
The Last Twin Flames

Follow a Journey of Forbbiden love. This story follows a traditional tale of a Princess falling for a Dark Prince...who just might be her savior. Godwynn is the Dark Elven Prince of the Kingdom, Nyberia. Whereas Amora is a High Elf Princess from the Golden, Atherian Kingdom. Watch as their paths cross, and as they each must make tough choices, for the sake of their futures...and their Kingdoms.

LemonSqueezii · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter 6- F*** You!

As the morning sun peaked into the tent, Godwynn awoke to find his chin resting upon the captive princess's hair. His hand upon her waist. She smelled of exotic Lavenders and Neroli. He jerked his hand back annoyed with himself. Sitting up he noticed the sun was just beginning to break the horizon. Pink and Orange clouds bore no witness to the raging storm the night before. Only the ground left evidence of nature's fury, puddles of water scattered across the wet ground. A chill in the air making his hair stand on end. Slowly unfurling himself from her, He stood up and began to dress. He looked over to notice her breathing was uneven. She was already up. "I know you're awake" he said. Her eyes opened staring at him. His morning hardness caused her face to redden. "He smirked. "Do you like what you see, little princess" cocking one eyebrow.

"F-Fuck you" She retorted, rolling her eyes. Anger and Nervousness filled her voice.

"Oh, don't worry…it's coming. Many Dark Elves will take their turn with you." He chuckled. Confusion was written all over her face. Maybe she's innocent he thought, given her reaction to his words, he decided to test the theory, and possibly see how much she knew, normally a Royal Princess is kept pure, but she had spent several days with the Lethorian Prince no doubt, and most are not kept completely in the dark about the goings in of the Kingdoms and what was expected....Hmmm…I wonder if she is aware of the Sex Slave houses in the Dark Kingdoms, he thought to himself. "When we are done with you will probably be sentenced to spend the rest of your days in the houses of Klomar" he stated to her. She simply stared at him blankly not understanding her sentence…No…she didn't know what he was talking about. Or she would have become hysterical.

Klomar, was the vilest place in the nine kingdoms, it was the Pleasure house that serviced the Lowborn elves and Humans of Nyberius. Anyone and everyone in the lower class could freely use it to satisfy any urges they may have. The House name was rarely spoken in anything other than hushed tones, and few would allow themselves to be associated with it, being known as a place of filth and abominable acts. All of the residents there were pleasure slaves, male and female, human and elf. And all who were Sentenced there were either criminals or owed the crown sizable sums of money, debt that couldn't be repaid. Almost everyone in the 9 Realms had at the very least heard of the Houses and the abominations performed in them.

Her little 'attempted murder' on him last night was more than enough to garner a sentence to Klomar. And once they reached the Nyberian Palace, his father would be quick to sentence her there, when the truth was told, if the truth was told. It meant nothing to him, one way or the other, he told himself. "What is the House of Klomar?" she asked reluctantly. Godwynn looked at her… "I'm sure You will find out, fairly soon I suppose…. I wouldn't want to ruin the surprise." He pulled his shirt on, reaching for his armor.

"How did you know that I was being sent to Lethoria" Amora blurted out. The question had begun eating at her early this morning. "Tsk. Tsk. Tsk…you are not permitted to speak, unless given permission to do so." He stated and turned from her. The prince said nothing as he was dressing himself. While buckling the right of his chest plate side he spoke, "We have installed someone who sits upon your father's Royal Court." Godwynn then began buckling the left side "He informed us and was well rewarded." The prince stated confidently as he finished getting dressed, then tightening his bracers.

The Dark Prince walked over to Amora, untying her wrists and ankles. He pointed to a wooden bucket in the corner of the small tent. "Use that to relieve yourself." She nodded as she stood rubbing her sore blistered wrists and waited for him to leave. When he didn't move, she was compelled to ask him, "Um…Am I not to have any Privacy?" He growled as she spoke without permission.

"No…Now go." He instructed, well aware that she probably was struggling to hold it.

"I'm fine…I will wait." she said, crossing her arms, and widening her stance, Testing his patience.

"There will no longer be any moments of privacy for you on this trip, spoiled princess, and we will be riding all day, and into the night." He cocked his head to the side, "At least right now it's only me who can see you, later today, it will be me and 40 of my men who will see you relieve yourself…"

Shock was plastered on her face, her cheeks burning red, and her heartbeat pounded in her ears. She would rather be dead than to toilet in front of her captors…let alone a full Armament of Warriors. She gulped visibly, "P-please d-don't…I beg you; this is insane."

The prince raised an eyebrow, A Part of him wanting to give in, the other part, a much bigger part enjoying her struggle, and reveling in her supplication. "No. My kindness will no longer be wasted on you…now go, or you can mess yourself, it is no matter to me." Flustered the Princess walked to the bucket, staring at it a moment, then looking back at him before raising her dress. She stepped over the bucket and squatted down. Her face turned a bright red as the sound of her fluids hit the inside of the little bucket.

He stared at her, unforgivingly, his dark onyx eyes piercing right through her. She tried to stare back at him in rebellion, but in her shame, she averted her eyes. Forcing her to submit, yet again.

Deep in the Castle of Nyberius, its King sat perched upon his ornate Obsidian throne. The black stone throne was carved and polished with elven scroll work, with mithril inlays. Drogath waited calmly for his son to bring him the tool needed to defeat the Atherian King, the Princess. By now, Nolick would know that his daughter had been taken. An evil smile spread across the Dark King's face. His sharp teeth glistened in the Candlelight. He had a score to settle with the High King…And his victory would come to fruition soon. He would soon hold the title of High King and hold the powers that came with it.

The sound of wings filled the air as a black raven came to land beside the throne, a small scroll attached to his leg. Handing the raven messenger, a polished shell as payment, he unwound the scroll from the leg. Watching as the bird took flight to land upon his small roost hidden in a pillar of the throne room. Hastily Drogath began to read the letter from his heir. A crooked grin spread across his face as he scanned the brief letter.


I have the Atherian Princess in my possession.

The Lethorian Prince has been eliminated.

We are 2 days ride from the Castle.

All has gone as planned.


Drogath took a deep breath and sighed his relief as he laid his son's letter down on the arm of his seat, Godwynn had done exactly as he was commanded. The king stood, walking down the steps before his throne. The click of his boots echoed on the Black Marble floors while he crossed the throne room.

The king's guard followed him as he left the large room. "Prepare a Feast for my son's Return" He instructed the Castle Stewardess as he passed her in the halls. The Elderly She-Elf bowed her head and left in a brisk pace. Her black and silver hair trailing behind her. The king headed to his chambers. Grabbing the first acceptable courtesan he saw in the halls of his Harem.