
The Lawless Quintet

Tdsoa_987 · Thanh xuân
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46 Chs

Chapter-- 20

"come on!"

Bibi said as she pulled Vinter towards the music club's room.


Vinter said confused, but he was curious why she was calling him so he just went.

"And here we are!!"

Bibi said as she stepped back and turned to Vinter.

"Go on, push the door, and enter"

"There's no tape that will stick to my handsome face right?"

"Bruh, is that all you care about? JUST PUSH THE DOOR OPEN YOU BASTARD BOY"

Bibi said smiling, Vinter just sighed, thinking of the worst and he pushed the door open...


The room was filled with balloons and writing in the black board that said

'Happy birthday Vinter.'

"Happy birthday Vinter!!"

The members of the music club including Alastor, Enzo and Topaz said, let's not forget Bibi who stepped forward and wished Vinter, Vinter was... Flabbergasted... he was so was so flabbergasted he couldn't even react...

"Hey hey, We still gotta give you your gifts you know"

Bibi said as she patted Vinter's back.

He slowly looked up to his friends.

"Topaz also has a gift for you too"

Bibi whispered which hiped Vinter as she immediately moved his hands away and started smiling.

"Thank you VERY much!!!"

"No problem man."

Alastor said as he smiled.

Everyone gave him their gifts, and so did Alastor and Enzo. Topaz gave Vinter his gift, and when Vinter saw it he was speechless...

"I spent hours on it, but happy birthday Vinter."

Vinter smiled widely as he looked at the thick paper... Bibi was beside Vinter so she saw his expression, Bibi started smiling and almost laughing before she stood next to Alastor and Enzo.

Vinter nodded as he looked at the gift again, it like a portrait instead of a drawing, a drawing of Vinter and Topaz. The picture was taken by Bibi, and Topaz drew it.

Vinter thanked Topaz, he said he really likes it, and that it is the best gift given to him.

"Hey hey, I haven't given you mine."

Bibi said as he gave him a envelope, Vinter was confused as it couldn't be money since Bibi doesn't have... but when he opened it his eyes widened and asked Bibi if this was real.

"Are you being for real...?"

Bibi nodded as she smirked, the other's were curious on what Bibi gave him.

It was pictures of Topaz and Vinter together, and pictures where only Topaz was there.

"The second best gift."

Bibi said confidential before she pulled a rope, and suddenly colourful prices of papers(?) that looked like sprinkles dropped slowly, everyone was surprised as they didn't expect, it was Alastor, Enzo and Bibi who decorated it, Topaz couldn't come as she was busy drawing the picture, and some members of the music club pulled the partypoppers out and popped it.

"this is the best day in my whole life."

Vinter said as he laughed, the other's were enjoying the day too, but it was Vinter who loved and enjoyed the day the most.

[The students could only do this due to the permission they got from the principal herself]




And yes it's suddenly The next day.




"waaaa!!! Tell him to say sorry!!"

Bibi said as she cried... rubbing her head while pulling Enzo's shirt because Alastor smacked her head... a little too hardly and Alastor didn't feel sorry...

"Alastor... come on, say sorry to Bibi..."


Alastor shook his head as he corssed his arms and looked away while Enzo placed his hands on both of their shoulder while Bibi continued sobbing...

"She deserved it"

"No Alastor..."

"She was one who started it, so she needs to apologise first."

"No you will first!!'

Bibi said, as she pointed at Alastor.

"Bibi, don't point at others, it's rude..."

Enzo was really having trouble with those two... while Topaz was sleeping and Vinter drawing in her face...

'Bla bla bla!!!'

The two of them continued arguing while Enzo tried to stop them..

"Hehe, she looks cute..."

Vinter thought as he finished drawing on her face... And the drawing was horrifying!!

*knock knock*

Vinter turned to the door and walked towards it and opened it.

"I have some papers."

Someone said from behind the piled up papers.

"Oh right, I'll take half-"

Vinter immediately froze, holding half the papers realising it was Hyeon who was behind the papers.

"Good morning."

Hyeon said, when he opened his eyes, the first thing he sees is Bibi in the background trying to hit Alastor but Enzo holding her back...


Hyeon turned to Vinter before he asked where he could keep the papers.

"you can keep it on the desk."

Vinter said as he kept the paper's that he was holding on the desk.

The Quintet is in a empty club room that no one uses, so they actually took the room so that they could stay there together whenever there's free time, and the room is called 'Room 9th'

Hyeon walked towards the desk and kept the papers, Enzo noticed that Hyeon was inside the class, but not Alastor or Bibi as they were arguing.

"Good morning Hyeon."

Enzo said, as he walked towards the two.

"What's the paper for?"

Enzo walked towards Hyeon and Vinter leaving Bibi and Alastor and asked.

"Oh, it's just some paper work of teachers, they didn't have space left so they told to keep it here until tomorrow."

"I see..."

Enzo said, before the three of them quite and the only thing that could be heard was Topaz snoring, and Alastor and Bibi fighting and arguing.

"Yea yea Depressed boy"

Bibi said, grabbing Alastor's collar.

" you dared to call me that?"

Alastor replied back... he was shoving her face away while showing the middle finger, blocking her kick by his leg.

"That's because it's the truth!"

"you ill-mannered bastard..."

Alastor said, getting more and more annoyed.

"You're the ill-mannered one, not me!"

Bibi shouted... grabbing Alastor's hair with her other hand...

"Shut the fuck up Bitch"

Alastor grabbed Bibi's hair too...

"I'M NOT A DOG!?!"

"You heard me wrong, I SAID YOU'RE A FUCKING BITCH"

Enzo sighed before knocking them, it was quite easy because they were only paying attention to eachother, not Enzo...

"Sorry Hyeon..."

Enzo said as he picked the two up and tossing them in the conor of the room...

"Seems very normal."

Hyeon said sarcastically...


Vinter said before he asked Hyeon something.

"You take football practice right?"

Hyeon nodded, but right when Vinter was about to ask something else, Hyeon was gone...

"Where did he go?"

"He left."

Enzo said with a blank face.

"that guy... what's his name again? I only know he's from the student council."

"Full name is Hyeon Baek, but they call him Hyeon'

"Ok ok, that Hyeon guy, he's just in the next class right?"

Enzo nodded, saying that he's in the section 'A'




"Vinter!! what the fuck did you do to my face!!!!"

Topaz said as she grabbed on Vinter's shirt collar, shaking him continuously. Bibi in the background trying not to laugh, and because of that her entire face turning red and Enzo trying to calm Topaz down...