
The Journey Of The Progenitor Of Fear

have you ever thought that you hate being human? bound by a prison made of flesh and bones, humans are limited, petty creatures, i dont hate humans in general, but being one feel horrible. have you ever thought about this? i did alot, until I was reincarnated in a fantasy world as a progenitor vampire A journey of destruction, cute girls, monsters, domination and magic fights ah, forgot to say, come closer, there is lesbian action

San_Martins · Kỳ huyễn
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20 Chs

2 Years Later

I wake up at my tent, I say mine but is more like our tent, these girls never sleep in their tents

today is the day we will continue our travels, I think I have already learned everything that I can with He who remains, I learned new tricks too

my main objective is to find more sources of power, and I must say having a necromancer is quite useful, undead are mindless and don't get tired, they are perfect workers normal undead though they don't do much in a fight 

I think we are going towards Avantenzel after heading out, im very interested in runes, and Giones Kingdom capital, Lafertane stays in the same direction, so I do think that we will be going there

but in these two years, I didn't grow up, like nothing, seems that a progenitor reaches maximum growth at the age of 8

Eleonore seems to be indulging herself in my smell again while im lost in thoughts, Let rise already shall we?

"Good morning Eleonore," I say

"Kiah! I was just checking My Lady, good morning too" says Eleonore a little ashamed

I laugh a little and I pat her head

"cute little servant, where are the others?" I ask Eleonore

"Faori is finishing her research and Vani is fighting He Who Remains underground, I guess she is fired up because she can finally kill it today," says Eleonore

"well she got quite the beating from it, these two years, but I think that now she should have no problem killing it," I say getting out of my tent

Vani POV

"Today is the day He who remains, I will put you down finally," I say while going in his direction

putting my sword in front of me, I channel my magic and the edge of my sword turns into ice

I can't use magic directly at him so most of my new powers don't work here, I can only rely on my swordsmanship and mana enhancement to make me stronger

"Here I go, today is the day you crumble," I say while dashing at him full speed

he blocks my strike, I give a sequence of hits that he blocks and jumps, and while he is in the air I rush at him

I try to give him a kick in the air, but he grabs my leg and spins me throwing me on the ground

but I manage to protect myself by freezing my own body

"you better look at your hand, you piece of stone," I say with a malicious smile

his hand has frozen turning into a piece of ice, he is not immune to the magic around only if it is aimed at him, if I freeze my leg, and he touches I can expand the ice to him

he rips off his arm, now with only one hand he switches his posture putting the greatsword behind on a reverse grip

"you truly are something else I give you that," I say getting up

ice starts to form around my skin, like a natural armor

a wall goes out of the ground and I get on top of it the wall starts to bend and go in his direction like a tsunami of ice, after getting close the wall disappears, I clash his sword, and we start to trade blocks, he is slower now without his arm

I evaded one of his swings and cut down his other arm, his sword fell to the ground but he didn't stop, and now he is coming towards me with kicks

but now he is defenseless against magic without his sword

I back off and channel my mana around me, ice starts to form where im standing, and ice smoke is getting out of my body

I put my sword up and a dragon made of ice started to form at the top of my head

"Dragon Barrage!" I whisper

I dash at him hitting him in a sequence of strikes, left right up, and down, I kick him and dash at him whispering

"goodbye he who remains"

a last cut up to down, cutting him in half, and he crumbles, only leaving his crown intact

"look like a magic artifact, I will take it to My Queen," I say to Vani with a happy expression

Back to Seraphine

the tower fell to the ground after some time probably because Vani killed those who remain

seems like Vani came back

"Queen! I killed He who remains, but he left this" says Vani showing me a crown

"Good work Vani," I say with a gentle tone patting her head

I take it and look at it

"seems like it has miasma in it, can be useful for Faori let's see," I say casually

"Faori! Finish packing your things already I have something for you" I say raising my voice a little

"im going Queen!" Faori yells back

she is running towards me, very cute

Faori changed quite physically, she is wearing a black fur t-shirt and a skirt black with white details around it suits her, she is a kitsune after all

she got here

"Vani got this from he who remains, I think it can store miasma take a look," I say giving the crown to Faori

a crown made of a black stone looks ominous throughout mana vision because I can feel the miasma coming out of it

she put on the crown

"Wow Queen! I think I could make an undead really strong with this, there is a miasma pattern! If my theory is right about this then maybe I could even make a high-intelligence minion" says Faori she seems very excited and is jumping around

"sounds good to me, everything is already packed?" I ask

"Yes my lady, everything is ready," said Eleonore

"then let's go north, we use the thunder god chariot and land at the first city we can find after that we can go on foot for a while sounds good?" I say casually

they agree, and I channel a bolt to the sky

black clouds start to appear and a storm soon is formed

"Thunder God Chariot!" I scream and a bolt strikes us

we travel making a boom everywhere we pass leaving a trail of storm

soon I see a city, I land nearby enough to not make it obvious

a bolt of red thunder falls to the ground

"All the training was worth it," I say looking at everyone standing

"it was a hellish training for me just remembering makes me want to throw up," says Faori laughing

we all start to laugh for a bit and head out to this city, Koran is the city's name

we didn't even bother hiding our faces, don't matter anyway, our body types look too different from humans

getting close to the city, I see a line and some guards checking people, I give a sign to Eleonore, and she channels an aura of mist around her

mist starts to form around the city gate, and we keep walking toward it

"What? Where this mist is coming from?" I hear some people speaking getting confused

we pass through the gate

walking around the main street, people start to send us strange looks, mostly because of me Faori

by the way, Faori is sitting on my shoulder right now, at this point most of the people in the main street are running 

"Humans are close-minded as ever," Faori says letting out a sigh

Vani complements

"Truly pitiful creatures," says Vani

we make our way through the city, few moments later I find what I was looking for a clothing store, fur clothes are not really that fashionable 

"let's enter and buy some new clothes girls," I say to them

they look excited about it, we enter the store and a few clerks start to freak out

"what the, who the hell let a group looking like this enter the city?!" one of them says with an angry tone

"yes yes, stop making a scene already we want some clothes," I say nonchalantly

"Get out of here freaks! We won't sell anything for you or that freak show you are walking with! Quick call the Crusaders!" the other one say

sometimes I forget how humans can be so dumb sigh

I put Faori on the ground

"I will rephrase what I said earlier," I say while dark red thunder appears around me

I dash towards the clerk who is yelling about Crusaders, I grab his neck and open my eyes


In the dark cold forest

"Hm? Where im? I was at the store just now" The clerk is confused, we look around but don't see anything

he looks at his feet and sees a spider climbing his leg

"AA!" he screams and shakes his leg trying to get it out

does not work, he starts to panic but looks like he could get it out, it disappears

he looks around and panics at what he sees, all the trees of the forest are made of spiders with red eyes, and they are all staring at him

"AAAAAAA!! WHERE THE FUCK IM" the clerk screams, but soon all the spiders rush towards him like a wave

he tries to run, but it is impossible to get away, spiders start to eat him alive bit by bit piece by piece until there is nothing left, and he feels everything without dying, he begged, begged for his death, but there was no one there to hear


The clerk's body fell to the ground, a spider came out of his mouth

"Scared of spiders? there's a bunch of creatures around the world that can destroy you, but you choose to be afraid of spiders?" I say laughing a little

the spider comes to me and stop

"well then, goodbye little spider I don't need you now," I say and the spider disappears

clerks start to shiver and are paralyzed in fear

"then, someone still thinking that is a good idea not to sell for us?, please come forward I beg you," I say giving a grim smile

then they all start arranging clothes

"My Lady has such a talent to deal with mortals, it is always beautiful to watch," says Eleonore bowing a little

Faori and Vani agree

"When then, let's get some fine clothes," I say with an excited tone

I asked for something that covers my body and doesn't get in the way while fighting

they bring me a black trench coat that extends itself to my knee height, there are some gray details too, look kind of scary with my night cloak and horror bringer on my back

I asked for something like the top the elves made me, they brought one, not really the same but close enough, a no sleeves top that just covers my chest, dark red

Vani teased me saying that I like to show my stomach to seduce her, a pervert

for my pants black shorts, extends itself to the middle of my thighs

for my feet, boots that go up to my calves, black and a little bit of red details

Vani chooses a more standard approach, a black shirt with long sleeves, and red pants with black boots

Eleonore, well maid clothes like always, she seems used to it

"My Lady has a fetish for maids I will never cast off my clothes!" says Eleonore bragging

I would be lying if I said that I don't like it...

Faori chooses a black dress Gothic Lolita fashion, which suits her very well, she does not need to fight anyway

Faori came up with an idea while we were changing clothes

"Hey girls, why we don't give our group a name? Sounds cool and convenient" says Faori excited

she thinks like a child, nice idea though

"What do you say Queen?" asks Faori

"then, everyone picks one name, and we go with whatever suits us better," I say casually

they agree

"Hmm, ah! Walking Dead I think it fits" says Faori proudly putting her nose up

looks like what a necromancer would choose, nice name though

"I think Death Storm suits us too, we are always traveling by storms after all," says Vani casually

a little too edgy, but suits

"what do you say about, Non-law abides?" says Eleonore a little excited

gosh, Eleonore is terrible with names

"I think something like Calamities would be best, what do you girls think?" I ask

they seem to like it

I pay, and we go out of the store, Vani asks for something

"Queen, could we go buy me some glasses too? We are already here after all" asked Vani

"Why not? let's go" I say casually

I put Faori on my shoulder, and we started to walk

soon some crusaders appear, It kinda took a while I think, information travels slow

five of them, are not really a threat

"Hey! Stop right there bastards, how did they let you pass through the gates?" says the one with the red cape

must be the commander right? I can test my new strength against one finally

I put Faori on the ground

"Eleonore take care of the weaker ones, I want to fight the commander, Vani protect Faori" I order them

Eleonore let out a wave of mist around the street, nobody could see anything crusaders started to fall one by one 

"AAA!" only screams could be heard

"What is happening?! Someone there?!" one crusader screamed in panic

a shadow appears behind him

"Yes, there is someone here," says Eleonore whispering to the men

before he can react Eleonore grabs his head and breaks his neck

after that Eleonore pulls back all the mist toward herself, and it disappears

the commander looks scared, well four people just died in seconds

"then, commander it is you and me now," I say while taking the horror bringer out of my back

"monsters... if I have to fall, I will fall fighting," says the commander taking his sword out

at least he is not screaming

I dash at him, we clash swords

"all you can do freak?" says the commander 

he channels light in his sword and tries to slice me with an up-to-down cut

I evade putting my body to the left a little, a wave of light goes forward not that far though

I kick him in the guts sending him flying, he hits a wall

I can fight a commander level just with the technique now, without using magic I guess Horror Bringer is a little overkill here I will just put it on my back again

let's see if I can test something new

I channel red thunder in my hand, forming a giant spear with a sinister shape

the red thunder being emitting from it is bright

after seeing what I was doing the commander dropped his sword on the ground and fell to his knee hopeless

"in the end, nothing matters does it?" said the commander

"Heart Seeker" I whisper

I throw the spear at him making a big boom of thunder after hitting him

an explosion happens at the place and a volley of red thunder starts to fall from the sky where the spear landed like it is raining red thunder 

when it finally stops, there is a huge hole in the city now, and the commander well, let's just say that there is nothing left of him

"glorious sight my Queen," says Vani in admiration

the others agree

"I hope I didn't explode the glasses shop, most of the city is gone now," I say nonchalantly

Vani let out a laugh

"Queen the glasses shop is right just across the street," says Vani

we enter and well, there is a guy terrified on the ground, crying and screaming

Vani takes her glasses and we get out of there

while walking towards the city gate more Crusaders appear

"Vani you can take care of these," I say to her

she seems happy, I guess she wanna show off too

around Vani, the air starts to get cold

"Ice Calamity!" yelled Vani

a giant serpent made of ice emerges from beneath the ground, Vani is standing in its head, the serpent goes up and then starts descending with its head pointed down

after hitting the ground an explosion of ice happened and everything froze up

the people around and the Crusaders turned into ice statues

"Beautifully done Vani," I say complimenting her

everyone agrees, and we start walking toward the exit again, but now we are walking in a frozen hell, statues of people running and crying are everywhere

outside of the city, people are reunited trying to understand what is happening, after seeing us going out, they start to run to the woods

"Hey, mortals! We are the Calamities spread the name so we don't need to do this every time we want to buy something" screams Faori who is currently sitting on my shoulder

we get going towards the capital, following the road

I guess now we look dangerous enough to not attract bandits at least?

Some hours late

"hey there ladies, if you don't want to d-" a bandit tries to say but is immediately killed by Eleonore 

after that Eleonore killed the rest too

"bandits sure are dumb, at some point, I started to believe that they are not even human anymore," says Vani nonchalantly

true, if you see us walking around a road the normal reaction would be to run

"Can I get them up Queen?" asks Faori

"There is no reason to do so, why you ask?" I answer a little puzzled

"Well... I just thought that it would be cool, can I not?" says Faori putting her fox ears down and making a puppy expression

How can I say no to this?

"Ok ok, you can do it, stop using that charm of yours already," I say 

she put on a happy expression and her tail started to shake

she jumps out of my shoulder and goes towards the dead bodies

Faori spread her arms and miasma started to come out entering every corpse around here

they get up, and she goes back to my shoulder, we are walking with five corpses behind us now if a fucking bandit dared to try ambushing us I swear that I would go crazy

we walked for some days, entering dungeons we could find along the way but nothing happened

Walking on the road we came across a carriage stopped on the sidewalk something was happening, a fight?

"You piece of a shit slave! look what you did can't even drive a fucking carriage right dark elf scum, you should just die already" says a man with blonde hair and nice clothes

apparently, the dark elf made the carriage get stuck

the man is beating the little boy elf with blue hair 

we are walking toward them with undead behind us

he started to hear footsteps behind him and looked behind, a few meters away we were there, walking slowly

"What the??!! fuck!" screamed the man with nice clothes, he tried to run

I channel a little bolt of thunder and send it toward him, the bolt opens a hole in his chest, and he falls dead on the ground

while we were walking toward the carriage, the little boy dark elf, froze in fear

"hey, dark elf, what is your name?" I ask him with a serious tone

while the boy was paralyzed, Faori sent some miasma and got the man that I had just killed up, he joined the others behind us

"mortal, the queen is asking you a question, speak!" says Vani angry

the boy wakes up

"i-m A-fla-ra," the boy says too afraid to speak properly

"Oh? Aflara? What a coincidence, I met your sister Eurazania two years ago, did she manage to find you?" I ask him with a slightly surprised tone

"Wait? Did you meet my sister?!" Aflara says acting surprised

"yes she helped me, I said that if I found some of her family around I should try helping," I say to the boy

the boy puts on a sad expression on his face

"my sister Eurazania found me yes, but she failed in trying to get me out, in the process they discovered that she was a half-dark elf, and they put a leash on her, she was sold in the capital to some rich family," Aflara say while tears fall of his eyes

"do you happen to know where exactly she is?" I ask him nonchalant

the boy look at me puzzled

"yes I think I know why?" he answers

"im going to take her out obviously," I say while walking toward the carriage

I grab the carriage and pull it to the road

the boy stands shocked by what I said

"you know that we are talking about the capital right?" the boy says with a puzzled expression

"Where is your respect dark elf?, call her Queen," says Faori on my shoulder with a hint of aggressiveness

"Faori ordered the undead to push the carriage, the capital is just a few hours from here and I think the boy will not take it if I use thunder god chariot," I say

Faori orders the undead like I said

"stop being surprised with everything we say and do, enter the carriage already," says Vani with a hint of angry

and we go towards the Capital