
The Journey Of Fate

Its a story about a boy Ash ketchum, who became the best of all in every field from the start he will be the very best. Its an ash x harem story. pokemon is Not owned by me its owned by Game Freak and Nintendo

Antarip_Ghosh · Kỳ huyễn
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37 Chs

Primape gets angry

On their way to celadon city, Ash had arrived at a small town where he had helped a trainer train his pokemon and also found a egg.


currently Ash was calling professor Oak from a telphone booth to let him know, what he was doing so far.

"[Yes hello?]" Professor Oak said

"Hey prof. Oak, it's Ash." Ash said

"[Ah Ash my boy, where are you now?]" He asked

"We're on our way to celadon city." Ash replied

[Oh, so that means that you have four badges now?]"Professor Oak asked

"Yes, why are you asking?" Ash asked

"[Well Gary has five.]" Prof. Oak replied

"So? Gary gets most of his badges from no named gym leader, who are not that much storng either." Ash replied

Prof. Oak asked,"[How do you know]"

"When I battled sabrina, she told me that Gary didn't battle him. So he must have avoided the strongest gym leader of kanto. " Ash said

"[I see that makes sense.]" Prof. Oak said

"Well I have to get going, my friends are waiting for me. " Ash said

"[Good luck on your gym battle, Ash.]" Prof. Oak wished

"Thank you, Professor Oak." Ash said before the screen went black

Ash put back the phone and went to the spot where his friends are waiting.


Ash and his friends were eating rice ball which Brock had made.

"They are good." Misty commented

"Great Job Brock." Ash said

"Thanks Everyone for the complements. " Brock replied

Ash smiled as he was about to eat his last rice ball when he saw a pokemon peeking from a nearby rock, but hide backs when he saw Ash looking at him.

"What?" Ash stared at the spot where to pokemon decided to hide.

"What's wrong, Ash?" Glissle asked

Ash looked at the last rice ball than back at the rock, "I wonder...."

Brock asked,"Wonder about what?"

"I think there is a pokemon hiding behind the rock over there." Ash said while pointing at the rock.

They looked at the direction he pointed to and they see a pokemon peeking from behind the rock.

"It is a Mankey." Yellow said.

Ash took a good look at it and said,"You're right. It is a Mankey."

Ash took out his pokedesk and scanned the pokemon.

[Mankey, a Monkey pokemon of the fighting type. It is known for it's powerful pun]

Ash saw mankey peeking from behind the rock again looking at the last rice ball. Mankey hopped over Yellow and looked at Ash for a minute. Ash held out the last rice ball to Mankey who looked at the last rice ball. Then it took the rice ball and went back over the rock eating it with a smile in its face.

Suddenly they heard a noise coming from Ash's bagpack.

"My egg is hatching." Ash said with happiness

He went to the bag and took out the glowing egg from his bag and put it in the ground. Surpisingly, the Mankey came over and went behind Glissle. The egg glowed vey brightly, and when it died down, Ash was surprised by the pokemon that was on the ground. It was a dratini.

He scanned it through his pokedesk.

[Dratini the dragon pokemon. Dratini sheds its skin as it grows.]

Ash smiled and said to the little dragon,"Hey little fellow, I'm your trainer."

The baby dratini jumped into his hands.

"It is so abrodable." Misty commented

At the moment the Mankey appeared in front of them. The baby pokemon looked up at Mankey who smiled at the baby dragob. The baby dragon pokemon smiled back at Mankey.

"So you like baby pokemon, Mankey?" Ash asked

Mankey noded his head. Ash smiled at that. Who knew that the furious pokemon have a soft side?

"So Dratini's are rare pokemon?" Brock asked

"Yeah they are." Glissle replied

"So the twerps has a rare pokemon?" A familiar female voice said.

The gang turned towards the voice and saw the Team Rocket trio infront of them. The gang stood up. Pikachu stood in front of the Dratini.

"Team Rocket." Yellow said with anger

They said,"Prepare for trouble!"

"And make it double!"

"To protect the world from devastation!"

"To unite all peoples within our nation!"

"To denounce the evils of truth and love!"

"To extend our reach to the stars above!"



"Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!"

"Surrender now, or prepare to fight!"

Meowth said,"Mewoth, that's right."

"We should have known that you would show up." Brock said

"Well, we have now hand over the pokemon to us." Jessie said

"No way." Ash said

Mankey infront of the gang, facing The Team Rocket.

Ash blibked and said,"Mankey?"

"Oh, you want to fight?" Jessie said and took out her pokeball, "Come on Arbok."

"You too, weezing." James said realsing his weezing

Mankey charged towards Arbok.

"Arbok use tail wip." Jessie said

"Tackle weezing." James said

Arobok used its tail to slap Mankeg and Weexing used its tackle to send Mankey away flying.

"Mankey, Are you okay?" Ash asked

Mankey stood up facing Team Rocket. Pikachu jumped to his side.

"Pika chu pika pi(I will also help you)" Pikachu said

Mankey looked at pikachu and noded in determination. Then it glowed making everyone shocked as Mankey grew bigger and bigger. When the light disappeared, it reavled a primape.

Ash scanned primape through his pokedesk.

[Primape the evolved fro of Mankey. It is one of the most powerful fighting pokemon.]

Jessie scoffed,"Ha this fur ball, can't defat us. Now let's take the Dratini."

Primape ran to Jessie and punched her directly in the face which sent her flying back.

Jessie stood up angrily and said,"Arbok, weezing stop chasing the dratini and attck the primape."Arbok and weezing turned towards primaped and launched towards it.

"But we came for Dratini." James said.

"But Team Rocket members put pride before duties." Mewoth state dbefore both of them, Jessie nad all of their pokemon jumped at primape.

"They are going to lose. " Misty said

"Definitely." Yellow said

"They won't have a chance." Glissle said

Primape won the fight with Team Rocket.

"Okay let's send them flying. Primape please move out of the way." Ash said

Primape moved out of the way.

"Pikachu thunderbolt." Ash odered

Pikachu launched his attack towards Team Rocket and the hit them and send them flying away.

"I can't belive we are beaten by Primape so easily." Jessie said angrily

"It was obvious we would." Meowth said

"True." James said

"LOOKS LIKE TEAM ROCKET IS BLASTING OFF AGAIN." Team Rocket said before disappearing into the sky.

"Well done guys. " Ash said

The pokemons smiled. The primape walked up to Ash and pointed towards a pokeball.

"You want to come with me?" Ash asked

Primape noded his head.

Ash said,"welcome to Team Primape."Before capturing him.

"Look like you got another fighting pokemon for your Team." Glissle said

"Yup. I am sure. He will be a great pokemon." Ash said

Everyone agreed to it.

Ash called prof. Oak and sending his primape and lucario(To make room for his dratini) to the coral and capturing dratini with a pokeball.

The gang countinued to head towards The Celadon city.

To be countinued


Author's Note-Hope you like the chapter. And guess who will be Ash's Next pokemon as well as girlfriend. The next chapter will be realsed soon.

Current Ash's pokemons- pidgeot, sandslash, cleffable, butterfree, ferrow(11), seaking, Garydos, spewerow(20), pikachu, goldbat, charizad(shiny), gardiviore(shiny), lucario(shiny), greeninja(shiny),umbreon(shiny), Alakazam(shiny) and salamance(shiny), bulbasur, oddish(shiny), Arcanine, rattata, beedril, pearsian, scyther, Ninetales, Arbok, Macham, wigllytuff, Nidoking, Nidoqueen, vileplum, parasect and venomoth, dugtrio, charmander(New), golduck, poliwarth, victribell, tentacrul, rapidash, slowbro, Magnetron, farfetch'd, dodrio, dewgong(ofspring of cerulian city gym's dewgong(seel) which he got from daisy), squirtle, umbreon and Espeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Vaporeon, Gastly(Normal), Gastly(talking)

Butterfree(pink), haunter, Gengar, primape and Dratini.

Current Ash's girlfriends-Misty, Daisy waterflower , lily, violet, Glissel, Mealine, Yellow, Daisy oak and sabrina

Current Ash's Legandry & Mythical -Mew

Current Ash 's powers- psycic(Not activated) and Aura(Not activated)

Sorry for late update and I am very much sorry for it and Next update can also get delayed. I would like if you suggest any plot or charcter in the story. Thank you.

Antarip_Ghoshcreators' thoughts