
The Journey Of Fate

Its a story about a boy Ash ketchum, who became the best of all in every field from the start he will be the very best. Its an ash x harem story. pokemon is Not owned by me its owned by Game Freak and Nintendo

Antarip_Ghosh · Fantasy
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37 Chs

The psycic showdown & New pokemons

After catching the pink Butterfree, Ash and his friends arrived in a new town called lavender town, where he became a spirit for some time roamed in the lavendar haunted tower but ultimately catched the Gastly, haunter and Gengar of lavander tower.


After the horryfying incident of the lavendar tower was over, the gang was now back on track travelling towards the saffron city for Ash's fourth gym badge.

Right now, they were walking thourgh a foresr full of mist.

"I hope we ind the saffron city soon." Misty wished

"Hey Ash, what pokemon are you going to use." Glissle asked

"Well, since the gym leader of saffron city, sabrina, uses psychic type, I've thinking about it. I decided to go with Gengar.  After psycic type are weak against ghost."

"That's a great idea." Yellow said

Just then they heard laughter coming from some bushes. The laughter came from a little girl, about eight years old, and wearing a white dress, with a blue dress, with a white hat and was carrying a ball.

"Hey little girl," Ash asked the girl, "Do you know if we are near the saffron city?"

The little girl laughed again and ran away.

The group followed the path that the girl took, and it led them to a cliff but they can see saffron city ahead of them, It was a city with many lights.

"Wow it's beutiful." Yellpw said seeing the beauty of saffron city.

"I guess the little girl was a sign of luck." Brock said

"I guess." Ash said

But than he rememberd that Team Rocket is waiting for them at the entrance of the saffron city. As the others walked ahead of her, he realsed Gastly and asked him,"If he could check and see if Team Rocket is at the entrance?"

"(No problem)" Gastly said and dissapeards in shadows.


The gang soon arrived at the entrance to Saffron city, Ash noticed no one was around.

"Hey, where is everyone?" Misty asked

"The place is too quite, don't you think?" Brock asked

"Inded." Glissle said

"Well let's go to the pokemon center. We'll heal our pokemon there and than go to the gym." Ash suggested

"Good idea." Yellow said

So the gang headed to the pokemon center unnoticed to everyone Gastly appeared behind Brock and got into his pokeball.

Later, Ash healed his pokemon and the vang started walking towards the Gym.


The gang walked over to the saffron gym a usual Dome- shaped building.

"This is where I'm going to get my fourth badge." Ash said excitedly

They were about to open the door, when a dark grey bearded man, in a dark green jogging outfit and with a dark green cap, interrupted them. Ash recognised him as sabrina's father. The guy really wanted his daughter back, but sabrina's emotion were sealed away when she lost control of her pscycic powers.

"Are you going to battle sabrina?" The man asked

He stared at Ash, like he was studying him.

"Yes I'm battling sabrina." Ash answerd

"If I were you." The man warned, "I'd go to another gym. Sabrina will not go easy on newbie trainers like you."

Ash's eyes suddenly turned a little blue and he said,"I will defat her you don't need to think about it."

Only the man noticed it and he kept his mouth shut.

Ash enetrd the gym. The gang followed behind.


When the gang opened the door, it was completly empty!

Yellow said in confusion,"Where is everybody?"

"There should be someone around here." Ash said continuing to walk ahead then stopped at a door and said,"And I think, I just found them."

The others walk up to the door and looked inside finding several people either lifting spoon or bending spoon without touching them.

"What is this?" Brock asked

"What are they doing?" Yellow said looking shocked

"Hey what are you kids doing here?" A voice asked

It's a man with a white lab coat.

"Sorry if we disturbed you, but I'm here to challange sabrina for the Marsh badge." Ash replied

The man observed Ash for a littel while,"So I see."

"Very well. Follow me. " The mab said and led them to where Ash's gym battle with sabrina would be.

The man bowed on the battelfield.

"Great sabrina." He announced pointing At Ash,"This boy wants to battle you."

Tow figure appeared behind a curtain. One was a little girl in white, holding a pokeball, the other was a woman with long hair, wearing a long red shirt.

Ash recognized the little girl. It was the girl they had seen in the forest. The woman noded her head.

Ash stepped forward,"Sabrina, I Ash ketchum of pallet Town and I want to challange you for the Marsh badge."

The little girl said,"I accept the challange, but if you lose you will have to play with me."

The woman than spoke up,"This will be one-on -one pokemon battle. Let the battle begin."

She threw her pokeball and said,"Come out Abra."

"So she's using Abra. " Ash said

"Gengar, let's go." Ash said

"So you plan on using Ghost pokemon. Should be interesting." The little girl said

"Gengar used shadowball." Gengar hands formed a ball of shadow and he threw it at Abra.

Abra teleported near Gengar and used Hipnosis.

"Dodge it and use shadow ball." Gengar dodged it and used shadow ball which caused a little damsge to Abra.

Suddenly Abra started to glow and eveolved into kadabra.

Kadabra eyes turned red alerting Ash of a move coming.

"Gengar dodge the attack and use Hypnosis." Gengar dodged the attack and used Hypnosis but kadabra dodged it.

"Gengar use Shadow ball." Gengar send a ball of shadow towards Kadabra and gave a direct hit to it.

Kadabra eyes glowed and the injurien of it were gone.

"Recover." Ash thought

Kadabra's eyes glowed and it realsed the psycic move towards Gengar.

"Quick dodge it and use shadow punch." Gengar disappeared and appared infront of Kadabra and used shadow punch, which caused it to fly backwards. Then it slowly gets up, barely having any energy left as it stands up.

"Use dark pulse." Gengar formed a purple orb of energy in his arms and fired a beam at kadabra. It hit kadabra which caused him to cry out in pain before passing out.

"You did it, Gengar." Ash said to Gengar and hugged him.

Meanwhile sabrina walked over to kadabra.

"You made us lose. " The little girl shouted

Sabrina picked up kadabra and asked,"Kadabra are you okay?"

She had a look of worry in her eyes and it looked like her eyes became normal after sometime. As soon as her eyes becam birmal, the little girl disappeared, as if she was an illusion.

Ash walked over to sabrina and asked if she was okay, she said, she was. After they talked, sabrina suddenly said asked if Ash will be her boyfriend and Ash asked why they have not known each other for more then a hour. Sabrina said that it's a powerful bond and she kissed him infront of everyone, which proved she really liked him, she was not joking. Ash explained her about his complex love life and she said it was okay and she was added into his harem. She also said Ash his psycic power and she will help him awaken it after Indigo leauge and he was excited for that.

Suddenly A man came running inside the gym.

"Sabrina. " He spoke

"Dad." Sabrina said with tears in her eyes, she hugged the man and siad,"Dad."

"My little girl. " Sabrina's dad said

Ash, Glissle, Yellow, Misty and Brock were amazed by this, they had no idea that the man was sabrina's father. Only Ash knew that. Then a woman came into the gym,  she turned out to be sabrina's mother. Both sabring and her father hugged the woman abd all of them cried tears of happiness.

Sabrina also explained Ash was his boyfriend. And her father and mother was happy to see her daughter get a lover at the point and they had no problem with Ash's harem and they are more then happy to know, That Ash might have psycic powers. And they also said, they will meet Ash's mother (Delia) soon.


When everyone got out of gym sabrina's father explained everything to the gang. The truth was sabrina had been born with psycic power but when she got older she started to have no emotion but due to Ash today, She has emotion, They thanked and gave hime the Marsh Badge.


Soon enough the gang were waving goodbye to sabrina and her family as they waved back to the gang.

"Thanks for everything." Sabrina's mother said

"Have a happy journey." sabrina's father said.

"Take care of yourshelf And come back soon Ash. " Sabrina said before running to Ash and kissing him again and coming back. The other girls were getting little jealoused but they shurged it off.

"Bye. " Ash said with a blush. Ash said as they set their destinaton to celadon city.

To be countinued


Author's Note-Hope you like the chapter. And guess who will be Ash's Next pokemon as well as girlfriend. The next chapter will be realsed soon.

Current Ash's pokemons- pidgeot, sandslash, cleffable, butterfree, ferrow(11), seaking, Garydos, spewerow(20), pikachu, goldbat, charizad(shiny), gardiviore(shiny), lucario(shiny), greeninja(shiny),umbreon(shiny), Alakazam(shiny) and salamance(shiny), bulbasur, oddish(shiny), Arcanine, rattata, beedril, pearsian, scyther, Ninetales, Arbok, Macham, wigllytuff, Nidoking, Nidoqueen, vileplum, parasect and venomoth, dugtrio, charmander(New), golduck, poliwarth, victribell, tentacrul, rapidash, slowbro, Magnetron, farfetch'd, dodrio, dewgong(ofspring of cerulian city gym's dewgong(seel) which he got from daisy), squirtle, umbreon and Espeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Vaporeon, Gastly(2),  Butterfree(pink), haunter and Gengar

Current Ash's girlfriends-Misty, Daisy waterflower , lily, violet, Glissel, Mealine, Yellow, Daisy oak and sabrina

Current Ash's Legandry & Mythical -Mew

Current Ash 's powers- psycic(Not activated) and Aura(Not activated)

My exams are going on. So the chapters can get a little late for this week and the following week.

Antarip_Ghoshcreators' thoughts