
The Lazy Dragon: The Slothful One

This is my first cultivation novel, so forgive me for making mistakes. >>> A Story. A Legend. An Adventure. This is the tale of a Dragon—a reincarnator—whose ultimate aspiration is to become a true Dragon. He yearns to plunder kingdoms, kidnap princesses, and engage in battles against knights who dare to rescue them. However, there's a twist to his character: he is incredibly lazy. >>> Read the first chap and see if you like. Comment how you want the story to progress.

Zereeo_Ak · Fantasy
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35 Chs

2. Going out

Get ready for my Dragon Breath!

To do the Dragon Breath, I follow the same steps as the Dragon Roar but with fire. You know like that giant radioactive lizard in that one movie. 

I suck in air to my full lung capacity as I think about spitting fire toward the wall. My mental image was that of the radioactive lizard. I lowered my posture to stabilize the repulsion from my from the Dragon Breath. 

I am standing on my legs, all four, and I don't feel uncomfortable. More like that how its suppose to be. 

My muscles tense, my spine straight, and my mouth pointing toward the wall. I feel something well up in me. I get myself pumped-up and roar, as in spit fire.


My roar filled the cave again. And I didn't spit fire but my saliva. My sticky saliva was spread across the floor, like I just vomited it across the floor.

(*  ̄︿ ̄) It was a failure.

Since my Dragon Breath had failed. I have come to the assumption that I have yet to grow for me to do something like that. So I need to eat and grow, for that I need to go outside. Seeing that I still need to get out of this hell hole, I move toward my egg to find more clues ignoring the silva spread on the floor.

I will deal with important things first.

And NO!, I am not trying to wash away my shameful act. Not at all!

I move toward my obsidian black egg and search for any clues. My egg is black on the inside and the outside. The only different is that outside shell have speck of color. My egg resembled any other bird egg but about 1 meter in height. This is just my assumption as I am bad at measurements and this is compared to my size.

Thing about it, one centimeter for humans and an ants will be different. The universal scales of measurements were made by humans for human and I am a Dragon. My scale of things are different.

When I see the egg I remember something from the novels I read. Dragons eat their eggshell to gain states. 

Now, let me give it a try. 

I use my claws to pick a small piece of my eggshell and put it in my mouth. I use my sharp teeth to chew it and the eggshell tasted like chalk which cause me to immediately spit it out. And to my horror there is no water in the cave. With no water to wash the chalk taste off my mouth, I use my hand to wipe my tongue. 

Ah! that was disgusting.

I was stupid to do that. I should have know that was a stupid decision. Do chickens eat their shell? No, you idiot! {They do}. I call myself stupid few more time until the chalk taste rubbed off my tongue.

I again look back to the sky, the light was bright with the sun still up in the sky. It was noon and I am going to take my mid day nap because I don't know how to get out. I lay down and curl up, my wings spread to cover me like a blanket. 

With the morning sun up in the sky, I could feel the heat rising but the flowing wind inside the cave keep the heat out. The wind breezes over my body, it caress my scales like a gentle mother, the wind feels like home. 

I am hallucinating, I think. 

How would a wind caress me? how can the wind feel warm? I feel like I am taking drunk, on boredom, But something in me urges me to speak to it. It is telling to me tell it my troubles and I give in, I wanted to. I lift my head and look up the sky, the white clouds and morning birds that look so free.

'I want to fly,' I say but what escapes my mouth is nothing but a growl. "Gr gra gra graw." 

I feel dejected as I am now nothing but a beast stuck in cave. I have no freedom and the sky will never be mine. Even though I have wings, I am flightless. It was then I noticed that the wing caressing me had increased its speed.

The wind was spinning inside the cave at a frightening speed. The normal circulation of wind had turned into a tornado that extends outwards. I sprung up to my feet, panicked. I looked around the cave wall and the raging wind. 


With a defining boom, the tornado collapsed and the collapsing wind rushed toward the center. A tidal wave of wind crashed into me who was standing in the middle. The winds strongly pushed against my opened wings. I was unable to close them in time as I was lifted off my foot.

I closed my eyes in fear of the raging wind as I waited for my crash landing on the walls of the cave. But the sensation of pain never came. I opened my eyes see to what happened.

What I saw was not the walls of the cave but the stretch of blue that was the sky, the white clouds that was floating freely and the gleaming orange sun. I was out, I was thrown out of the cave. I was at the sky with no border.

I was gliding.

My obsidian wings were happily stretched out. The rushing wind caress my scales. The feeling of being unbound was euphoric.

"GRRAAAAAWWW," I roared in happiness.

My roar spread across the stretch of green, unobstructed. As I was drowning in this feeling, I feel the wind again. It snuggling against my scales. This time it was not a mistake, the wind was alive. Even though I couldn't see it, it was there around me. 

I turned to look where I was, it was a mountain. It looked like it was a volcano that went under. I was just thrown out of its top and the place I was lying should have been the frozen lava.

Thank god! it was not an active but more like a mountain with a hole drilled in it. I was really lucky on that part. I stop thinking about it and continue gliding.

I continue gliding for few more minutes with my friend before I started to feel tired. I lower my attitude, trying to land near a large pond. Again, lesson from Bear Grills, You need water for survival. I try to land and it was anything but graceful. I landed like a meteorite, causing a trail of dug up land.

Again, I feel the wind. It was giggling at my crash landing. Don't ask me how I know, I just know. I dust myself and walked up to the pond. I look at my reflection on the still lake. I for the first time I notice my eyes, They were draconic but what amazes me is my eye color, They were changing every time I move them. They were like a glowing star against my void black scales.

They were changing from white, blue, yellow, orange and then to red. 

but before I could fully observe this change something hits me, knocking the wind out of my lungs.


A grunt escaped my mouth as the wind was knocked out of me. Something had hit me at high speed with brute amount of force. The blow caused me to be lifted off the leg and send me rolling on the floor.

I had not expected anything to attack me when I was checking myself. 

As I was rolling away due to the force, I saw what hit me. It was a boar. A big black boar with two tusk coming out of its mouth, saliva dripping from it as it looked at me. I could tell that it was perceiving me as a delicious food.

Shit bro! I am no food! I am a Dragon!

I scream internally and I finally stop rolling, the force from the heavy blow had dissipated. My rolling had chipped away the force but that didn't mean it didn't hurt. I felt like my intestines cuddle together from that blow. Even some of my scales fell.

I am going to rip him to pieces!


I shout as I turn my pain into anger. I get back up and look at him. He was looking at me. my stomach was hurting, but I am not going to show, I am not going to wince in front of my enemy.

He suddenly charged, causing me to startle. I jumped to the side avoiding a second blow to my body. The boar missed and I hurriedly moved away. I moved myself near a tree. With the tree to the back, I look at the boar that was getting ready for anther charge.

I didn't know why he was attacking me or what I did to make him angry. But he had hit me and it hurt. I live by the motto of an eye for an eye and I am sending this fucker to boar heaven. So, the fight is on.

I eye this bastard as I wait for his charge and the bastard didn't let me wait as he charged. He rushed toward me with a blind charge. I wait until the last second to jump away.


The boar smashed into the tree causing it to smash into the tree. the tree shook and leaves fell. The boar was shaken due to the impact and I was not going to let him get straight. I circle this bastard and jumped at his back to rip his arse off.

My hands hold his big butt as my nails sunk into his skin but what I didn't expect was for him to donkey kick me in reflex. His strong hind legs landed true on my face, throwing me back.

I barrel rolled on the floor to reduce the impact and got back to my feet. I look back at the boar and I saw something.


I saw the boar just snort in disdain toward me, I look around me to find someone to check if that I saw right but I saw no one. A wild boar just snorted at me, full of emotions. This was a fucking discovery but what I was feeling more than astonishment was anger.

How dare a shitty bore look at me, a mighty Dragon, with disdain! I shall rip this bastard to shreds! I am angry! I am annoyed! I am enraged! I shall punish this bastard for this transgression.

My mind was filled with rage as the bore charged at me again. This time without thinking, I charge against the boar. My muscles tightened and released like a spring, I charged like a spear and within a second, we both collide.


A loud thud rung as our heads collided. I felt my brain rattle around like a Ping-Pong ball in my head. My mind was blurring and I could see in my blurry vision that the boar was rattled too. I knew it was my chance to attack, and I will my body it to.

I jump at the boar, sinking my claws in its head and shoulders. My head moves next and sunk my razor sharp teeth into its neck, drawing blood. Fresh blood filled my mouth but it didn't feel disgusting. It was tasty. This tasty flavor caused me to sink my teeth deeper and the boar started to thump around as its death neared. I tighten my jaw and strengthened my claws, instinctively breaking the boars neck.

The boar went limp and my mind cleared. 

I moved away from the boar and looked at it. The cuts caused by my nails and its torn neck became visible to me. The blood was spreading on the soil and the metallic smell filled the air. The realization of what I have done filled my mind and my body started to shiver.

I couldn't believe I had killed it and I didn't know how to process it. 

While I was contemplating how to deal with this feeling, a warm sensation enveloped me. It was the wind, it was hugging me. It was calming and my body started to calm down. I feel it caress my head, it help me finally calm down and think.

I try to process this feeling but I still couldn't understand it. This feeling of taking another's life, it felt surreal. I was treating this experience like a game but the death of the bore woke me up. This is a real world and people die, there is no restart. I sat there unmoving as I watch the boars blood flow toward me like a hunting ghost. 

I didn't move for another while, the wind caressed me the whole time. I finally got my emotions together. I decided to think of it as life. I would have died instead if i hadn't killed the boar. it is nature, kill or be killed. This was a world of beast and the death of the boar was my wake up call. I shall survive in place of my victims.

Thinking on the same line of thought, I manage to calm my palpitating heart. I regained my calmness. I made my resolve and I shall honor my opponent by making him a part of me. I thought of many different dialogues similar it to strengthen my resolve. 

I move toward the boar. I had already tasted the boars blood, so I wanted to see how it tastes. This is also to satisfy my curiosity of how thing feel different if I were an animal and also as to respect my opponent. I have not intended to kill him but I am not going to let him rot saying I feel guilty.

This is how life is and how it is for me now. I am no longer civilize human who stabs in the back but a beast that hunts.

So yeah, I am eating this bitch since I was getting hungry and I feel like this boar will taste good. No point mulling over spilled milk.


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