
The Kings Power

Snow Hathaway, a 17 year old girl working for the Guardian Core -an elite group of warriors consisted only of woman- has her life flipped upside down in events that has her questioning her whole existence and what she thought she knew. Finding out her parents were much more important than she thought, and that she is a lot more powerful than anyone could imagine, but not all is fun and games. Now she needs to learn how to control this new-born power, by controlling her emotions, but her emotions is even wilder than before. On top of that, a heavy burden has been placed on her, to not only save her kingdom, but the whole world. Demons wander the earth, and she is the only one powerful enough to stop them. Only by using the Kings Power, can she save everyone but how and where she is going to find it, will serve to be her greatest challenge. And because life can't make things too easy, she is being noticed by two guys, -The prince, irritating and yet charmingly handsome -And a dark, brooding outsider whose sarcasm and snark is worse than his bite- both from different worlds but yet so alike. With a race against a clock, with friendships being tested and with her personal life spiraling out of her control, can Snow figure out how to fix everything in time, or will her adventurous story end as quickly as it has begun? *An extract out of chapter one: Running. Running can be described as an action or movement faster than a walk. You either run to something, like your husband who just came back from the war and you're both crying happy tears because the Lord spared him to live another day. Then you both make love to each other that night, because the longing ate you up, accompanied by the constant worry whether your husband would come back to you or not. He promised didn't he? Just like I did, when I promised him I'll be back. I was the person who had to go away, the girl who had to leave because of the responsibility placed on her shoulders, and it wasn't because of a war. Not at first, but now I realized it was the beginning of one.

Redfalcon30 · Kỳ huyễn
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52 Chs

With friends like these who needs enemies?

"Alone tonight? Where are all of your fancy friends this time?" He not-so-politely inquired. I glared at him.

"If that is all you wanted to ask you may leave, because mission accomplished," I deadpanned. I'm surprised I could form a complete sentence, my tongue feels like lead in my mouth and my mouth feels very dry. I take a big gulp of my drink and his deep blue eyes crinkle in amusement.

"What?" I demanded. "I'm thirsty,'' I said weakly, and prayed he didn't notice the change in my attitude.

"Nothing," He smirks mysteriously, and his eyes search my face, but he obviously didn't find what he was searching for, because then he leans forward. "Its just, you seem like the type to flaunt your power around just because you've got friends in high places," he whispers and an ache pierces my heart at his words. This is why I don't fall in love, I think bitterly.

"Yeah, well if you know me so well, why are you still talking to me, 'cause you don't seem to like what you see?" I snap at him and he leans back. No smile in place, but if there were, I would have wiped it clean of his face. I will not be humiliated ever again.

"That's something I've been asking myself," He murmurs, and I continue to glare at him. I heard what he said, but I don't care. I've been through this two years ago, and I'm not falling for that line again.

"That's what they all say," I say coldly. If he took notice of my cold tone, he didn't react on it. His deep blue eyes continued to stare at me. Seizing me up, perhaps? Who knows, I just want him gone. His wavy blond hair ruffled in the wind and I hated myself for following the movement. What the hell is wrong with you? He just insulted you and brought up very unpleasant memories and you are still attracted to him? I chastised myself and returned to glare at him. Then without warning he smirks and stands up.

"Until next time," He waves and just like that he walks off. I gape at him. That is one strange guy. He just gets up and walk away. Not like we were in a conversation anyway, I reminded myself.

"Oooh, Snow. Who is that hunk-a-hunk?"

Ah, now I know why he walked off. Cinthea and the rest of the gang is suddenly at the table. I lift a brow at her.

"Did you really just say that? And I don't know. Just met him," I lied and hugged Yuna went she sat next to me and I quickly said hello to he rest of the gang.

"It didn't exactly look like they were having a fun conversation," Thea commented from the other side of the bench we were sitting on.

"That's besides the point. How can you not know his name?" Cinthea gushed and I had the sudden desire to bash her head in.

Woah. Remember what grandmother said. I control my thoughts, therefore I control the darkness. Plus she is still my friend. I've always tolerated her, I don't know why she is getting on my nerves this much these days. I glance to where he walked off and saw the group of people he was hanging out with. Guys and girls are surrounding him, clapping him on his shoulder and laughing while he looks to be saying something. He just finished and glanced my way. His friends went on laughing and joking about, but his eyes stayed on me. My heart sped up, but I looked away. This can not be happening. I will not let it happen. Then I saw Cinthea glance behind her. When she looked back at me, she fanned herself.

"Wow. Damn girl, he really is hot. I mean look at his muscles," She glanced behind her, but I feigned disinterest.

"I don't care what his muscles look like. He is an a-holl,'' I said matter of fact-ly, but even as I said it I couldn't help but glance at his table. This time he rested his elbows on the table and looked straight at us. His muscles was highly defined this way and I couldn't help but stare.

"Really? Doesn't seem like that to me," My eyes swung back at Cinthea, smirking at me, looking extremely satisfied with herself.

"Leave her only alone, Cinthea. Every girl with half a brain would look at that guy," Yuna interrupted before I could say something real nasty to this girl in front of me.

"Fine," Singing the word she looked behind her again. "If you don't want him, mind if I give it a go?" She winks at me coyly. I had to take deep breaths to calm myself.

"Go for it," I grit out, throwing in a fake smile too for extra measure. It feels like my blood is boiling and I just want to smash something.

Easy, no need to go green for this, I remind myself. He does not belong to you. I look away and lock eyes with Noctis, who is watching me so intently, it feels like he's looking into my mind. Shame floods me. Which, of course, I don't understand either. What is it to him if find the guy attractive? I laugh to myself. Who am I kidding, I know exactly what's it to him.

"Alrighty, he is off to the bar and here is my golden opportunity," Cinthea runs her fingers through her hair to smooth it out some. She stands up and takes off, all in one smooth movement. You go to give it to the girl, she knows how to be smooth.

I turn my attention to Promto, who sat next to Cinthea when Yuna touched my arm.

"I see you've already a drink, but do you mind if you accompany me to get a drink for the others?" She asks and I look at her with confusion.

"But Cinthea is there. Aren't we like going to ruin her game or something," I try to say it neutrally, but secretly I so wanted to go there.

What is wrong with me? I have to let her have this one. If not for my sake, then for hers. Maybe she'll finally get over Noctis and leave me the hell alone.

"We won't be where she is, we'll go to the other side of the bar, that way we won't be interrupting anything," She explained and it sounds like a good idea. Hopefully she won't see us and think we're spying on her. I nodded and got up.

"Hey anyone want anything? I know Cinthea just went to the bar, but she didn't exactly take any orders, so me and Yuna will go, in case anyone want anything," I joked, and received a few chuckles in return.

"Thanks Snow, cause I only heard like one part of the conversation, and when she want of to the bar without my order, I sort of thought she did it on purpose," He laughed, abashed.

"Stop lying to yourself, Promto. We all know you were listening very intently," Noctis joked making Promto shove him lightheartedly.

"Noc, we all know you have the habit of blaming someone else for your sins, but don't do it in front of the ladies," Ignis, sitting across from Noctis, spoke out, and I was pleasantly surprised to see him smile. Even if it was a little one. A few 'oohhh's went up from Promto make me unwillingly smile.

Eventually we got everyone's orders after they were done dissing each other. When we got to the bar, the place was once again packed, but unfortunately I still had a clear view from Cinthea and blond guy. I looked away and saw Yuna watching me.

"What?" I ask innocently. A mysterious smile appeared on her lips and I almost got irritated, because I seem to get a lot of them these days, when she spoke. And I wish she hadn't.

"You like him, don't you?" She asks me, but I know she already made up her mind about the question.

"Why do you ask me when you already know?"

"Stop playing coy with me. I'm just surprised after all this time, some guy actually catches your eye," She watches me from the corner of her eye.

"He's not just some guy," I immediately say, and immediately regret it. She looks at me sharply and I'm forced to explain. I told her about how I've been dreaming about the guy, and I think if we weren't in a public place right now, she would've yelled my head off.

"What? I thought you only dreamed nightmares, that's why your powers always goes so ballistic," She exclaimed. If give her a look that says: Wow thanks for that one. "But what the hell are you doing letting Cinthea get him?"

"I'm not letting her get anything. She wants him, so if she succeeds, she gets him. Besides, I doubt it's like my moms vision she had of my dad. Maybe something else will happen," I try to convince her, as well as myself, and it sounds like that too. She sighs and when we're finally at the front of the line, she gives the orders. I glance to where they stand, but Cinthea is gone and see he is already staring at us again. The weight of his stare rises goosebumps on my arms. At that point I don't see or hear anything else, I know, extremely cliche, but who am I to lie. Then someone had to go touch my arm and break the spell.

"Snow, the drinks are here," Yuna tells me slowly. I nod and take the drinks. Damn, we must have looked like idiots staring at each other like that.

"You know I love you, right?" She says hesitantly and I glance at her. I only once heard her say that line like that before, and it was right before she gave me tough love.

"Yeah?" I posed it as a question and braced myself.

"Well, I think you should figure out what you want, because we both know she has a major crush on Noctis, and he is in love with you, and now that she can finally move on, you're falling for the guy she is trying to move on with," Yuna judged my reaction, but if she expected me to blow up on her, she really overestimated my temper on this subject.

"I know that. I already made up my mind about it. I'm not going to get in the way of Cinthea and him. If he's a good guy and makes her happy, I'm not going to get in the way of that, no matter what my feelings are," I explained to her.

"And what about Noctis?" I heard Cinthea ask, but my attention was not at our conversation anymore. The table was in sight and I saw Cinthea back there, and someone else, laughing with her at our table.

Lucy Malacaster. Oh hell no. Whet the hell is she doing here, and at our table no less?

"Snow, wait," I heard Cinthea yell, and registered that I was already moving toward our table, I threw a barrier around the drinks to keep it from slushing over the edge. Then I was in front of them. Lucy yelped and sprung onto her feet. Cinthea's eyes widened is shock, before she broke into a laugh.

"Damn, Snow. You came out of nowhere," She smiled, but there was something razer like to her smile. "Guess what, that guy is total hotness and I'm getting him," She winks, total oblivious to the jealous storm churning in my stomach. I felt Yuna come to stand beside me, and I could almost feel her concern radiating of her.

"It seems I'm not the only one," Totally ignoring the last comment. I turned my gaze to Lucy, and struggled to keep my boiling anger under control. Seeing that blond guy totally threw my off my cool. I was not prepared to see this witch here.

"Well, I just thought I would come and say hi," She smiled innocently, but her eyes indicated she was anything but. If I had any doubts about her being up to something, then its gone now. She is up to something, for sure.

"Really? Then since you already did, you can go now," I spoke coldly. I saw Thea and Fay's eyes widen and the boys' curious stares move back and forth between us.

"Snow, don't be mean. She didn't do anything to you," Cinthea glared at me and I returned it head on. Is she for real? She knows exactly what Lucy did to me.

"I think everyone needs to calm down," Promto spoke up and came to stand between us.

"Yeah, Snow. No need to get so defensive," Lucy smirked, crossing her arms. I glared at her.

"And there is no need for you to stay any longer," I snapped back.

"Snow, that is enough," Cinthea exclaimed and stood up.

"No, let her say her piece, Cinthea. She's not going to stop until she has," Lucy stepped closer. I narrowed my eyes. "But I gotta ask, how does it feel to be a part of the land of the living?"

I roll my eyes. Not this again.

"The same as it always was? Though I imagine I can't say the same about your love life," I retort and she glares at me. I haven't seen a guy on her arm for two months. Low, I know, but to get into your enemies head, you need to know their weakness. Lucy's weakness is boys and her popularity. No boys, no popularity.

"Just because my love life wasn't like your parents', doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Though I should probably be relieved its not the same, because then I'll be expected to die too, right?"

There it is. The reason she was goading me. Blood boiling, I glare at her. I notice people began to stare, but I do not care. My parents death was tragic, but one thing it was not, it wasn't a tragic love story. Their story is much more than that.

"Snow, don't listen to her," Yuna's voice quivered, but I ignored it.

"Don't worry, I don't think anyone would want to have such an epic romance with you," Promto stood in front of me, shielding me with his body, but I stepped around him.

"You're right, Promto, but even if there was someone on this planet crazy enough to fall for her, she would never be as good as my mother was," I took a step closer and felt my control slipping and my voice sounded strange. Like a thousand other voices was inside my own. "My mother was the kindest person on earth, and she would never want someone like you to fill her shoes," I spat. Her eyes was filled with panic, and I reveled in her being scared. Then someone clamped a hand around my arm.

"Control yourself, Snow. There is people here," Noctis whispered in my ear. He is right. This isn't me, I don't build my happiness on someone else's unhappiness. I felt myself gaining control a little bit and that was enough for me to grab onto it and calm down. I blinked and looked around and saw indeed everyone was warily looking at me. This is the last thing I wanted. They shouldn't be scared of me. I don't want to hurt anyone. I took a step back and looked up into his face. His eyes asked me a question and I nodded. I grabbed my coat, lying on the table.

"I don't know what you want to get out of making me angry, Lucy, but I'm not going to stay here and risk being a danger to everyone," I looked over my shoulder at her, shrugging on my coat. She looked like she could kill someone.

"At least you know you're a danger to society. A freak, even your parents knew that. You know everyone just tolerated you right? The poor girl without any parents. Boo hoo. Your parents are dead, Snow. Get over it. They chose to go to war and leave you, because even they knew you're an abomination. Your eyes aren't natural and no matter how much you try to get your powers under control, the fact will still stand that your parents left you. You're a disappointment to the Kingston name. They knew it was suicide, but if they loved you enough they would've survived," She yelled and the last hold on my powers slipped like the tear that fell from my eye and rolled down my cheek. I know her words aren't true, they do love me. Don't they? Her words still cut deeper than I like to admit. It felt like someone pushed a sword through my heart and twisted it. It hurts so much. I wish it was physical pain, then I could at least handle it, but this emotional pain hurts so much more than a physical wound ever could. I felt a burst of power leave me, almost similar to the blast at the summit. Someone screamed, or maybe everyone did. I felt my eyes glow brightly and turned to look at Lucy. She was on the ground a few meters away, covered in scrapes. She wasn't the only one. My friends were all lying on the ground, further away than were they originally stood. The tables were overturned and the few people unaffected was running away.

Why? Oh, they were running away from me.

Good, a voice whispered in my mind. Let them witness true power.

If they think I'm a freak, I'll show them exactly what a freak could do, I thought.

No! I inhaled and pinched my eyes closed.

Please, please. Just get it under control. You can do this, Snow. Don't listen to that voice. I clenched my fists to try and stop the power from accidentally bursting from me.

"Enough!" A familiar voice shouted. My eyes flew open and the power retreated. Blond Guy was standing in front of Lucy griping her throat. She heaved for air, but he wouldn't let go.

"You seem too pretty to be this stupid. Do you really think it was a smart idea to piss her off?" He was deadly calm, and that made it all the more scary. At that moment I didn't envy her at all. Whatever face he made, was enough to frighten her into silence. He released her and pushed her away like she was a parasite.

"Go, and if you ever dare try anything with her again, I'll be the first to know, and that will be the last mistake you'll ever make," He warned and she almost tripped over herself to get away. She spared me one look that would put a murderous glee to shame, but then its like a switch has been flipped and her expression turns into a smug expression. She then turns on her heels and sprint away. Some other day I would've laughed, but today is not that day. This was her plan, the plan I promised myself I would not fall for. Whatever her full plan is, she just completed half of it.

"You okay?" He stared at me with honest concern and my mouth dried out with the sight of it. His golden hair stood devilish and even with the dirt on his face, he still looks incredibly handsome. He lifts a brow and I realize I'm staring. I clear my throat.

"I will be," My voice was steady and I was grateful for this tiny victory. We continued to stare at each other. Me studying him to see if he is afraid of me or shows any sign of terror, but there is nothing, just curiosity and something so intense it steals my breath away and almost makes it impossible to look him in the eye. Then I saw a movement from the corner of my eye. Yuna was struggling to get up. I break eye contact and focus on my best friend. I rush to her side and help her up. She gave me a weak smile and grunted while standing up.

"My hell. Warn me next time you want to do that, yeah?" She joked and I glared at her.

"This is no time for jokes, Yuna. You could have been hurt," I scolded. I can actually feel myself shaking from panic. She opened her mouth to retort, but the others groaned, drawing our attention. Noctis was on his feet first, helping Promto, then Cinthea and Thea. I went and helped Ignis, Fay and Gladiolus up. I hoped they wouldn't pull away from me, fortunately they looked quite grateful to me helping them up.

"Thank you, Snow. That was quite a blast you let loose over there," Ignis grunted. He righted his glasses and looked at the others. Promto shook his blond hair out, and looked around searching for something.

"Where is our dear friend Lucy? She ran at the first sight of danger? How brave of her," Promto drawled.

"She did what she came here to do. This was all part of some grand plan of hers," I tell them. They all stare at me, but Blond Guy nods.

"I thought the same thing. She's definitely up to something. She must have known what would happen if she goaded you like that, besides that look she gave you before running away, definitely says she just succeed in whatever she planned to do," Now its his turn to get stared at.

"Excuse me, but who might you be?" Ignis questioned, pushing his glasses up.

"Nate Agallon," So that's Blond Guy's name. He folds his arms across his chest and I notice a few tiny scars on his arms. I wonder where he got them from. They're not very prominent, but it still catches my attention. One day I'll have a few scars of my own. I wonder what I'll look like then. Will it look attractive or will I have to cover them up. The older guardians wear them so proudly and they each have a story about where they got each and every one. One day other young guardians will look at me with wonder in their eyes when they hear about the stories I'll tell them. I'm sure my mother had a few to tell. I wonder what kind of adventures she went on.

"My goodness, I can't believe it," Thea brought me out of my thoughts. I must have missed half of the conversation, because I see Noctis glance at Nate suspiciously and the others glance between them. My attention shifts back to Thea. She looked white as a sheet. The rest was silent, but it was Cinthea that caught my eye. She was unnaturally silent. I wish it was because she maybe hit her head or something, but my gut tells me its more than that. The way she and Lucy joked about earlier, tells me they know each other longer than I thought. Cinthea and I only became friends through Yuna last year when I entered the Guardian Core. Before that I don't know who she was friends with, but if I had to bet, I think Lucy was one of them. I opened my mouth-

"What the hell is going on here?" That did not come out of my mouth. We all turn and I see the manager storm toward us. His golden eyes burning with fury. I cringe. Great, this is the second time I've been involved in breaking something of this guy.

"Nothing major," Noctis says casually and I shoot him a look. Really? This place is a mess, and all he's got to say is 'nothing major'. He throws a grin my way and I roll my eyes.

"Noctis, you better explain yourself right now. My place is a mess," He shouts.

"Look, Michael. I'll pay for the damages," Noctis shrugs, and I look between them nervously.

"That's what you always say when you mess up. I'm tired of your nonsense. You can pay for everything inside, but what of outside?" He shouts and I frown. My powers didn't stretch that far, did it?

"The people are going to talk. You are scaring my customers away when you fight like this. I'm not like you with all that money you have. I'm not set for life. This place is my life and my friendship with you is not worth over losing it," He glares at Noctis and I kind of feel sorry for him. Not Noctis. He looks extremely bored, which angers me. The guy is right. Michael. This place puts the food on his families table and we're destroying it. We can pay for the damages all we want, but the people will talk and in the end his business will suffer from it. If we keep coming here, people will start avoiding me and stop coming here because of it. Maybe I'm jumping the gun a bit, but I know how the people of this Crown City reacts to certain things. I glance up and lock eyes with Nate. Something in his eyes tells me he is thinking the same thing. I bit my lip and square my shoulders.

"I'll pay for the damages. This is my fault. Again," I add when his eyes rests on me. "Then when the debt is settled you'll never see us again. I know how hard it must be to be responsible for the food on the table," I hold eye contact and I hear a snort behind me. I turn and see Cinthea still sitting at the same point, but staring intensely at a spot in front of her. I frown at her. What is her problem?

"Good, because I don't want any of you here again. You can come talk to me when you figure out the payment,'' He storms off. We all stand in silence when Noctis opens his mouth.

"I'll pay for it and don't worry he'll cool down and realise that kicking us out was a big mistake. Most people come here to see the the prince," He starts to walk off but, I just about had enough.

"Are you serious? He just told you something serious, and even if you didn't care, you could have at least had the decency to look ashamed," I burst out, surprising him. I clenched my fists making my nails bite into hands. He could be so arrogant sometimes.

"I'm sorry, but I don't do fake. People expect an honest king, and that is what they're going to get," He glares at me like I'm the one who just blew off a friend of mine, because of my ego.

"You still have a long way to go before you could talk about being an honest king," I spat and turned to walk away. I can't believe the arrogance. The cheek. Does friendship mean so little to him? I thought he'd gotten better over the past few months, but it seems its only in front of me that he acts like a decent human being. I huff. It won't take much to just apologise for the mess. He can pay for it. He offered, didn't he? Hopefully it'll tone down his ego a bit. I smirk. A girl can dream can't she? I walk up the street on the path to The Guardian Core. Something heavy settles in my stomach, so much I have to stop and take a deep breath. Dread, its dread. It feels like its climbing up my throat and I bend over the sidewalk, emptying my stomach in the bushes. I feel so nauseated. Is it my powers? But no, this never happened before, besides the dread in my stomach suggests another thing.

"Snow?" A voice calls out, then hurried footsteps follows. "Snow, what happened?" I glance up and see Yuna standing over me. Worry lines her face. I wipe my hand over my mouth.

"Nothing. I just got nauseated and emptied my stomach. I'm fine, its over now," I add when I see her open her mouth to say something. She closes it, but still the worry doesn't disappear. I glance behind her.

"Where are the others?"

"They said they're on their way. Fay and Thea was a little worried about Cinthea, so they stayed behind to check her out,"

"Alright," I nod, but distaste enters my mouth.

"What's wrong? Why does your face scrunch up like that? Are you still nauseated?" I glare at her, but when I see she's smiling, I sigh and nod my head in the direction of The Guardian Core. We begin walking and I tell her my suspicions about Cinthea and Lucy.

"I don't what's going on, but they're working together on something. My gut tells me Cinthea's problems with me aren't nearly over," I tell her honestly. She gapes at me like I've grown two heads.

"I'm not crazy," I bite out.

"I never said you were, but this is a whole new level for Cinthea. A too new level. I can't fathom her doing this," Yuna implored. I stare at her. Is she for real?

"You've known her, your entire life. You have to know what she's capable of," I burst out. She looks at me annoyed.

"Its because I've known her this long, that I know she's not capable of doing this," She glares ahead of her. I hate how we're arguing this few days, but I'm not backing down on this. My gut has never let me down before, so why should it now?

"Then you don't know her as well as you think," I snap.

"Like you? You always think the worst of everybody. We have to work our asses off to win your trust, but even then you're still suspicious about our feelings. If we take one of your so-called "wrong steps" you immediately jump on your high horse and close yourself off. Even though we did nothing to deserve it," She shouted. At one point we've stopped, though I can't remember when.

"Is that what you think off me? If I'm such a difficult person to be friends with, why are you still here?" I screamed back.

"No! I'm your best friend. I love you and I know under all that icy exterior you've got a kind heart and undying loyalty, but this feud with Cinthea is getting out of hand," We stand there in the middle of the street, glaring at each other.

"Feud with Cinthea?" I echo softly. Then it sinks in. "I'm not the reason this feud has been going on as long as it has. She's the one undermining me, where I've only been nice to her!" I shout and blindly point in the direction where I think Cinthea is at.

"Undermining you?" She shouts back then laughs incredulously. "Have you forgotten the time when one of the just-graduated Guardians picked on you last year, just because you couldn't shoot an arrow straight and Cinthea stood up for you in front of everyone?" Her voice is hard as ice, but her eyes portrays sadness. She wasn't there that day, so the older girls saw it as the perfect opportunity to pick on me. No, I wanted to tell her. I haven't forgotten, but...

"She didn't do it out of the kindness of her heart, Yuna. In fact I could see the smug expression on her face when she told them my talents lies elsewhere. To shoot with a bow and arrow is for people with grace, sword fighters must carry the bulk of the battle, right? They're all muscles and no beauty," Cinthea told them that it just takes longer for me to learn the basics, like I'm some stupid kid. Its so typical of her. You think she'll help you, but its all for her own personal game. I can't believe we've stayed friends for so long. I think we've just tolerated each other for so long, we've fell into a constant rhythm of being nice to each other, and putting our differences aside for Yuna.

"I don't know where you get that, but we both know that's not true. You've come along way since that scared girl who couldn't even hold a bow. I don't think Cinthea meant it as an insult, maybe she really was trying to help and it came out the wrong way, but I'm sure she had good intentions," Her voice pleaded with me, but I refuse to listen to this nonsense. A scoff escapes my mouth.

"Right, because Conthea is usually misunderstood," I roll my eyes. Yuna is either incredibly naive, or blind.

"Why can't you just listen to me?" She exclaimed throwing her hands up.

"Excuse me? You're the one not listening. I'm telling you Cinthea is out to get me, and all you're telling me is that I'm paranoid," She glares at me, but doesn't say anything to correct me. I shake my head, disappointed. She's supposed to be my best friend, but now she's choosing someone else over me -a person who is definitely not a friend. I spun on my heels and walk away from her. I can hear her calling after me, and the desperation in her voice almost makes me stop in my tracks, but I keep going. Its obvious who she'll believe more, and it hurts like a bitch. I thought we'd always pick each others sides, I mean that's something I've always prepared to do. When I look up I see I've already reached the building. Never in my life have I been afraid of this building like I am now. It stands tall and proud with our Nation's emblem on top. I ambled up the steps and opened the set of double doors. I am greeted with dead silence. On both sides the doors are closed for the night. I can feel myself shaking with dread. Nothing is going to happen, I tell myself. Cid won't let it, she'll understand. It was an accident and nobody got hurt anyway. Just a few scrapes and bruises. I think my friends received the brunt of it. My cheeks burns hot with shame. I thought things were supposed to get better. I've been training a lot and have been discovering a lot about my powers too. I can call on it so easily now, but I can just as easy lose control. I lean back against the door replaying the fight with Yuna. This was the first real fight I've had with her in all my years. Of course we've disagreed, I mean show me two friends who haven't, but this... I shake my head and walk to the right, pushing on the set of double doors leading into the training room. A sigh of relieve escapes me. Its unlocked. I step inside and close the door behind me. The weapons rack stands against the wall ready to be used, but my eyes lands on the only thing I'm interested in. My sword. I usually leave it here with the rest of the other personalised weapons, so it won't be laying in my room waiting for someone to get hurt. I walk towards it and reach out to take it, but pause when my eyes shifts to the right where Yuna's bow is laying. Bringing up that memory of last year is definitely giving me past vibes. I couldn't even lift up a sword back then. Or shoot an arrow straight to save my life. I clench my fists and walk toward the other weapons rack. The Guardian Core property one. I lift one of its bows and quivers full of arrows and walk toward the targets. I've come a long way since then. I am not the same girl as when I first started here. I lift the bow and take aim, aiming for the bullseye. I release the string and my bow shoots through the air, hitting the target right in the middle. I focus on the next one, then the next and the next. Hitting all ten targets right in the bullseye. I smirk at my success. Yep, definitely a long way. When I turn around to put the bow back in its place, I almost drop it in shock of what's standing in the doorway. Or rather whom.

"Noctis? What are you doing here?" The prince pushes himself off the wall and stroll towards me.

"I wanted to check up on you. Yuna told me you got into a fight. She wanted to do it herself when they got back, but I told her I'll do it. You might need some time to cool off," He talks calmly and stuffs his hands into his pockets. I stare at him. When they got back? I didn't even hear the door open, nor footsteps.

"How long have you been watching?" Unreadable emotion passes in his eyes and I know he knows what I did. He nods toward the targets.

"Long enough to know you are upset," I clutch the bow tightly to rein in my frustration.

"Is that so? Now you care?"

"Why wouldn't I?" He had the audacity to ask me that?

"You know exactly why. You can't just turn on the charm whenever it suits you," I nearly shout.

"Do you always wave you arms like that when you're angry?" I blink at him.

"Excuse me?"

"You know," He waves his arms about, emphasizing his point. Though he kind of looks like a madman. I glare at him.

"Stop distracting me. You know exactly what I'm talking about. You completely disregarded your friend," I turn and walk to the weapons rack to put the bow and quiver back in its place.

"What did you want me to say? That I'm sorry? That I feel guilty? That- You gonna put that back?" I glance at him to see what he was referring to and saw the arrows still protruding out of the targets. I huff a sigh and stomp my way over to retrieve the arrows. I glance back for some unknown reason and see Noctis trying to hide his smile. I roughly pull out arrow number one, before moving on to the next one. I hear a sound coming from the far side and when I glance over I see Noctis doing the same. I'm sure my mouth is hanging open, but I look between the spot where he stood a minute ago and where he is standing now. How did he move so soundlessly and so fast?

"Are you going to keep gawking or are you going to close you mouth and pull out these arrows?" He lifts a brow and I immediately avert my gaze. I quickly pull out the remaining arrows, all except one. I pull, but it won't budge. I try again, but still no movement.

"Cluster hell. How far did this thing go in?" I mumble to myself.

"Here let me help," Noctis tries to move my hands, but I shrug him off.

"No, I got it," I say firmly.

"Okay," He stands back. I lean with my weight backwards and pull.

"Come on!" I groan, but it still won't move an inch.

"You sure you don't need any help?" I can hear the smile in his voice and that just makes me more determined.

"One hundred percent,'' I tell him. Alright little arrow. Be like that. I pull on my power and throw it at the arrow like a harpoon, when I feel my power connect with it, I pull the makeshift harpoon back and just a few seconds went by when it finally wiggled lose and flew at my head. I yelped and dodged out of the way, but it seems I wasn't quick enough for Noctis to gather that he had to dodge too, since he was standing directly behind me. I was on the verge of shouting out his name when he plucked the arrow out of the air. All I heard was a zap, like electricity, and saw blue surrounding his hands, like the red of my telekinesis, and then the arrow was in his hands. This time I openly gawked. How did he...? He studied the arrow lazily only for a moment before turning his gaze to me.

"Got it," He waved the arrow in the air like some kind of big achievement.

"Oh, get over yourself," I snap, and only when I get up I realise I was laying on the floor. I dust myself off and walk to grab the arrow from him so I could put these things back on its place and go to bed. This day was awful enough as it is. I try to ignore the fact that his eyes watches every move that I make nor that it makes my skin tingle. I stop in front of him and hold out my hand. He looks at it for a moment before holding out the arrow in return. I sigh and make to grab it, but he pulls it out of my reach. I try again and again he pulls it just out of my reach.

"What are you? Twelve?" I snap at him, "Just give me the bloody arrow." He laughs in my face. I glare at him and make use of his momentary lapse of focus, lunging for the arrow. Again he pulls it out of my grasp, but at the same time slips an arm around my waist, pulling me closer. I gasp at the contact.

"What are you doing?" The question comes out as a loud whisper.

"Why are we whispering?" He says it the same way I did.

"Don't answer my question with question,"

"Then stop avoiding mine," He brings his face closer to mine. I try to break free of his grasp, but its like iron.

"I am not avoiding yours."

"Oh really? Then what do you think you're doing?" His face is so close I can see the humour in his eyes clearly. Blue dots sparkle in his eyes. Is that his powers? Electricity seems to be his thing. That would explain how he moves so fast. I feel kind of dumb now for not thinking of it sooner. He lifts a brow and I realise he asked me a question. What was it again? Oh yeah...

"Selectively answering," I glare at him when he burst out laughing.

"You can't be serious," He laughs again and pulls me into a hug, laughing into my shoulder. I stiffen at the contact. Should I hug him back? We were still fighting a moment ago and come to think of it, I am still annoyed with him, but before I can push him away, he lifts his head again. Then he surprises me, again. He rests his forehead against mine, exhaling softly.

"Why can't you love me?" He whispers. Startled I pull out of his arms. I should have done it sooner, I realise.

"Are you drunk?" I blurt out, making him smile lazily. His perfect white teeth gleams in the moonlight.

"Drunk on my love for you? Sure," He shrugs and a surprised laugh escapes me.

"That is so corny. I can't believe you said that," I shake my head, crossing my arms. An unwilling smile appears on my lips and I try to stifle it, but I think I just ended up looking stupid.

"You should smile more," My eyes fly towards him. He looks at me earnestly, making my heartbeat erratically. Stop it, I scold myself. I try breathing in and out to slow my heartbeat, but that just makes things worse. His eyes darken considerably and before I can stop him he is in front of me.

Damn him and his fast moving powers. He cups my face, tilting it up. His hands feels extremely warm, making me shiver. I didn't realise how cold I am until now. Then without warning his lips are on mine. I gasp and he takes the opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth. His lips are hotter and softer than I thought. No wonder all of the girls would love to be kissed by him. He is an amazing kisser, though no surprise there. I sort of thought he would be. I kind of expected it. His hands trails down my collarbone to my shoulders and then I feel them on my hips, pulling me even closer. He sucks on my lips and groans when I tug on his hair. I tilt my head up giving him better access to my mouth. Wait... what the hell am I doing? I quickly pull back and put at least a few steps between us.

"What the hell are we doing?" I pull my hands through my hair. Whatthehell. What. The. Hell.

"Snow?" His voice breaks me out of my referee. I swing on him.

"What the hell were you thinking kissing me like that?" I yell. His confused expression turns into anger.

"Me kissing you? Well my memory seems to serve me something else. See I did kiss you, but you kissed me back. You even pulled me closer, so don't you dare turn this on me," He shouted back. I gape at him, but nothing came to mind to give him a smartass retort. I knew he was right. I did kiss him back.

"I know. I'm sorry. I am just freaking out right now," My goodness. Why the hell did I just admit it out loud?

"Its okay. Though its the first time I received such a reaction when I kissed someone," I glance at him to see him grinning and I wanted to punch him. Now is so not the time to make jokes.

"Can you just be serious for just one second?" I asked sharply. His smile fades, turning into a frown.

"Well I'm sorry if I'm not as freaked out by this as you are," He says equally sharply. I blink at him. Now why is he upset? Scrap that, I know exactly why he is upset. I've tried to ignore the looks he gives me, or the hidden messages with each conversation hoping he'll finally get the message, but it looks like it just encouraged him. I open my mouth to say something, anything to make this right.

"Do you have any idea how hard it is to have feelings for someone that just doesn't notice you like all the other girls do? And then finally she lets me kiss her, not just that, but she kisses me back? Do you know how long I've wanted to do that, Snow? No, you don't, because all you see is just some dumb, playboy prince, but-" He steps closer, "Now I know that whatever this is, you feel it too and I'm not letting go. I'm going to win you over and make you see that I'm crazy in love with you," He whispers and I feel the goosebumps break out on my skin. I don't know what to say. This is not what I expected of him. I never saw him as 'just a dumb prince', a playboy sure, but never dumb. Then I felt his lips on mine again, but this time it was soft and not as demanding as the last time. It was nice, I realised, but just nice. He pulls back and smiles softly, then with a crackle of electricity and a gust of wind he is gone. I stare at the open space in front of me. Did that just happen? Wait, what kind of cliche thought is that? Of course that just happened and yet again I never saw that coming. I need to be observant. These types of things can't keep catching me off guard, but then how am I supposed to know when a guy is going to kiss me, especially the prince.

Oh no. Cinthea. What is she going to think? I almost snort, if it was yesterday I might have been horrified at the thought of making out with someone she likes, but its not like I consider her my friend anymore. Today just proved how fake she is, besides it looks like she moved on to Nate. Guilt finally seeps in just thinking about him. It shouldn't bother me that I let Noctis kiss me, but why does is feel like I betrayed him somehow? Or is just some imaginative thing that I wished was real? I look around to see if everything is in place before leaving and shutting the door behind me. I don't now how I made it into my room, but far away I register that I kick off my shoes and switch my clothing for my pajamas. I avoid looking at Yuna's bed, though I don't think it takes much effort because if I don't hurry up I'll fall asleep right where I stand. I'll shower tomorrow was my last thought before I climb into bed and close my eyes.

A blond guy stands in front of me. I recognise him immediately.

"Nate?" He turns around at the sound of my voice. Blue eyes stare wordlessly into mine. "What's going on?" I ask him again. Why isn't he answering me? He turns away from me and I try to reach out, but I can't reach him. I take one step forward, but it's like he moves further away from me. My legs run on its own accord, but I get nowhere. Out of breath I stare at him. Is this some kind of dream? No, it feels different, more alive than a murky dream. It can't be a vision can it? I mean it doesn't tell me anything about what's going to happen. I turn around in a circle but only see en endless streak of white.

"What are you trying to tell me?" I shout into oblivion. Pain explodes on my back and I'm thrown to the ground.

"Not to strong anymore are you, little demon fighter. I expected more of a fight from you. The boss told us not to underestimate you, but it seems he is the one who overestimated you," Guttural laugh burst from him, reminding me of a wounded, feral animal.

"Bro, stop playing with the hunt. Boss told us to bring her in unharmed," Another voice spoke from the side. He was just as big as the one in front of me. I don't remember there being two of them. Then again I haven't dreamed this part before. He crouches in front of me stroking my cheek.

"Pity, she would have been fun to break," His raspy voiced reached my ears. I lift my chin and look him straight in the eye.

"We'll see who'll get to break whom," I knock back and hit him hard in the nose. He exclaims and reels back, I jump to my feet and knee him in the head.

"You bitch," He snarls and I retort appears on my tongue but before I can even open my mouth, something slams into me.

Oof, motherf-

"Hold her in place, dude. The damn whore broke my nose," I glance sideways in time to see him spit out blood.

"You didn't really have one to begin with," I comment. He glares at me, showing his teeth. My eyes widens. What the hell is that? That ain't teeth, that's canines. Tattoos spreads across his arms and neck.

"Easy dude. Calm down," The guy who slammed into me, hauls me upright. "No need to get upset. She didn't mean is, besides we need to get going. That prince of hers is going to get suspicious about what's taking so long."

"First off, the hell I did. Second off, that ain't my prince," I knock my head back, clocking the man holding me. His grip loosens for a slit second, but that's all I need. Even though my head hurts right now, I spin and kick him in the groin. He crumples to the ground, groaning. I only take a few steps when someone grabs my neck, spins me around and slams me into the ground. My vision blurs with the lack of oxygen, and from the enormous blow to the head. This is the part that I recognise. He folds his hands around my neck and chokes me. The rest of which follows, the anger, the flow of power in my veins, all of it I've lived through it at least a dozen times. I hate every second of it. Against my will, my power flows into his head, building, raging. Until it can't anymore. I manage to clench my eyes shut and the only warning I have is the wetness of the blood on my face, before I am slammed out of the vision. I topple out of my bed, hitting the floor hard. Gasping for breath, I crack my eyes open to find the morning sunlight stream in through the windows.

What time is it?" I mumble searching for my alarm clock. The digits on my blue, rectangular clock reads: 07:30.

"Seven thirty? Seems awfully early to..." I break off realising what time it is. My eyes widens and I jump of the floor, sprinting to get my training clothes. I am so late. I should have been there ten minutes ago. We begin in five minutes. I've never been late. Why didn't Yuna wake me up? I stop dead. Right, because we are angry at each other. I involuntarily glanced at her bed. My alarm clock didn't even go off. My fists clench. Someone had to have shut it off. I walk back to make sure. Maybe I somehow forgot to set it, but I doubt it, I never change my alarm. I pick it up and set it so see for when the alarm is set: Everyday of the week. Just like I thought.

Son of a - I run across the room to get dressed and put my hair into a bun while sprinting down stares to the training room. Throwing the doors open I find Cid already waiting. With the rest of the Guardians.

"Snow, glad you could join us. I was on the verge of coming to get you myself. Being hungover does not give you an excuse to skip my training lesson," Cid folds her arms, glaring at me. I stare at her in shock. Me? Hungover? I've never even had alcohol over my lips before. My eye catches Cinthea's and I'm not surprised to find her smirking. Yuna grabs her arm and yanks her back. I don't know what they're saying, but the way she grips Cinthea's arm and considering how fast she is whispering I'm going to make a bet and say she isn't happy.

It's an act, the voice whispered. If she really cared, she would have stepped in before Cinthea could properly finish her lie. I look directly at Cid. I will not back down, I didn't do anything wrong and she must know this, right? Is she hard on me just for show? Just to make it clear that she is not playing favourites? Why then so harsh? She wasn't like this before.

"I wasn't hungover. Somebody shut off my alarm," I project my voice loud enough for them to hear. I glare at my group of friends, searching for the most guilty looking. Both Thea and Fay glanced at Cinthea.

Bingo. I knew it. I didn't need to look at Yuna to confirm it. She wouldn't give anything away, anyway. She's too loyal for that.

"It doesn't matter why you're late. I need to talk to you and your group of friends about what happened last night."

My first thought goes to the kiss. I almost completely forgot about that in my hurry to get to training, but of course Cid doesn't know about that. I mean how can she? Again I glance at Cinthea. Seeing her now, makes me almost feel guilty. Almost.

Why? She is the reason you're late. Besides if she really liked Noctis that much, she wouldn't have gone for Nate, that voice pops up again. I shove it down. Doesn't matter, I answer, I'm not stooping to her level.

"Snow, you coming?" I hear Cid speak next to me. I nearly jump, but sucking in a sharp breath was inevitable. I nod and turn to follow her, leaving whispers in my wake. I almost wanted to flip them off, but I figured that would make things worse.

Hope you enjoy the story so far, and thank you if you are reading every chapter of this book, I really appreciate it.

Thank you.

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