
The journey of a simple man that wants to save the world

A boy,after discovering how wide the world was decided that he wanted to save all the people who were suffering.

Oliver_Reeves · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs


Inside a small house, situated in a small, rural village.

There lived an average family.

They worked for their food and took care of each other.

The love between them gave birth to a baby boy.

In his first years of life, he would look around him and study his surroundings.

His curiosity amused his parents, thus his parents named him Christopher.

Christopher was a very energetic boy who enjoyed physical activity and talking to other people.

At 6 years old he was already with his nose in between the pages of books and by the age of 12 he was extremely concerned with the state of the world.

He discovered that a lot of people were not happy and including his parents many suffered great pain to be able to continue living.

"So much suffering pains me and I wish to make everyone happy."

His parents hearing that understood that his goal was very unrealistic and wanted to argue otherwise.

But the boy was in a world of his own as his idea and life goal solidified more and more in his mind.

As time passed and the young boy started to grow into a young man his hair began to grow and his body was starting to develop more and more.

When he got to 16 years a representative of the magic academy arrived in his town and began examining the boys and girls to see if anyone of them got any affinity for magic.

Even thou such a thing was rare since commoners didn't have any magic ability it was understood that their children would be the same.

But on rare occasions, a miracle would happen and a child would be born with a talent for magic.

The children lined up and waited for their turn.

In the line were children that varied from 12 to 17.

The age at that a child would be recruited in the magic academy was 18 years.

Since magic put a big strain on the body young children were prevented from using magic until they grew older.

When Christopher got his turn he stood there calmly and allowed the man to make his weird incantations.

5 seconds later the man seemed to be done and looked with surprise toward the boy.

"Young man, it seems you have an affinity for magic."

"Pack your bags and come to the entrance in 20 minutes. We will take you to the academy and give you preparatory training for your next 2 years."

The other children seemed to be baffled and at the same time happy.

They knew that if one of them had to become a mage then it would be the boy in front of them.

The boy smiled and told the kids that if he were to become even the least bit proficient in magic then he would come and bring them an easier life and joy.

The children didn't believe all of it but they were happy to see him so determined and joyful.