
The Knight of Ruin(DxD)

In his past life, Romonus Gremory was named Andrew. He was brought over to this new world because of his boss Rahvdall, the god of Insanity. He was tasked with breaking the fate of DxD or Canon because gods like his boss feed on the chaos of broken fate to grow stronger. Romonus is all for it as he gets to enjoy the perks of being in a lewd world like DxD.

A_Real_Werewolf234 · Tranh châm biếm
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120 Chs

The March Of Machines.

Romonus decided to allow all of his lovers to know of this reality. His home was still secured and very few people knew where it was. As for Latia, during the assault, Ajuka and King Falak had been so destructive that her Machines didn't get a chance to shine. Ajuka did try to allow her to test her machines against the Old Satan Faction Devils, but they weren't even a challenge. 

Hearing that Romonus was in an alternative reality where nothing they did mattered caused her to feel reasonably happy. As such, once Romonus' Demon Knights finished their massacre he collected all of the souls because he had a terrible use for them. 

These were good material for his future experiments as this was a learning experience. At the moment, he was sitting on Lucifer's stolen throne with Leviathan herself kneeling by his throne with a collar around her neck. 

It ended in a glowing purple chain he held in one of his hands as she kneeled by his leg. He was resting his chin on his knuckle as he took different Lordly posses for Nisselred to take pictures off. Leviathan from the look of it was pissed, but her fear was greater than her anger.

Romonus was someone who could kill her at any time and the fact he was just humiliating her was better than what she would do to someone in his place. Lilith who watched this and the state of Leviathan was confused. 

"What are you two doing?" 

Romonus stopped what he was doing and dropped the chain which dispersed. 

"Just taking some pictures to remember this. I better return to work since I don't want to waste my time here longer than I need to." 

Romonus tapped his foot on the ground and led them outside to the now-empty City of Lucifade. Lilith watched as the Demons walked through the city dragging corpses around. She could see them cutting off the skulls before burning the flesh off and piling them up into a mountain. 

A part of her was grossed out, but the part of her with resentment felt joy at the sight. As for Romonus, he sighed as he watched the mountain of skulls forming. 

'Do I look like Khorne to you?' 

Eventually, a pile of 250,000 skulls was formed before the Demon Knights all gathered behind it. He saw these giant warriors present their pile to him and in their eyes he could see that they wished it pleased him. 

For a moment he was thinking of what to say, but the longer he stayed silent the more the Knights all began to feel sad. He could see it in their souls they just wished to please him. 

"Thank you for this, I mean it, my children." 

He could swear that their souls lit up in joy and that their offering was accepted. 

'This is weird, they are like a bunch of puppies, murderous, giant, skull-chopping puppies.' 

He looked to his right and saw that Lilith had turned to him. 

"Was the skull pile necessary?" 

One of the Demons who heard her spoke up with an offended undertone. 

"It is not a skull pile, it is a throne. Of Skulls, just like Father desired." 

The other Demon Knights began to nod at his words. Romonus smiled at his Knight like a Father. God had made his Angels, and they all called him Father. Romonus had made his Demons so they referred to him as Father. 

"Thank you for your offering, I do appreciate it." 

With a wave of his hand, Romonus infused his energy into the skull pile, and at the top, he formed a throne of skulls. It seemed that his Demons had seen how much he thought Khorne's skull throne was cool so they made one for him. 

He was not going to reject them because that was how your creations betrayed you. Once the Skull Throne formed, he didn't sit on it because he had just stood up from another throne. Rather, he focused more on the crumbled sections of Lucifade. 

He drew on his Domains and with his will, he tore up buildings and massive chunks of material. He clenched his fist as purple flames burst across the material. Because of his expertise in forging, he applied that to his fire with his Divine Domain. 

As the flames ate away at the material, parts of it were forged before being used as material. On the ground, a towering glowing gate began to form from hundreds of tons of sacrificed material. In a few short moments, a gateway was formed to connect this Universe and his home Universe. 

When that was complete, he covered the gate Enuncia Runes to increase its durability and make it permanent. With the gate complete, he surged his Infernal Divinity into the gate firing it up. 


Outside of Romonus' house, Valerie was working in a small garden she had started. None of the plants she was growing were normal as she used her Sacred Gear to modify them to her desires. Currently, she was planting a Mulberry tree because she loved how the fruit tasted. Just as she finished planting the tree, a titanic gate over 100 meters tall formed outside of the house. 

It opened with such force she closed her eyes, but it didn't even affect her garden. When she opened her eyes and looked at the forming gate she knew who it was because of the runes and the color of the gate. 


Hearing her bellowing voice, all of Romonus' lovers began to gather outside to look at the giant gate. When they all gathered they waited as Romonus crossed over with Lilith, Leviathan, and Nisselred. 

They ignored the three women near him because it had been a while since Romonus added to his harem. He spread his arms out with a grin. 

"I am back." 

All of them walked over to him as they could feel his aura, it was that of a God. Not just a lesser god, but that of a God. It was so potent that it felt that he could destroy the world with a thought. 

Even before his ascension, he had long since been able to destroy the planet, just now it wouldn't even take him any effort. Like when he cut the Earth in half when he fought Sirzechs. When Venelana looked up at him she seemed annoyed. 

"Why did you get even taller?" 

Latia walked behind him as she used some Demonic Energy to form a measuring tape. 

"I know Archaon gives you a few inches, but how tall are you know? This says 8 feet tall. I am going to guess 7'5?"

"That is correct, watch." 

Controlling his own body, he began to shrink down a few inches until he was back to 6'10. When he was back to normal, Venelana smiled. 

"There we are, if you are too tall it will just look weird. Welcome back honey and congratulations on your ascension." 

Rias looked up at him with stars in her eyes. 

"How does it feel to be all godly?" 

Romonus was still not sure. 

"Different. The issue is that most of the stuff I have now, I could already do. I did gain a few Domains that increased my abilities. As for my mind, I am far more prideful I guess. I could in theory use my Pride as a weapon, I just need time to figure out what that will mean." 

Romonus turned around to gaze at three ladies he brought over. 

"Before I forget, introductions. This woman here is Lilith, this is Nisselred, Grayfia's sister, the soul in my earing, and that is Leviathan." 

Leviathan glanced around at these women who all felt stronger than her. Serafall crossed her arms as she glanced at the first Leviathan. 

"Did you resurrect her after you ate her descendant?" 

Romonus shook his head. 

"Multiverse theory, a different universe, and some time travel." 

Seekvaira frowned. 

"Time travel? Even I with my Clan ability can only speed up or slow down time around me, how did you go back in time?" 

"10,000 years. I only achieved that because of my unique abilities and it is an alternative reality. I do not suggest we do that in our home universe because of the damage we can cause." 

Seekvaira felt that made sense. 

"True, though I do have questions on the nature of the Multiverse. How does it work?" 

Romonus pondered on this. 

"Well, the theory that there are an infinite number of universes depending on different actions we take. In this universe, I decided to get with Rias and Venelana. In another, I might not have gotten with any of you like my alternative I killed in this reality." 

Venelana didn't know how to take that. 

"You killed a version of yourself? Wouldn't that cause issues?" 

Latia shook her head. 

"No, if the theory of the multiverse is true, each variant of yourself is 'you', but not you. Killing them won't cause any trouble." 

Natsume turned to her with an idea. 

"You know, these days I have gotten back to reading fiction and I read a few novels of Multiversal entities. In one, you absorb all of your alternatives, in another, you take them over with them becoming clones. 

If you die, you are just uploaded to another and you revive that way." 

Romonus knew what she meant. 

"That was my idea as well, at the very least I would assume there would be at least a few powerful versions of myself. I cannot be the only strong one." 

Walburga with her purple cat ears twitching and tails swaying brought something curious up. 

"What about the Dark Multiverse? Does that exist? Where everything went wrong." 

Akeno looked toward Romonus. 

"So, the regular Multiverse exists and so might the Dark Multiverse? Doesn't that mean any action we take doesn't matter? That is kind of dark, to be honest." 

Romonus smiled in a particular way that made them realize he knew something they didn't. Roygun and Venelana glanced at each other before they spoke at the same time. 



Romonus began to clap as they figured it out. 

"Yes, unlike us, Rhavdall is a higher dimensional entity, he is the only one. I received things my alternatives did not. a higher dimensional Demon bloodline, a powerful language, and my gravity abilities.

My alternatives will not have my abilities because they were given only to me." 

Rias nodded. 

"That makes sense in a way, with you being this powerful because of him, your actions carry more weight than your weaker alternatives." 

Shirone tilted her head. 

"Who is Rhavdall?" 

That was a good question as no other than Rias, Roygun and Venelana had heard of him before. Romonus then spent a bit of time explaining who Rhavdall was without bringing up his past life. No one needed to know about that as it was water under the bridge. 

However, he did explain what Rhavdall granted him and what he asked for in exchange. He also came clean about not being able to see the future, but rather that Rhavdall showed him the future himself. 

For a while, the girls all looked at him as if what they heard made sense. Romonus smiled. 

"Mad I lied?" 

He saw his lovers all look at each other before shaking their heads. Venelana didn't care. 

"You didn't lie all that much. You did 'see' the future, you just weren't seeing the future if that makes sense. You did use that to save Valerie and a few other things. Though, what was supposed to happen in the future you saw?" 

Romonus looked over at Rias

"Rias, you would have lost to Riser, and you were supposed to have Itsuki join your peerage. Akeno would have been your Queen and Shirone your Rook." 

Rias and Akneo glanced at each other as that was kind of hard to believe. Akeno pointed at Rias. 

"Really? What was different?" 

"For one, Rias allowed you and Shirone to hate your races. She didn't push you to get stronger. I mean to say Rias that you would be weak and you would let them waste their potential." 

Rias covered her face once again. 

"Do I just suck or something? It seems I would have just been trash without you." 

Itsuki chuckled as she looked at Rias. 

"I honestly cannot imagine being in your Peerage Rias. No offense, but you were kinda annoying as a kid. Always complaining." 

Shirone nodded. 

"Very, and weak." 

Rias felt her heart break a little. 

"I still have a heart you know." 

Romonus began to say some other stuff. 

"Valerie, Rizivem would have killed and taken your Holy Grail. He still would have awakened Trihexa, he would have resurrected all the Evil Dragons to invade the Evie Atolden World. By stopping Rizevim I stopped the near extinction of Asgard, Grigori, and several other Pantheons. 

Walburga, I also prevented the crimes you were going to commit, and Kuroka, I also stopped Shirone from disliking you for long. There is also the fact I made you all far stronger than you would have." 

Walburga frowned. 

"Let me guess, I didn't become a cat in the future?" 

"Hehehehehe, nope. Still, you look better with your Nekomata features. I know I like a cat girl, though if you are unhappy, I could turn you into a bunny girl or a wolf girl. How about a lion girl instead?" 

Walburga raised hand. 

"I like being a cat, nya." 

Venelana shook her head with a smirk. 

"As cute as that is, I guess we learned a bit more about existence as a whole. Our choices matter not just because of Romonus, but because it sets us apart from our alternatives." 

Vespera sighed as that made sense. 

"I guess, guess this means in another reality my grandmother was not such a bitch." 

Silvana touched her neck. 

"And in another where my parents never met. Anything could be possible, I mean Romonus you could be gay or a woman in another reality." 

That caused Romonus' smile to die.

"Gross on the gay part, though if I do find a female version of me, is it incest or masturbation to have sex with her?" 

Nisselred glanced over at him. 

"Master, refrain from any sexual activities with your alternative selves. That is a slippery slope?" 

He just surged. 

"What could be slippier than being with my Twin Sister and my Mother? A bit of selfcest didn't kill anyone." 

His joke fell kind of flat, but from the look of it, Miria was focusing on something else. She squinted her eyes as she glared at Leviathan. 


When Leviathan looked at this horned woman, she felt if she did or said the wrong thing she would die. 

'Why are all these people so strong?' 

Romonus glanced at Miria before asking her something. 

"What do you want to do, love?" 

Miria glanced at the original Leviathan before shrugging. 

"Water under the bridge, besides, it was Tsufaame I had an issue with, not Leviathan." 

Romonus turned to Leviathan with a smirk on his face. 

"Guess you are in luck. If she had wanted to, I would have killed you for her sake." 

Leviathan smiled in a self-deprecating kind of way. It was honestly sad how just the day before she and her brothers were going to rebuild their armies. That was no longer possible when this Demon God set his eyes on them. 

"I feel so lucky." 

Romonus ignored her as he turned to the gate. 

"To explain, when I finished my ascension with the aid of Ophis and Great Red, I noticed that I could see the Dimensional Barriers. Not the ones in the gap, but those in the multiverse. 

To explain why I accessed the multiverse was to upgrade my Domains by using compatible Divinities. This is also a good reality for us to harvest limitless resources. Anyone up for an invasion?" 

Latia reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone. She activated a program and in a flash of light, her Warlord Titan, The Pride Of Damnation was brought to the surface. Aside from this, she had a few Brass Scorpions, Decimators, Maulerfiends, Forgefiends, Soul Grinders, and even a couple of Helldrakes led by a large one. 

Even her Necrons were here and from the look of it, she was in a good mood. 

"I have been wanting a chance to unleash these guys." 

When Romonus glanced at her Demon Engines he was kinda confused. 

"How many have you built?" 

Latial smirked in his direction. 

"Not enough. Though, with all the money I have at my disposal, I could buy some expensive materials for this. Now, I hear there is another universe full of metal for me to use. If the multiverse is as endless as I think, that means I have plenty of opportunities to set up a sun forge or a core forge." 

Romonus walked toward her and patted her head. 

"Are you sure you are not more evil than me?" 

She just moved his hand. 

"Hey, it's an alternative reality and they're infinite of them. No one will care." 

Romonus bent down grabbed her by her hips and pressed his lips against hers. He even began to french kiss her causing Latia to close her eyes to enjoy the kiss. As they exchanged saliva, she began to feel her body heat up as his divine saliva began to cause her genes to burn. 

When he pulled away he winked at her. 

"Have fun, because I was planning on going to war with the pantheons of this reality anyways. Anyone up for that?" 

Silvana twirled her scythe with a twinkle in her eyes. 

"A chance to unleash my undead army? I am in. Vespera, how about you? You have all those Thralls collecting dust." 

Vespera cracked her knuckles. 

"Of course." 

One by one, they all agreed to go with him even Natsume. With that decision, Romonus and his harem all crossed the gate to plunder the alternative universe for its wealth.
