

The sound of guns... The darkness... The smoke... Then, oblivion. Everyday, I am haunted by my nightmares. Everytime the thunder roll and lightning strikes, I shivered. Looking outside my window, I am writing my daily journal and poetry today... To release all the pains and tensions from my past. And I wrote.. December 18, 1980 Myshkin, Russia My beloved, Have you ever ask yourself... What's your life purpose? If.. Are you doing the right thing? Are you on the verge of confusion, loneliness, unhappiness and being stagnant? Day dreaming into your own world? Too much questions filled in your heart and mind. Too much of everything that you don't want. Too much! To clear out my confusion and to have more clarity about myself, I dig deeper inside me. Reminiscing my childhood moments and cherish them. Facing the darkest and painful moments of my memories. Those memories of repeating horror, memories of loss, memories of death. Yes, I did face it all. I cried hard. After decades of those patterned memories... This is the first time that I realized.. How I treated myself so badly. And I really wanted to give back to myself. By appreciating my past. Appreciate yourself more... Love yourself more... And you will discover more... I have discovered each words, all feelings, expression, harmony just fits well to take steps in writing this poem for my past. ***A LETTER FOR MY PAST SELF*** My dearest self in the past... I have been visiting you lately in a vast... You are carefree, immature and FEARLESS, You go out more, loving the sun and grasses, Full of sweat and sun-kissed from above. Joyous days, feet touching stones and green Oh How glorious those days have been Flowing like water in every storms within And wind touches, caressing my skin Telling me, It's ok dear, everything has it's purpose". A path full of journey and a dead rose All those rise and fall, I am with you... All those tears and laughter, I am with you... I am always with you til the end of time. You have no choice, we are both destined. Oh loving sun and dreamy moon, Grace us the light in our path divine, My past self, I thank you! For the wonderful memories... In my troubled present, found peace in you. Beatrix ********************************************** As I closed my journal... I just hear my Nana's footsteps and call out. "My princess, it's dinner time. Don't forget your coat, it's a bit freezing today!." "Yes, coming Nana!." I checked myself in the mirror for the last time, before sharing the table with Nana. The beauty in the mirror speaks of simplicity and elegance. I'm tall at my age of 15, around 183cm, with soft silver wavy hair and emerald green eyes. I'm looking at the reflection of my mother. And before my tears fall. "Beatrix?" A hint of annoyance in Nanas voice. "Yes, sorry Nana." Then, we silently eat our beetroot soup. In the same month, in different year. Our mother gather all of us, her children, near the fireplace hearth, made of granite and marble stone. My eldest brother Maxim played the piano while my older sister Annika played the flute. While me and my mom, cheerfully singing. Then, our beloved father Dimitri, joined us in our joyfulness. Amidst our liveliness, the commotion outside the House of Oblonsky raised our fears. People shouting with torches and guns. My father Dimitri was stunned. I'm crying in horror. I hugged my father...for the last time. When.... My small voice... bellowed "NO!!!!" "Mama, Papa..." "Maxim, Annika..." 

L_StellaLuna · Lịch sử
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35 Chs


King Charles started the conversation about the Royal Intermarriage proposal. "Sven and Evi.. you knew how I have been eyeing Stefan for the Heiress of Oblonsky. The House of Oblonsky had been recovered and rebuilt successfully. The people had been waiting for the Princess to seat on the throne. And its quite normal to have a Prince with knowledge, leadership skills and the courageous heart to start rebuilding the foundation of the grand era of Oblonsky. I'm just saddened by the announcement of Stefan."

" My brother, you have known Stefan since he was young. He is no ordinary nobleman. He has his own ways of thinking and very strong personality. We have talked with Stefan earlier and he already decided to let Mikael take the throne." Sven said earnestly.

" Well then.. And so it is." Charles conceded.

" Since, everything is settled. We will need to arranged the betrothment party as soon as possible!" he added.

King Sven and Queen Evi agreed.

And they layed out the arrangements.

Leonid received a telephone call from Prince Stefan and he expressed his concern about King Charles plans.

" Hello Leonid! I need your help. Uncle Charles arrived here in Dothinghelm Palace with Lada. He is planning to restore the throne in Oblonsky as Lada to be the Heiress. Please searched for proofs and necessary documents to help us rebuke Uncle Charles claims."

"How could that be possible...Your Highness?"

Lada is no Princess. She doesn't have any mirrored image of the King and Queen, except for her red colored hair. I will do my best that I can to bring all that we have kept for Beatrix. Hope I could be there on time."

"Thank you Leonid... I appreciate you!"

Then, we hang up.

How could that be possible? Maxim and Annika is mirrored by their fathers physical appearance while little Beatrix mirrored her mothers face perfectly. Lada do not have any of it!

Then, the past flashed in my eyes.

On that day of lament, I was about to deliver the guns and ammunition to the House of Oblonsky.

I meet Irina on the woods riding Dolly with a child with blood all over her white dress.

In her dress, embroidered the symbol of Oblonsky.

I immediately helped her with the child to be transported in the carriage to the nearest Doctor without asking any questions.

She's the youngest Princess Beatrix.

The favored daughter of The Tsar.

Who is the only child with the soft silver hair, whose face mirrored the Queen.

In my heart, the urgency to keep her alive is the future of Oblonsky.

Tsar Dimitri had been my confidant and a great second self.

We enjoy haunting, boat racing and fishing.

Tsar Dimitri is a brother that I never had.

And Queen Anastasia is quite a loving mother to her children. She always put her childrens welfare on top of everything.

They are a perfect couple. Both are courageous, very organised and with a big kind heart to their people.

Tsar Dimitri always mesmerize the people around him with his quirky jokes, you will be in trouble if you don't laugh.

Every Christmas, they will give all their servants and guards with special gifts.

And with that they are close to my heart and so as their wonderful kids.

I remembered well... on the day before the lament.

"Leonid! I'm glad you're here. I wanted to talked to you about something. Please come to the State Hall. We will have a meeting with the heads of Oblonsky armed forces and the Privy Council." Tsar Dimitri said in urgency.

"Yes, I will Your Highness!" and bow down.

I followed him walking through the hallways up to the State Hall. He asked me to be seated next to him.

The Deputy Minister started the meeting with the news received about rebellions coming from the North side of Oblonsky.

The Tsar gracefully said "We have to prepare our armory. Leonid will be able help us with that. While Queen and the kids, we need to keep them safe and transport them to Sweden. Deputy Secretary Yelena, please send a telegram to my brother Charles about the situation" he ordered.

Then the meeting continues on the discussion about security, safety and military schemes.

But as we are on the meeting, the rebellions were able to reach the borders of Oblonsky, few meters away from the Palace.

And some of the rebels was able to blend in with the maidservants and butlers in the House of Oblonsky.

They were able to poisoned some of them to use their identity.

And on that sad lament day, some of the Palace guards were poisoned.

So, the rebels was able to get in without difficulty.

And killed everybody except Princess Beatrix.

Irina is the strongest and kindest woman, I had ever meet.

She was able to managed to pull out the Princess from the Palace as quickly as she could.

Her loyalty is unimaginable until her last breath.

O Irina... I missed you so dearly. I'm hoping that I could find that Little Princess dress and the Doctor before it's too late.

I'm rummaging the dresser of Irina and Princess Beatrix to find that little dress.

Then, I found a diary of Irina in one of the drawer.

And started to read it. Trying to find some leads about the Princess dress.

On the eighteenth page of the diary it reads.

My beloved,

On the day of the rebellion.

The House of Oblonsky was on fire, rebels killed everyone.

Except my Little Princess Beatrix.

Tsar Dimitri protect her on his last breath.

I was able to manage her out from the Palace and lucky enough to meet Leonid on our way to escape.

We are able to save the Princess and keep everything what she had, to save the future of Oblonsky.

I kept her Princess dress inside a small wooden chest, covered with multicolored embroidery.

The bullet is keep inside a golden egg pendant of which I planned to give to Princess Beatrix, when the right time comes.


I hugged the diary in my heart and my tears keeps falling.

Oh my dear Irina, you are such a wonderful soul.

Then, I started looking for the small wooden chest.

And finally, I found it under the bed of Princess Beatrix.

I removed the embroidered cloth and open the box.

A clean small white Prince dress with embroidered markings of Oblonsky with a bullet hole on the ride side of the shoulder.

I took it and put it inside a plastic and into a leather bag.

Tomorrow, I will start my search for Doctor Ivanovich.

Oh God please help me to find him alive.