

She is just destroying the vineyard row trying to get to him. He is heavily breathing and thanking his lucky stars he made. He then slowly gets up but not all the way to make sure that she can't see him then dust himself off, but not so loudly she knows he is there but she can't see him so, Alex doesn't want her to find him so.

Alex dust himself off softly he then slowly starts to walk to the end of the row he is in. So he can get to his Mother and help her, Alex almost get to the end of the row. He then he stops to see if he can see his Father or any of the other workers, but still nothing the only worker he sees is the one that was trying to eat him, Alex gets to the end of the row and crouch down and looks to his left and then to his right and sees that it is all clear.

Alex goes onto the dirt road that goes down to the right side of the vineyard he is walking slowly down the four rows checking all of them before he goes down making sure she is not in one of them looking for him. Alex then comes across the second row and sees that she has broken threw the first row and is looking around to see if she can't find him.

Her hands is covered in blood. The blood is dripping on the ground as she is giving of a scream he has never heard before as she is turning to her right side as he ducks behind the third row and wait for her to turn to the left so that he can move on. She start to walk to where he is now panicking thinking of a way to distract her as she is slowly walking towards him then she hears a noise and turns around and runs towards the noise.

Alex sigh a breath of relief and slowly walks to the end of the dirt road and then turns to the left and runs until he get to the end of the dirt road then gets onto the cement road and slowly walk up to the restaurant and checking if he can see anybody, but what he sees is like a battlefield gone horribly wrong there is dead body's covered in blood, torn clothes and tables turn over its a bloody mess. Everywhere he can see is, Alex slowly approaching the kitchen door. Alex starts coughing and his eyes are burning from all the smoke he is inhaling.

He is walking towards the kitchen door which is a glass door as he sees his Mother and her back turn towards him. Alex starts to scream Mom!... Mom!.. Mom!.. Mom! as he is walking towards the kitchen his Mom is slowly turning towards him and he stops in his as the tears start to form in his eyes. Tears drops onto the ground and thinks to himself "Why did this have happened to me Why!".. he slams his hand against the ground, Alex then looks up and stands up and walks up to the glass and holds his hand and his forehead up to the glass and tells his Mother that he "i love her", she then runs up to the glass slamming her head against the glass.

He jumps back with shock on his face to see that his Mother would hurt herself like that. He then wipes the tears from his face and eyes as his mom keeps running into the glass door. He looks at her one last time and sees her as she was to him and not as she is now. He is now walking out of the building and he notice that all of the bodies that were on the floor. When he came in is now gone only blood stains are left as he is walking slowly towards the road.

He looks around to see if he can see any of the bodies that were laying on the ground, but there's nothing around him "thinking to himself where is all these people could it be that they all turn into those monsters that is now my mother''. He is walking and then stops in his tracks forgetting that his neighbour just a moment ago wanted to attack him. He looks around to see if he can see her but there is no sign of her. He breathes a air of relief.. He walks straight onto the road he turns left to go home so he walks keep walking until he gets to the part of the vineyard row where his neighbour try to attack him. He slowly walks up to the front row to see if she is still there looking for him, but as he is getting closer to the distractive hole she left behind her in pursuit of him.

He doesn't hear her. It looks like she is gone too. Alex looks at the distractive mess she left behind. He then turns around and walks out of the vineyard rows. He stops still to look around to see if there is anybody, but there is nobody around. So he steps out of the vineyard and keeps going left back to his house. He walks past a big tree then, Alex sees all the other workers and neighbours are in a circle. He then stops in his tracks.

They are all standing motionless in a circle. Some of there backs are turned to him and some are looking at him, but it does not seem that they are seeing him so he slowly turns to his left and starts to walk slowly. He does not want to make a loud noise as he is walking. He gets a glimpse of somebody that he is looking for, "it's his Father he yells Father!.. Father!.. it's me Father" those who were looking away turn around and those who were looking at him eyes slowly fixed on him. They all start to run towards him. He turns around quickly and starts to run on the road he is now.

He keeps running until he gets to a crossroads where he has to choose between three roads, the one he is on now or the other two which goes left and right all of which is dirt road. He has to make a split second decision to either go left or right or just straight he makes a decision to go right now. He turns and runs onto the right dirt road he keeps running and looks back to see if they are still following him. They are still following as he is running. Alex turns left into one of the vineyard rows and starts to run as his neighbours and the farmworkers fall over each other.

They all stand up one by one and start to run after him. He looks behind him and sees that some of them are running towards him in the same row he is in now. Alex starts to run more inside the row he is in now. Alex then stops and turns around and looks straight at the horde that is stampeding towards him. As they are closing in on him legs starts shaking he then lifts up his hand and makes it into a fist and then hits his legs and say to himself that ''this is no time for fear i have to survive and find out what happened here''.

They are getting closer to him one of the horde almost touches him. He ducks down on to the ground and rolls to his right side underneath the vineyard rows three times and then stops, standing up dusting himself off from all the sand and dust that was on the ground he stands up all covered in cuts. Alex ducks down so they can not see him he starts to crouch on the ground and starts to walk to the end of the vineyard row. He is now sneaking towards the end as he is getting to the end.

Alex slows down a little bit checking if there is anybody he sticks his head out and looks around, but there is nobody so he gets out of the row and turns right and starts running towards his house. Alex gets to the house, takes out the key which is in his pocket and puts it in the keyhole and turns the keys and opens up the door takes the key and then close the door behind. Leaning towards the door now looking around him to see if he can find something to use for protection against them, Alex then sees a broom with a plastic handle he walks to the broom and look at it and sees he can unscrew the broom handle.

He starts to unscrew the handle, he places the broom on the ground and opens up a drawer. He takes out a knife and starts to cut a quarter of the broom off and sees that he can make a weapon out of it. He then opens up another drawer and searches around a bit and then he gets his hands on what he was looking for.

He then takes out the tape and puts all three of them together and starts to get to work he first measure the broom handle hole against the knife handel he sees it will fit and then starts to look around in the top to see if there is any glue he sees the glue takes it but there is only a little bit left he looks at it and thinks Father. His Father use the glue last night for the front of is shoes, Alex is thinking back to last night. [Last night he is watching television and just sitting scrolling around the tv channels and to his right opens a door and it is, Alex father he walks out of the room walks to the couch and sit on the couch to his left.

He had one of his work shoes in his left hand. He sit down on the couch that is in the living room with the couch that, Alex is sitting on the couch, Alex is busy scrolling through the channels his dad is looking at the front of the shoes and then ask, Alex to go and get him the glue, Alex then stops at a news channel and gets up to go and get the glue for his dad. His dad looks up and then sees that it is on the news channel he then puts down the shoe his Father then asked Alex to give the remote to him.

Alex then picks up the remote and gives it to his Father. His Father puts a little bit of volume on the TV, Alex walks up to the cupboard and opens up the first one where the medicine is he looks in and sees there you are. He then lifts up his hand and then puts his hand in the cupboard and takes out the glue. He then closes the cupboard door and then He walks over to his father and gives him the glue. His father takes the glue and puts it beside him, Alex then walks over to the couch that he was sitting on and leens on it and looks at the news. The news report "hello and good evening first up a mystery virus has some doctors worried and the former president of the united states of america Donald J. Trump says that his impeachment was biased and very wrong for the american people.

First up we have a mysterious virus that just showed up out of nowhere that is attacking the people of South African doctors have no idea where this virus is coming from, but they do know that the virus is very rapid moving virus that has already at least killed 10 people the is the symptoms bleeding from the eyes, the mouth, the noise, the ears and caesars and vomiting up blood doctors say that it starts with a cold the patient or person who are infected will start with a sneeze and with a cold sweat then will start to sweat a lot which then the person/patient will then collapse and will start to have a ceaser on the ground and then the bleeding will start which in turn the ceasers will stop and then the person will stand up and try to attack any person that's near the infected patient and the person who is infected will then try to vomit blood on any person near them.

The infected person have incredible strength and on to other news. The former President Donald J. Trump says that after everything he did for the people'', Alex dad puts on a new channel how did he ever became President. His dad shakes his head slowly, Alex dad picks up the his work shoe and take off the cap of the glue pot''. Alex then takes out a chair that was nearby him and puts the chair against the table and then sits in the chair, takes the broom handle and the little bit of glue he has left and takes off the cap of the glue and then squirts the glue inside the broom handle. Alex then takes the knife and sticks it in the broom handle. He then picks up the tape and starts to roll the tape all over the broom handle where the glue was. After he is done with the tape he takes another knife out and cuts the tape.

He then puts down the knife and the tape he makes sure everything is okay he squeezes the handel around the tape where he left the glue was. He then puts the makeshift weapen down on the table and then go to his couch and sits down and just sigh what a day says, Alex he takes out his phone and pushes the button on the left of his phone and then the phone screen turns on and he sees that it's only 09:12am "My God after all that its only 09:12 am". He then stands up and then goes to the tv closet and then takes the remote of the DSTV and starts to scroll around on the tv to look for a channel to watch.

He then puts it on the news channel [ the news lady "if you are just tuning in now as you can see now i am alone with a few other people in the studio with me is my camera man, my co host is not here with me. He is in the hospital and so are most off the news team. We and the people who are left in the studio that have arrived this morning are going to give you all the coverages. We can in this the dire situation we as a nation are facing this crisis. Authorities have stated that people should stay in their houses and board all windows and doors until the authorities can calm down the situations that are happening all over the country".

The [alarm goes off] hold up.. wait she touches her head she nods her head "Okay... Okay.. Okay.. people we have just heard that the parliament have just declared a state of emergency" [glass breaking in the background of the studio and gunshot can be heard] what was that Studio!.. Studio!... Studio she stands up and looks to the back of the camera man and sees as she gaps and have a look of shock on her face as she puts her hand on her mouth the camera man turns the camera around and Alex sees that the infected have break into the studio and have began to starts to attack the people in the background there is a big window that separate the newsroom and the studio were the infected are in after the infected bite the people that were in the studio. They all start to line up to the glass some of them starts to move back slowly and run up to the glass one by one until they all starts to run one after another almost breaking the glass and then they all starts to line up and then they all start to smile and run up to the glass and break it. They all break threw the glass falling as they do the reporter and the cameraman stars to run and he drops his camera as they are running, Alex can see the feet of the infected chase after them then the camera goes off there is static on the tv, Alex has a shock look on his face just realising that what is happening here is also happening everywhere. He gets up quickly screaming and saying "Why damn it i can not believe that this is happening damn it there is no hope". "Hello.. hello" the person says it a little bit louder, "hello is this thing on'' gun shoots in the background ''if anybody can hear this my name is Dr. Michaels Hope and i used to work at the CTU, but it is now over run with the infected we are being evacuated to Cape Town Military Base come to the base there we have set up a perimeter there will be food, clothes, and medical aid for anyone who is in need the radio transmission ends".

Alex then takes out his phone and open up notes and writes down the coordinates of the military base and then locks his phone. Alex puts his phone back into his left pocket and then starts to walk around the couch to get to the other side of the couch. He then continued to walk over to his makeshift weapon. He is now standing over the makeshift weapon. He looks at it slowly picks up the make shifted weapon. He turns around and looks at the cupboards and says to himself "i am going to need food,clothes and water if i am going to survive this journey" he walks over to the food cupboards and stars to open them up and looks for food that he eat now and something that is easy and quick to make.

He is looking and looking for something and he only find two things [two wheat crunch bars] and a Jive juice mixture. Juice that he has to mix with water to make it drinkable for him. He puts all three of them on the counter above the cupboards. He then walks over to the fridge and opens it to sees if there is any water bottles in it, there are five water bottles in it for him to use. He takes the five water bottles out three that are 500ml and the other two that are 1liter each.

He then closes the fridge door and turns around and walk to the sink and open ups the first bottle throws about a quarter of the water out into the sink and then puts the bottle on the table and does it to another one of the bottle the others He puts in a cooling bag he takes a butter knife and the big spoon opens up the freezer door and starts to chip away ice to throw in his ice bag/cooling bag. He then puts the Jive in his bag, bottle and opens it up and picks up one of the water bottles and throws the Jive in the water stops and then does it again to the other one.

He puts the Jive down after he is finished with it, closes it up and puts it on top of the cupboards. Takes the bottle that he has in his left hand takes the right and put it on top of the bottle and starts to shake it until it is mixed real good he taste it to see if it taste good he shakes his head and says ''no little bit more'' he pours in little bit more and do it and shakes it a bit more taste it and then says mm.. okay. He picks up the bottle of the lid and puts it on the bottle and then screws it tight on.

He puts it on the table with the others as he is about to pick up the other one. He suddenly hears a scream that makes him drop his bottle. He says ''that was her voice that i just heard'' with two guns shot. He picks up his weapon and walks to the door and he slowly opens it, he peeks out his head to see if there are any of the infected are there because with her just yelling like that and that two gunshot it's about to attack a lot of bad company. He sees none so he goes outside and close the door behind him. He starts to walk in the direction of where he heard the scream.

He starts to slowly jog a little bit so that he can get to the house quicker. He sees the house and stops a little bit. Alex looks at the house and sees that nothing is wrong. He crouch down and slowly walk to the house front yard comes up against the fence. He hides behind the fences, looks over the fence and sees a broken down car with a tarp on it. He looks over and only sees the broken down car in the front yard, he gets up and jumps over the fence and starts to walk to the door.

He gets to the front door puts his hand the door and slowly opens it. The door is creaking as he is opening up the door. He starts to slowly walks into the front door and then hear a loud bump coming from inside the house. He takes out his weapon and holds it closely in his hands. He looks down and see a blood trail and keeps following it. He hears the loud bump as he is walking and then looks to his right and left and sees the kitchen he goes in the direction of.

Alex looks in the direction of the kitchen and sees a turn over table with cereal on the floor with blood mixed in with the milk as he is looking around in the kitchen he hears the loud bump again and this time followed with a scream. Alex turns around and goes in the direction of the noise, Alex walks and walks until he reaches a door he opens the door a little slowly and sees, Thembi holding a chair in front of her with, Jasmine behind her holding her skirt very tightly, with a scared look on her face. Alex opens up the door a little bit more Thembi sees him and shakes her head ''no don't come in''

End of Chapter 02