lungs.

"Meow~" ヾ(≧▽≦*)o

No, That wasn't how it came out.


My roar was loud and clear as it bounced off the wall of the cave. It was a roar I say, just like the roar when you step on your cats tail, quite pitiful. But I am proud of it. It was my first 'Roar' after all.

So, with my new found confidence, I roared a few more times and it still sounded the same. I also noted something from my roar. It was a young, just like a new born dog or cat, and I remember I just broke out of my shells, Egg. 

I am pretty sure I should be at least grown double my size to do a majestic roar and I will.

I am not dishearten by this small step back and get ready for my final skill. The Dragon breath.