

The undead has started to overrun the lands of South Africa

It is a peaceful morning, some stuff every time, Alex does in the morning. His father alarm goes of at 05:00 am,.. in the morning. Alex was awake to, because he could not well last night, so he just laid there in his bed tossing and turning until his father would be wake up by his phone's alarm.The alarm system on his dad phone goes off, in a groaning motions Alex's father, turns to the light and reach out to touch his phone to put out the alarm system. He picks up the phone and tabs on the sleep button to stop the alarm, he puts down the phone and proceed to stand up and walk to the bedrooms door and opens the bedroom doors, he sees the same sight he has been seeing for at least a week now.

Alex sitting and leaning over with his face planted to his phone screen. His father sighs.. "Again should i be worried" ask his father. Alex replys no. I do not waste a lot of energy during the day so i don't need a lot of sleep so.. no worries dad, Okay his dad starts to walk over to the bathroom door puts his hand over the handel opens up the door and proceed to walk in to the bathroom and closes the door behind him. They live on a farm, Alex's mom and dad are farm workers.

His father works in the vineyard, his mother works in the kitchen as a cleaner for the restaurant that is on the farm. They live in a small house that has four rooms, one big room that has been divided into two room one for the kitchen and one for the living rooms where he sleep in. The other rooms in the house are two bedrooms and one bathroom.

Alex sleeps in the living room in front of the tv, so that's like a bonus for him. a Door opens up and it is alex's dad he comes out of the bathroom, walks past Alex and go on to prouced to put on the kitchen light. Click.. Alex's dad walks over to the where the kettle is, picks it up and walks to the sink, holds the kettle underneath the tab and opens up the cold water and pours the water in the kettle, Alex takes off his earphone puts them on the chair next to him and turns over to his right side and goes back to sleep.

Alex,.. Alex... hey wake up!. It's his mother and she wants to tell him something, alex sits up on the bed rubbing his eyes then looks at his mom, i she says while pointing at the pots on the stove i had already made the food okay,.. all you have to do is warm the food up, as she is talking to him explaining to him about what he must do, she is busy putting her phone in her breast pocket and her keys'' knock knock'' there is a knock on the door, she walks over and opens the door it's the neighbour and work partner, I'll be right there, she close the door goes to Alex and walks over to Alex and says to him "come here and give your mommy a little kiss", Alex look at his mom and says "WHAT!.. no i am not going to do that mom, i am waaay to old for something like that" she grabs his head and kisses him on the check, eww mom this is just creepy.. why do you do that, i just felt like it ''she replied''.

Alex then stands up walks with his mother to the door as she opens up it up, then seeing the next door neighbour he close it behind her, the neighbour starts to cough and holds her chest tightly as it looks like she is in pain, she starts to laugh weird in a creepy way, are you okay? asked Alex's mom, the neighbour suddenly stops straightening up her back and looks at Alex's mom and says i am okay ''you sure? asked Alex's mom yeah im okay the neighbour takes a deep breath in and then exhale. Girl lets just go we are going to be late.We still have a few stuff to do, before we begin our work, Alex walks to the bathroom to go wash himself he opens up the tab for warm water and nothing comes out seriously nothing!.

He starts hitting the top off the tab, but nothing comes out he closesse the warm tab and opens up the cold one the water starts to pour out into the bathroom sink. The sink is full. Alex close it and then goes to the kitchen picks up the kettle and walks over to the kitchen sink opens up the top of the kettle and put it underneath the tab he then opens up the cold tab the water starts pouring in the kettle, Alex closest the cold tab and removes the kettle from underneath the tab, Alex takes the kettle cord and puts it over his shoulder and wakes over to the wall pluk puts the kettle down on the table, takes the kettle cord and put it in the wall pluk.

Alex then takes out his phone proceed to do stuff on it and sees that he still has a little bit of data left so, Alex put his data on and goes on to youtube, he then goes onto youtube and sees a video that has been trending lately ''crazy woman on bus'', this video is about a woman who is freaking out on the bus. Aaa, american yeah.. Alex, proceed to talk himself ''aww man you just now it is some self entitled american saying some racist stuff this is America you!, should talk english,when you are here you are in america! but if you can not, speak english at all then just go back to your country". You know it is going in that direction''.

Alex clicks on the video it start with people panicking on the bus there's some weird screaming in the background the woman is busy freaking out in between the seats then the person who is making the video is focus their phone camera on the woman and see that she screaming her lungs out, blood is coming of her mouth and eyes the bus then stops the driver opens up the door to the bus so the people can get out of the and let the police come in to stop the her so she does not hurt anyone other people, they are all running out of the bus people can hear the police sirens on the other end the bus, the driver try to to help the her but she turns to him and just throws up a lot of blood on his face in his mouth, then her seatbelt starts to break free, she starts to attack the bus driver, he holds her back by her shoulders as she try to bit his face off, The bus driver starts to cough and spits out the blood.

The bus driver can open his eyes, but he starts screaming Help!.. Help!.. Help me!.. somebody help. The camera guy runs over, drops his phone we hear struggle and police shouting ''put your hands up now! put your hands up! i said now!'' then the video cuts out. What.. what was that is this for real his screen turns black what is going on, its someone calling him oh it's his mom, "God i was freaking out for nothing".

Alex picks up the call statics on the other side of call Mom..Mom..Mom can you hear me Mom.. Mom can you hear me he then takes the phone away from his ear looks at his phone his minutes is still running and then he put the phone to his ear and hears growlings almost like a animal but different it's like something he have never heard before then he hears his mom's voice on the phone then the phone disconnected he screams mom!..mom! he scrolls down his contacts list to call his mom phone but it just goes straight to voicemail he opens up the bathroom door to get to his parents room, so he can get clothes for him to put on he starts calling his fathers phone but it just goes straight to voicemail he is panicking he doesn't know what to do.

He remembers to breath and count to three slowly in his head he starts to slowly to breath normal he takes a deep breath in counts to three slowly his breathing finally gets normal he is thinking that he should go to his mom so he can find out what is happening there he gets out of his parents room and to his bed he sit on his bed. He then puts his arm under his bed so he can get his shoe, he puts on his shoes, stands up and runs to the door, takes the key out of the door, opens up the door, and goes outside.

He then closes the door behind him and puts the keys in the keyhole and locks the door behind him then walks to the road on the farm that is near to his house. By the house there is a small narrow road that he can follow that will get him straight to the farm restaurant where his mother works. Alex start to run as he is running he looks around to see if he can see anyone but it is very quiet, there is supposed to be people working in the vineyard, but now all he can see nothing around him, but vineyards lots and lots of vineyards there's nobody around where has everybody gone ''he asked'', Alex is thinking to himself as, Alex is running towards the restaurant all of a sudden, Alex hears some growling a few meters away from him.

He stop to look around and see where the noise is coming from him to see what is growling at him, to his shock its was his next door neighbour who was covered in blood his leg was broken but still he was using it to stand alex saw that the bone leg of his neighbour leg was showing he look at his neighbour with worried look on his face with a stiddering voice he ask his neighbour if he is okay slowly walking towards his neighbour he reach out with his hands to touch his neighbour looking around to see if he can see anybody else around them but he sees nobody around them as he was about to touch his neighbour his turns around and that the neighbour has a big knife in his hands covered in blood.

His neighbour holds onto the knife with both of his hands to stab, Alex in the neck, but he sees what his neighbour is about to do, then grabs his neighbour's hands to stop him. There is a struggle. He is trying to stop his neighbour from stabbing but somehow his neighbour is very strong and his neighbour is trying to stab him and also trying to bite him, Alex then duck to left and do a barrel roll letting his neighbour fall over while his neighbour is falling over the knife falls out of his neighbour's hands.

Alex sees his opportunity to supdo his neighbour. He jumps on top of his neighbour's back, Alex then grabs his neighbour's hands and tries to pull them at him so Alex can supdo him to calm him down, but as, Alex is trying to grab his neighbour's hands his neighbour is shaking his body left to right to get, Alex off his back. Alex is struggling to hold on to his neighbour's hands as, Alex is trying to hold on his neighbour breaks free and is running towards the knife to kill, Alex so Alex kicks his neighbour's legs so that he can fall over but it just makes him more angry.

He turns around and then launched himself at, Alex he has his mouth open to bite Alex, but Alex catch him by the neck they both fall on the ground he is chomping at Alex while, Alex is trying to hold him back the blood/drool is falling on, Alex face as he is trying to bite Alex. He is trying to say something at Alex, but alex can't hear what he is trying to say.

He is trying to say to him, but Alex just dismissed it as noises Alex looks around to see if he can find something to hit him with. Alex seeing the knife that is laying by his feet, Alex starts to kick the knife near him he kicks and kicks... finally it's near his right hand.

Alex grabs the knife and just starts to stab his neighbour three times in his neck seeing that it doesn't work, Alex takes the knife out off his neighbour's neck and just stabs it in his head. Alex looks at his hands to see blood on his hand he stabs him again in the head his neighbour suddenly stops, his mouth suddenly slowly closing and then his whole body goes limp and falls on top of Alex, Alex is breathing heavily then he tries to lift his neighbour off him.

He slides his neighbour to the left side of him he slowly slides his neighbour boy until the body of his dead neighbour falls over on the ground. Alex then stands up and looks at his hands and t-shirt to see all of the blood on him he then starts to think about his mom and why she was calling him maybe it is happening on her side too. Alex wipes his hands and starts to run as fast as he can. He is runnin through the vineyard rows that are in front of him running.. and runnin until he gets to the end of the vineyard rows.

Alex looks around and sees a tennis field to his right and to his left there is a small and thin road that goes around the vineyard which connects to a bigger road that will led Alex to the restaurant he turns left and he starts to run until he get to the crossroads and goes right on the bigger road he is running as he is he gets a glimpse of the restaurant. He sees half of the restaurant is destroyed and on fire and he can see that the kicthen windows are broken where his mom is working. He runs towards the restaurant he stops in his tracks as he can see another one of his neighbours. Her back is turned to him so she hasn't seen him yet.

Alex looks around to see if can find a rock or something to distract her with. Alex is searching until he sees a rock he picks up, but wait sees is looking at him he ducks down afraid that maybe she saw him he looks up and sees her coming towards him he is panicking he looks around to see if he can escape because he does not want to fight with her too. Alex sees that he can go underneath the vineyard, but that will expose him so he has to make a decision now or either to wait until she finds him and he has to kill her or to expose himself to find another way around.

Alex looks up again and this time her eyes locks with his eyes and she sees him she screams at him and then starts running he jump up quickly and then starts to run for the vineyard rows and as he is running looking behind him seeing that she is almost near him stretching her hands out almost getting him, then he ducks down underneath the vineyard rows and rolls, Alex is full of dust and teeks and leaves from the tress, Alex then crawls underneath three other vineyard rows she is busy busy going mad trying to get to him.

End of chapter 01