
The Lawless Quintet

Tdsoa_987 · Teen
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46 Chs

Chapter 21

Topaz and Bibi were walking confidently to the school, like the hero's from Indian movie's going to beat up the villains.

Than a newspaper smacked on Topaz's face, making her annoying and snatched the news paper out, tear it appart and throw it...

"o-oh man... I should stop annoying you..."

Bibi said as she backed away...

Topaz just stared before she started running to class saying that who ever is last their butt is black.

"Hey that's supposed to be my line!!"

Bibi said a she started running too, she could easily pass Topaz but didn't because it will be too boring so she just caught up with Topaz and did a race.

When they were running in the hallway, a door suddenly opened, and smacked Bibi's face making her fall down and get all the memories of her life...

"Oh? look's like she's dead"

The doctor, Callx, said as he smiled, looking down at Bibi whose face is extremely red and with a bleeding nose.


Topaz laughed but soon stoped, after noticing the 'teary' look on Bibi's face.

"H-hey! don't cry now!"

Topaz said as she Patting Bibi's back and tried to cheer her up


"Hueee euuhhh euuu ueeh!"

Topaz coverd her ear because she didn't want her ear to explode, she gave pulled out her knife and told Bibi to meet quite...

"we can first go to the club room and than you can cry, it's very embarrassing since everyone is looking."

Topaz said smiling before she grabbed Bibi's leg, pulling her as she started running AND Bibi somehow started levitating...

"Oi I'm wearing skirt!!!"

Bibi said annoyed as she grabbed on her skirt, it's not that she wasn't wearing any leggings, but she said that because she wanted Topaz to stop pulling her leg and running.




"I wonder when Topaz is coming... she's always the first to reach"

Vinter said as he sat on the table, waiting for Topaz especially.

"Bibi isn't here so there's many possibilities that Topaz is with her."

"Enzo's right, they probably got in trouble and is runn-"

The door slammed open, it was Bibi and Topaz, standing breathless while Bibi on the floor, her leg still being held by Topaz.

"Told you, they got in trouble and came running."

Alastor shrugged as he BIT on the ICE CREAM

"Hello guys... I'm late..."

Topaz said as she walked towards the other's, Bibi got up too, fixing her skirt before she sighed, joining three tables and layed down with her phone.


Topaz fell... falling in Vinter's arms which was very unexpected...


Bibi immediately started taking a video, while Vinter turned all red realising his crush was in his arms, Topaz is currently unconscious...


Bibi said as she smiled like crazy smacking Alastor back...

Vinter was just frozen, even Alastor and Enzo was surprised...

"She's not dead is she?"

Alastor asked which snapped Vinter out.

Vinter was still blushing as he checked on Topaz.


Enzo took her phone away, but because Bibi knew Enzo was gonna take it away, she switched the phone off at the right time.

"Can't even check hah."

Bibi said as she walked towards Vinter.

"Your dream came true"

Bibi grinned at Vinter giving him the look while Vinter was now in the Conner hiding his face... Oh right, and Bibi was holding Topaz.

"Enzoo, I think Topaz is dying, here."

Bibi said as she handed Topaz to Enzo and he rushed to the doctor's office.

"Vinter looks very happy but embarrassed."

Alastor said as he smirked and Bibi nodded as she smirked too, saying 'tsk tsk tsk' at Vinter as they did the 'no' gesture.

"S-shut of you two!"

Vinter said, still not facing the two of them.

"Class will start soon, get up."

Alastor said as he walked towards the door, about to leave.

"Ay wait Alastor"

Bibi called out as she leaned on the wall.


"Tell Doc Callx this 'Kys' , that's all."


Alastor said, but he couldn't care less so he left without asking why.




"Hm, it seems that she's just exhausted."

Doctor Callx said as he got up, picking up his pet snake, and the snake made it's way to Callx's neck... which kind of made Enzo uncomfortable...

"o-oh, than please send her to class after she wakes up"

Enzo said as he quickly left, feeling uneasy...

"*sigh...* no wonder Bibi and Vinter finds him unsettling..."

Enzo met Alastor on the way, they just nodded at eachother before going where they were going to, Enzo to his classroom, and Alastor to the doctor's office.

Alastor opened the door, being the mannerless person he is.

"Ah yes, how rude just like that girl (Bibi)"

Doctor Callx said as he patted his pet snake.

"Go and kill yourself. Bibi is saying."

Alastor said with a straight face, as doctor Callx slowly turned to Alastor.

"Hm, how nice of her. Tell her to kill her self too since I'm too busy. And Don't Come Back."

Doctor Callx said as he closed the door in front of Alastor's face... He was annoyed so he just left, to the rooftop to sleep of course.

Alastor was heading to the rooftop, when he saw Lil Jimmy.


Alastor said as he layed down.

"Looks like Bibi forgot about you."

Lil Jimmy didn't say anything, he just stayed gloomy and upset, maybe he was actually upset that Bibi isn't interacting with him much.

Alastor, being the animal lover he is, he patted the parrot.

"Wanna meet with Mimi? (galaxy destroyer) Mimi's my pet Kitten, I adopted her just few weeks ago."

Lil Jimmy still didn't say anything... still sad...

"Your name is ugly, I'll give you a new name. How about that?"

The parrot flinched a little, it was now slightly less sad now as the 'Shaaaa' effect from the sun appeared.

"How about Rubix? It kind of sounds like Rubix Cube tho"

Lil Jimmy's name was now changed to Rubix, he was happy now, as he flew to Alastor and sat in his head.


Alastor laughed, soon after, he fell asleep in the roof... but was awoken by Enzo, coming to him saying it's lunch time.


Alastor said as he climbed down the roof.

"My new pet."

"... Isn't that Lil Jimmy?"

"No, it's Rubix now."

The parrot nodded proudly at the name Alastor gave.

"That's a better name than Lil Jimmy, but I will say, Bibi is very bad at giving names... but anyways, come on, lets go to the cafeteria.

The two went to the cafeteria, and Rubix couldn't come because pets aren't allowed in Inside the school.

"Oh, you're here Topaz"

Enzo said as he sat down with his lunch tray, and so did Alastor.

"Yep, I'm still feeling mighty."

"Don't forget about mee"

Bibi added, as she first prayed and ate.

"Hm, all of us are here, where's Vinter?"

Topaz asked, with that question Bibi and Enzo almost choked, and Alastor had to answer...

"He said that he has a stomach ache, so he went to the washroom."


Topaz shrugged as both of them started eating, acting as if he just didn't lie.