
The Last Twin Flames

Follow a Journey of Forbbiden love. This story follows a traditional tale of a Princess falling for a Dark Prince...who just might be her savior. Godwynn is the Dark Elven Prince of the Kingdom, Nyberia. Whereas Amora is a High Elf Princess from the Golden, Atherian Kingdom. Watch as their paths cross, and as they each must make tough choices, for the sake of their futures...and their Kingdoms.

LemonSqueezii · Kỳ huyễn
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25 Chs

Chapter 7-Blood Thirst

High King Nolick stood in the War Room, staring blankly off into the distance. Memories of his sweet Amora running through the halls as a little one filled his mind. She was his pride and joy, and he had failed her with his grave mistake. He had hand-picked the Prince of Lethoria as a suitor for his daughter due to his talent in the Royal competitions with the spear. Torwynn had always surpassed the other princes in skill and capability…well all of them except Lewan.

The Forest and Golden kingdoms would host competitive Tournaments each summer called the Royal Games. Anyone of Noble or Royal blood was welcome to compete. The Royal Games were where many future commanders were found for the royal Armies. And the Princes could evaluate their abilities among their fellow Royals. The Dark Kingdoms stopped participating after the loss of the Dark High King, but they were never missed either.

Thinking on the abduction of Amora, King Nolick knew this was the Dark King of Nyberius's doing, Drogath. His Nemesis. He was the only one left with any real motive, King Nolick and King Drogath had a grudge that led back to their childhood. He knew it wasn't anything to do with the other 2 Dark kingdoms, especially since they had admitted defeat and returned to the Shadowlands over the last few weeks.

In the attack on Amora's escort apparently not only had Torwynn been outnumbered, but he had been outmatched as well. Nolick Scolded himself as his stomach growled at him. He hadn't eaten since the news of Amora's abduction broke yesterday. Queen Amarha was bed stricken at the news of her lost child, and Her wailing could be heard all throughout the castle last night. She had gone hoarse at one point, losing her voice early during the morning hours. She wouldn't even look at him when he went to her, too lost in her grievances.

If it hadn't been for Nolick trying to ensure his daughter's safety by securing her a "good" husband, she would have still been safe within the palace walls. They may be at war now, but they still had a few weeks' time before Drogath would be ready to attempt a siege on his castle. As it stood Atheria was holding steady, having withstood two other kingdoms' onslaughts.

But Drogath was a dangerous King. Cunning, and ruthless, Nolick had known the first thing the Dark King would aim for would be one of his children. Amora had the best chance of survival if she was no longer a Royal member of Atheria, but if she was to be part of another kingdom, especially as a Lethorian Queen. If only she had made it… As it stood Lethoria was the most battle ready of the 9 Kingdoms, and she would have been well insulated.

Atheria had been the most well defended Kingdom until the recent onslaughts that two of the 3 Dark Kingdoms had lain…They would need time to recover after this final assault.…In hindsight, someone had to have informed Drogath's men. Only those who sat upon the Royal Court had known that the Princess was to be smuggled in the night. Out of the 15 Royal Counselors one of them was a traitor.

The Clatter of feet coming down the hall snapped Nolick out of his thought as the room filled with the Elven men, each of them gracefully walking to the table in the center of the room. They each took their place among the large round table. A 3-Dimensional map of the realm, which was hand carved into the center, began to glow. The presence of magical beings brings the sculpture to life. Within moments the Room was full and almost all of the seats were filled.

The magical ether had finished settling on the map, showing a live rendering of the world, all but the Shadowlands. A dark mist covered the lands preventing them from being able to view, but that was to be expected.

The king walked to his heavily adorned chair, which stood taller than the others, standing beside it. He looked each member of the council in the face…

"One of you has betrayed me." The king spoke, his deep voice filling the room…The council members began looking at one another, The king's eyes started to change from their warm autumn orange color to a bright vivid red, a fierce glow emanating from them.

"The one who has betrayed me, will suffer a most painful death" He warned…raising his hand, The full arm of Royal Guard came marching into the room barring all exits. With that notion the Council members began panicking, trying to find anyone to place the blame on. As a commotion erupted, the councilmen grew louder, and the king became more impatient. A red glow faintly surrounded the king, as his temper rose.

"A SEAT IS EMPTY!!!" Yelled one of the councilmen. "IT MUST BE HE WHO SITS THERE,



The room erupted again in loud voices, the commotion echoed down the halls of the castle, White haired Elves who were desperate to prove their innocence exclaiming and placing the blame on Elywar.

"SILENCE!!!" Roared the High King, in a deep menacing voice not his own…The room fell quiet. Everyone froze, all eyes on his majesty... The king stood still, red ethereal flames surrounding him, as his magic overflowed, his emotions are now running rampant. The council members backed away slowly, never quite looking him in the eyes for fear of antagonizing him in this state. The High King's eyes have turned solid red.

Their King was now in a Blood Thirst, this was the power gifted to only the High King, powered by ancient Magic drawn from all 9 Kingdoms and channeled through the crown, this was what was used to dish out Retribution to a non-compliant kingdom, when all other methods were exhausted. It is usually only ever seen in the heat of battle, even then it was quite rare to see it.

This meant that King Nolick was quite Volatile right now, capable of burning the entire room to a crisp, he could send his legions into a blood thirst, and he could control the armies of the other kingdoms in this state. "My Liege, we will find Elywar and bring him to you," The Captain of the Royal Guard whispered, he was now standing beside his king, unphased by the King's Blood Thirst. His Mithril armor began to warp under the waves of raw power emanating from the High King. Yet He was a dutiful Captain. Never wavering. He had followed his King into the battle, and He had seen the power of a High King's Blood Thirst once before.

"Go to the Queen, she can help you." The captain muttered…"Go to her" The king faced the captain staring for a moment, almost as if it were taking him a moment to decipher a foreign language, but then walked past him. "Shackle them and put them all in the dungeons…." Nolick said, his voice deep and callous as he headed for the Royal Bed Chambers. The Councilmen broke the silence, protesting his orders…a single look over his should silencing them again.

He knew he needed to see his Queen right now, she would not deny him in this state, no matter how upset she was. She was the only one who could calm this storm and put out his fire, before he burned down the entire Castle, and all of those in it.