
The Kryptonian Emperor Through The Multiverse

It all began when Varion seized the codex of life from the grasp of the selfish Jor-El. Now witnessed the ascent of the Kryptonian Monarch and his journey across the multiverse. Additional Tags Resident Evil, Predator & Prometheus ========== Do you want to read ahead? Explore more chapters filled with sizzling encounters, and heart-pounding adventures. Then what are you waiting for Join my Patreon right now. Link : patreon.com/thebookaddict ========== Disclaimer I claim ownership of absolutely nothing. This is just a fanfiction.

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In the conference room, countless test images of experimental subjects were displayed, capturing the attention of a group of shareholders and members of the management team. They watched intently as a series of tests, from strength and speed to various other assessments, provided the answers they had been seeking. The R-1 Human Strengthening Agent appeared to have no side effects, and it could be taken up to three times in a stack.

They breathed heavily, realizing that this substance was precisely what they desired. They couldn't help but question why they had been so fixated on the T-virus. The R-1 type medicine, although not perfect at the moment, showed great promise, especially with Varion on board. Given the time and resources, he could undoubtedly enhance it further. It was no wonder Isaac, the seasoned insider, had been willing to grant Varion equity – the investment was undoubtedly justified.

While attributes like strength and speed were not rare among them, the prospect of extending life was something far more extraordinary and enticing. This was one of the primary reasons they were so enamored with it.

The R-1 type medicine could even be deployed within their armed divisions, proving to be a valuable asset in their future plans.

Isaac turned to the group with a smile and asked, "What do you all think?"

Alyssa was quick to respond, "I agree, but the R-1 type medicine must be used by us first, and even the subsequent iterations, the management should have priority access. You're welcome, Dr. Varion."




One by one, they expressed their agreement. Varion had officially joined the management team of the Umbrella Corporation, albeit with a relatively small equity share. However, that was of little concern, given his remarkable contributions.

"It's a win-win situation. I'm thrilled about this. In fact, if you give me enough time, between 2 and 3 years, I might be able to upgrade the R-1 type potion further. Type 2 and Type 3 might be on the horizon sooner than you think," Varion explained.

"When everyone awakens from the hibernation plan, they will witness a bright future."

At that moment, the veneer of gentlemanliness among these individuals evaporated. Their eyes gleamed with greed, akin to a pack of hyenas, as they couldn't wait to reap the benefits of Varion's extraordinary work.

The temptation was utterly irresistible.

Alicia nodded and said, "So, Dr. Varion, what kind of support do you require? I don't think anyone here wants to stand in your way at this point."

Laughter erupted among the shareholders. In reality, they were all eager for Varion to proceed with his research on the remaining medications.

"I need an independent research facility, fully equipped with cloning technology, ample energy and materials, and a security force."

Isaac nodded, finding Varion's request reasonable and necessary.

"What about your position within the company?" Alicia inquired.

Varion replied with a hint of humor, "I enjoy sunbathing."

"I recall we have a base in Las Vegas that could fulfill Varion's requirements. Why don't we allocate this base to him? What do you all think?"

The unanimous agreement echoed in the virtual meeting room.





"Then the meeting is adjourned."

One by one, the holographic figures disappeared. Isaac looked at Varion with a sense of relief. He hadn't anticipated that Varion would deliver such a significant surprise.

"You're about to have your own base. How does it feel? What's your mood?" Isaac teased.

Varion replied with a sense of purpose, "I'm not just getting a base; it's a research base. I hope to make valuable contributions. I might even require some T-virus samples in the future."

Isaac was intrigued. "Aren't you planning to continue your work on the R-1?"

"Research is all about the allure of the T-virus, you see. I believe there might be areas of overlap between them, and there could be aspects worth exploring further."

"Alright then."

Umbrella Corporation was known for offering some of the highest salaries among its peers. Moreover, participation in certain projects came with substantial bonuses, making it an enticing workplace for many.

Curious conversations echoed among employees about the mysterious person who had recently appeared within the company:

"Who is this person? Have you met?"

"No, but it must be someone important. Have you seen the boss laughing and talking with them?"

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask. I assume you're aware of the company's confidentiality system, right? Or do you want to test its limits?"

Hearing such warnings, no one dared to challenge the company's strict confidentiality protocols. Rumor had it that those who entertained such ideas had ended up as experimental subjects, and everyone knew the grim fate that awaited them.


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