
The Iridescent Ant King

This is my first ever novel, so please be patient with me! As of now, I have no intentions of including Romance, but I will give a brief synopsis of the story below! : Jared, a man taken from Earth is suddenly reincarnated due to the crazy ritual of some Undead Liches! Attempting to resurrect their leader, their ritual is interrupted, instead summoning Jared. But with the ritual going wrong, all who know about it are killed, leaving Jared’s soul to wander until it can find the nearest body… an Ant! Luckily, the ritual did provide Jared with a System to guide him through this world, guiding him on a path of growth and evolution. From here, Jared will go through a multitude of challenges, making friends and enemies along his adventures! Together, Jared will little by little carve his own path to peace and freedom in this dangerous, magical world filled with monsters and humans alike! Email: jschlingg@gmail.com "To thee who look for proofs."

JSchling · Kỳ huyễn
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17 Chs

Chapter 13- Poor Lizard

A little while after recuperating from their recent battle, Jared and Char decide to head back to the "Beast Cave," the name Jared decided on after an entire five seconds of thought.

Resetting the web traps along the way, it only takes a few minutes for the duo to arrive at the entrance to Beast Cave. Before they could spot the beast, however, they heard its anguished hisses, along with loud sounds of rock colliding coming from a far corner of the cave.

Deciding to investigate sneakily, Jared scales the cave wall, reaching the ceiling and weaving through the stalactites toward the loud noises. Taking his time to stay discreet, it takes about five minutes to arrive near the racket. His eyes widening in confusion and slight pity, Jared finally laid his eyes on the beast.

Huddled into a corner, blocking a small hole in the wall, the beast was in a defensive battle. The aggressor seemed to be of the same species as the beast, although instead of the gray rock armor on its back, it had yellow, semi-translucent crystals growing out instead. Its eyes were a similar yellow as the beast, though they were a much deeper color. Finally, the scales covering its legs were a light brown.

This other lizard-like beast was attacking his "brother" relentlessly with its front claws, ripping shards of rock off the defender's body, blood leaking out from the shattered base.

Unfortunately, the liquid mana pool had done a number on the beast, as its front legs were still raw and bleeding. Even its petrifying skill had no effect, the beam reflecting off the yellow crystal armor, totally ineffective. Unable to defend itself, the beast let out one last anguished hiss as its counterpart slashed its face again, knocking it to the ground.

Ignoring the dying beast, the yellow, lizard-like beast sauntered its way past it, reaching the small hole in the wall. Reaching its claw inside, it scrapes the hole, seemingly trying to dig something out for a few minutes before succeeding. A blue, crystal-like shard sliding under its claws into the open. Snapping its jaws in what seemed to be joy, it picked up the crystal with its cragged teeth, letting out a victorious hiss towards the dying beast before running down the cave, disappearing into a large hole in the wall.

Jared watched this entire interaction with pity and greed both evident in his eyes. 'I can climb down and kill this beast right now. I'd probably even gain many growth points for the deed.' Considering the option, Jared suddenly had a daring thought, one that would be incredibly risky but would have an amazing payoff. Determined to try it out, Jared tells Char to stay on the ceiling, before slowly making his way down the wall, over to the dying beast.

*hiss-ack kak*

Barely able to lift its heavy head, the lizard stares at Jared angrily, hissing to scare him away but breaking out into a coughing fit instead, hacking up a small puddle of blood before lowering its head down in defeat.

"Hey, big guy." Keeping his distance, Jared releases the pheromones to show that he comes in peace. Unfortunately, the beast didn't trust him, its eyes lighting up with a yellow glow before slowly dying down, its skill not activating.

"Hey, hey, calm down, buddy." Now sure it was safe, Jared took another step closer, though still out of its claws' range. "Do you want to live?" Leaving this ominous message, Jared watched and waited for a response.


Much more passive this time, the beast hissed once again, starting at the blue ant in confusion. Still cautious, it didn't move, saving its rapidly draining energy.

"I can help you… but not for free." Not wanting to deceive the beast, Jared makes it clear that he could help it recover, potentially even helping it achieve revenge against its enemies.

Letting out a slight hiss to signify compliance, the beast lowers its head subserviently, closing its eyes, showing total submission to Jared.

Walking carefully closer to the beast, Jared takes the risk to reach his antennae downward and rests it gently between the lizard's eyes. Taking a deep breath, Jared chants the make of his skill mentally: 'Companion Guidance!'

Immediately, the System prompted Jared with the success message.

["Hive Control" was accepted; Male Lithoscale Lizard has joined your hive.]

[You may name the newest member of your Hive. Please think of the name.]

[Hive Control proficiency has increased due to use. 4/10.]

"Hey buddy, I'll give you a name in a minute, first let's get you fixed up." With his antennae still on the lizard's head, Jared prompts the system to use Growth Points to heal the lizard.

[Calculating Growth Point cost.]

[Full regeneration would cost 15 Growth Points. Would you like to do so?]

"Yes." Prompting the System to use the lizards' stocked-up Growth Points, Jared watches in amazement as all of the lizards' wounds begin to radiate blue light. Miraculously, the wounds patched themselves together, red flesh rapidly growing outwards. After a few seconds, gray scales grew out as the old, damaged scales began flaking off onto the ground. Finally, even the rock-like protrusions growing out of its back recovered, little pebbles rolling to the ground as darker gray spires replaced the previously dull gray stone.

Fully recovered and filled with energy, the lizard stood up rapidly, its bulky body towering over Jared as it stared at him with its yellow eyes, not moving.

"H-hey, big guy, how're you feeling now?" Jared asked tentatively, not fully trusting in his "Hive Control" skill.

"Strong! I feel like I'm hard as a rock!" A deep, rumbling voice sounding in his head, Jared nods appreciatively before clacking his mandibles awkwardly.

"That's uhh… good! Very good." Not wanting to make fun of his new friends' poor word choice, he motions for the lizard to follow him, walking back towards the Mana Pools cave. As he walks towards it, a small, black blob with eight tiny limbs slowly lowers from the ceiling, causing the lizard to jump back, shattering a few stalagmites behind it.

Hearing the loud commotion, Jared turns around as Char lands herself on his head, cheerfully staring at her new friend. "Hey, big rock! You look different now!"

Staring with both hunger and confusion at Char, the lizard asks through telepathy, "What is this small thing, it looks tasty."

Char, now shivering atop Jared's head, replied in his stead. "Dumb rock! I am Char, the most smartest spider ever!"

'I- ugh, this is going to be a long night.' Sighing to himself, he ignores the two idiots' bickering as they make their way back to the Mana Pool.

"Okay… big guy, this is our home!" Noticing doubt and wariness in the lizards' eyes as it looks toward the pool where it injured itself, Jared decides to change the subject.

"Now, time for a name…"

Well, I hope you guys weren’t expecting our lizard friend to join the group, but here we are! if you guys have any name recommendations I would love to hear them!

By the way, I haven’t forgotten about the blue crystals, but the chapter was already getting long, and I felt that it would drag on too much if I included that. Also, lizard-boi does recognize Char from the chase, but "somehow" hasn't seen a spider before. So look forward to that next chapter and further in the story!

Plus, we may get a bit of backstory on our lizard friend as well!

Hope you guys enjoy!

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