
The Kryptonian Emperor Through The Multiverse

It all began when Varion seized the codex of life from the grasp of the selfish Jor-El. Now witnessed the ascent of the Kryptonian Monarch and his journey across the multiverse. Additional Tags Resident Evil, Predator & Prometheus ========== Do you want to read ahead? Explore more chapters filled with sizzling encounters, and heart-pounding adventures. Then what are you waiting for Join my Patreon right now. Link : patreon.com/thebookaddict ========== Disclaimer I claim ownership of absolutely nothing. This is just a fanfiction.

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With the cooperation of Mousse, Carlos and Jill restored and comforted the awakened Alice clones, and injected potions.

Alice, on the other hand, sat alone.

What did Varion mean by what Varion said to her at the end? How could she possibly have Umbrella's highest authority by using Alicia's name? What is her relationship with Alicia?

Alice can't understand, the most elusive thing is, what exactly is Varion doing this for?

He is Umbrella's person, even an important person, he will only harm his own interests by doing so, but what good is he doing?

"Are you okay?" Carlos looked at Alice.

"It's okay, it's just...some things just don't make sense."

"Everything is going to be alright, with so many of your clones help, I can't wait to see how Umbrella reacts, and to be honest, if I hadn't died, I'd want to find someone after this is over. Place, fish, farm, enjoy life like this", Carlos envisions.

Patting Carlos on the shoulder, Alice nodded: "Then... we may have a lot of work to do."


"Mousse, are you sure you're all right?"

"Alice, please rest assured, the experiment has proved that you can perfectly integrateT virus".

Looking at the hundreds of Alice in front of him, they looked at each other, and everyone was holding a tube of blue potion, which was the T virus.

Injecting the R-1 and 2 human evolution agents first, and then injecting the T virus again after absorption, there is nothing more suitable for Alice than this.

"It's spectacular".

Jill murmured, Alice can develop supernatural powers through T virus, she is still quite envious, this is extraordinary power, even now she has injected human strengthening medicine, but compared with Alice, there are still many inferior , people can develop Psychokinesis, but this alone is not something she can compare.

"Looks like we can go fuck umbrella up."

The group set off, Alice did not want to occupy the base, and even destroyed the cloning device in the base, such a thing, once is enough.

While intellectually it might be better to clone more of herself, she didn't want that.

"Mousse, stay tuned".

"Okay sir, it's just that their chances of success this time around are very low."

Varion shook his head: "I don't expect them to do anything. It's just to attract a little firepower to us now. We can't expose it yet. By the way, how many people have been cultivated so far?"

"There are already 200 people, but it may take some time to form a fighting force."

The two hundred Kryptonians were all born on the basis of the warrior template, and will be his right-hand man at that time, but they cannot be delayed by things now.

"Mousse, it's up to you to decide what's going on at the base recently."


As for Varion himself, he went to the Creation Room and watched the energy drawn by the equipment on the Creation Room, forming a golden brilliance. Every time he saw this scene, he would have a magical and beautiful feeling.

"The code of life is still so beautiful!"

He lay down and set everything up. A brilliance began to appear on his body from the code of life, and the nutrient solution around him gathered.

At the speed visible to the naked eye, the muscles on Varion's body began to tremble, and the furrowed brows could be seen as he was suffering from severe pain.

Why did he come to the Creation Room? Why did ge lied down?

This all because of the code of life and the Kryptonian originally.

The civilian Kryptonian is still a lot worse in terms of combat power, especially now that he has to lead the resurrection of Krypton's remaining power, and the Kryptonian born from his scientist template is a bit unattractive.

Therefore, integrate needs to be changed.

The high-quality genetic blueprints of all Kryptonians are stored on the Code of Life, and the scientific research number also has enough technological equipment to support him. He needs to inject the warrior template into his body again.

Otherwise, how could a weak Kryptonian be qualified to lead Krypton into the future?

"Perhaps, I may be the first to do so."

Integrate and shuffle genes again. Even in the history of Krypton, no one has done such a thing. After a Kryptonian is born, the genetic template has been fixed. Under normal circumstances, it is not necessary to do so, but at present his predicament must be To do so, in the future, do not know how many crises await.


In a tall building underground.

At the moment, there were countless gunshots. After Alice and her party set off, they wanted to go directly to the underground hive in Raccoon City to get the wind-poor medicine.

But when I turned my head and thought, if they did such a move, Wesker would definitely not just look at it like this. Moreover, as long as the power under Raccoon City did not go, there would be no change. On the bright side, only Wesker was fighting against it. That's it.

It seems that it is a good thing for them that the information is not equal, and they decide directly, and then we will deal with Wesker first.

"Sir, there are countless enemies attacking outside the gate."

Wesker's expression did not change at all: "Check all areas and call the gate guard."

The operator immediately called, and there was nothing in the headset other than noise. Alice's figure appeared everywhere in the monitoring equipment, and there were gunshots everywhere.

"How did they get here?"

No one told Wesker why. The base was huge, and it had a lot of security personnel. He didn't think Alice could knock down this base.

"Close the gate, close all passages with signs of invasion, and deliver nerve gas, I want them all to die outside."

"But sir, there are our people outside, he...", bang! Before the man finished speaking, there was an eye-catching eye on his forehead.

Wesker said in a deep voice, "Who else has any opinion?"

No one dared to speak, and hurried to do their own thing, for fear that Wesker would be killed here if he accidentally provokes him.

"D2 area closed".

"C1 area closed"...

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