
The immortal hellhound

A man wakes up in the void after having died in his sleep. Once there, he is told that he will be reincarnated after spinning the infamous wheel for what world and what cheats he will get. He is also told that his appearence will change into the fictional character he can relate to the most. When he next awoke, he was stunned. Just by a small glance, he saw he was covered in white-grey fur, but he never managed to think any further before hearing someone speak. " Hey, you. You're finally awake"

Michaela_9156 · Tranh châm biếm
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5 Chs

Chapter 3

"I`ll ask again, who are you?"

I took a breath to steady myself before walking forward. I could clearly see that he was observing me, obviously because of my wolf like appearence. I didn`t pay any attention to that though.

"Loona Wolf-fang." I replied simply.

There was no need to drag out any form conversation with the imperials, and I knew it, especially after having tried playing both the stormcloak and imperial sides in the game. From what I could see from just the game, and not real life where I had an even worse opinion of them due to our earlier altercation, the imperial army was simply a group of lapdogs to the Thalmor, unable to treat a single civillian with kindness.

"Wher do you come from, wolf?" He asked, a bit unsure as to how to adress me.

"Born in Windhelm and grew up in the lands of Skyrim." I replied using the memories that I had gotten just a bit before.

According to my memories, after my mother had abandoned me at the age of about 4 years old, I had spent my youth learning from the wild and traversing the lands, often having to hide from slavers, elves or beasts, only to come out stronger from the ordeals I faced.

The man that had asked me, that I knew the name of, Hadvar, but wasn`t supposed to, simply observed me. Probably due to my mask of indifference, maybe because of the fact that I resembled a wolf and said I gre up in the wilds, no-one knows, but he soon shook himself free from his thoughts as he yet again spoke.

"Well the, you picked a bad time to come home to Skyrim then." He said, making a small altercation from the dialogue from the game when he addressed a nord-made character.

"Captain, what should we do? She's not on the list." He asked while turning to the woman in heavy armor.

"Forget the list. She goes to the block." She replied, not giving a single fuck about the fact that I was only brought there due to crossing a piece of land, making me scowl and releasing a small growl in her direction.

"Fucking imperial prick." I muttered under my breath. Obviously not as silent as I thought since I heard a small chuckle coming from the nearby stormcloaks.

"By your orders, captain." Hadvar replied while making a conscious effort to ignore my obvious loathing for the imperial woman. He then turned back to me and once more spoke.

"I'm sorry. At least you'll die here, in your homeland." He said.

"Doesn`t matter where I die. All that matters to me, is that I know that even if I look different from you, I would at least die with a clean consciousness on my way to Sovengarde. Can you say the same?"

I used what would normally have been one of the stormcloaks line in the original script. But seeing the look on the man`s face was worth it. I simply ignored him after saying my piece and started to walk towards the line awaiting excecution.

From what I could see, there was about a couple dozen stormcloaks and a couple bandits. But in my mind I only had a single thought which I decided to speak aloud, even if it would earn me the ire of the nearby imperials, I simply didn`t care. They were about to kill me anyway, so what do I care what they think.

"From what I can see, we are a group of quite a few stormcloaks, bandits and me, the person who was simply returning over the border to return home." I started, gaining the gathered peoples attention on me, but I just continued.

"But all that doesn`t matter anymore. While yes, we are all different, we are all the same at this time. Come together due to circumstances and became brothers and sisters in binds."

I obviously pilfered some of Ralof`s lines again, but once more I couldn`t give a single fuck due to where we where. I just waited for all hell to break loose so that I could begin my journey.

Something did strike me as odd though. I had accepted my existence rather fast, and had even integrated myself among these people even if I had only become Loona no more that a couple hours earlier. I somewhat scared me, but I knew that the being that I met in the void must have done something for me to have a somewhat seamless transition into my new identity.

And just as I expected, I drew the ire of almost all the imperial soldiers nearby with my words alone.

"Silence beast! You shall respect your betters!"

One soldier yelled at me, probably the very same man that had driven the carriage if his voice was any indicator, and like before, he swung his horsewhip at me, again taking a piece of my ear, leaving it rather tattered at that point. I used all my willpower to not react at the pain that once again assaulted me, but I couldn`t help but make a final snarky remark.

"Oh really? Once I meet them, I will heed your advice." I mocked.

He once more boiled over in rage, his face becoming a shade of red so dark that I thought his head would explode. He raised his whip once more to strike me, but was stopped by Hadvar who held his arm half-way into his swing.

"Don`t let her anger you, that seems to be her goal." He spoke to the soldier, making him take a breath and nodding after letting the air out.

I just decided to ignore the two since my goal had been accomplished.

`Mock an imperial until he is ready to blow? Check, check, and double check.´ I thought while grinning like the grinch on the inside. My thoughts were interrupted once someone started to speak.

"Ulfric Stormcloak. Some here in Helgen call you a hero, but a hero doesn't use a power like the Voice to murder his king and usurp his throne." Spoke a man.

`Oh it`s that pompous prick Tullius.´

Ulfric could only grunt in protest due to the gag that the soldiers had put on him.

"You started this war, plunged Skyrim into chaos and now the Empire is going to put you down, and restore the peace." Tullius once again spoke, but was forced to stop his monologue as we all heard a roaring sound from the distance.

"What was that?" Hadvar asked from a few metres behind my position.

"It's nothing. Carry on." Spoke Tullius in his usual pompous voice.

"Yes, General Tullius. Give them their last rites." Came the affirmation from the female captain as she turned to the nearby priestess.

"As we commend your souls to Aetherius, blessings of the Eight Divines upon you, for you are the salt and earth of Nirn, our beloved--" The priestess spoke out with her arms spread to the sides. She was interrupted however as one of the stormcloak soldiers stepped forward.

"For the love of Talos, shut up and lets get this over with." He said snarkily.

`I think I`m a bad influence on these guys. He was snarky. To these guys. I`m so proud.´I thought to myself while wiping an imaginary tear.

"As you wish..." Came the reply from the offended priestess.

"Come on, I haven't got all morning. My ancestors are smiling at me, Imperials. Can you say the same?" Said the soldier as his head was pushed onto the block and kneeling. The excecutioner slowly raised his axe before swinging full force, beheading the stormcloak.

"You Imperial bastards!" Came the voice of a female stormcloak a few people to my left.

"Justice!" Yelled a man from among the spectators.

"Death to the Stormcloaks!" Came another female voice from among the crowd.

"As fearless in death as he was in life." Said Ralof sadly with his head hung down.

"Next, the beast!" Commanded the captain.

`The only beast here is you and the other imperials.´ I thought angrily at beeing called a beast.

We soon heard another roar originating from the mountainside, only now, much closer. People started to get a bit nervous after hearing it a second time. Multiple civillians started to lead their families back to their homes in hopes that they wouldn`t be harmed if something did happen.

"There it is again. Did you hear that?" Hadvar asked with a bit of fear clinging to his voice.

"I said, next prisoner!" Yelled the female captain, unwilling to hear any more from the soldiers nearby.

"To the block, prisoner. Nice and easy." Hadvar said to me, still with a bit of fear to his voice, but still calmer than before.

I was brought to the chopping block and made to kneel before it before a large creature swoops over the southern mountain peaks, barreling toward Helgen. I obviously knew what was about to happen, but the other didn`t. I just let a small grin form on my wolfish mouth at the thought of my soon to be escape.

"What in Oblivion is that!?" Exclaimed Tullius as he watched the large silhouette approach from afar.

"Sentries! What do you see?" Questioned the female captain.

"It's in the clouds!" Yelled back one of the archers that acted as a sentry.

They didn`t manage to scout any longer due to the large creature diving down and landing with a large thump on top of the tower next to the chopping block my head was resting on at that time.

"Dragon!" Yelled a few of the soldiers in pure fear as they finally recognized the creature that loomed over their heads.

The dragon used its voice on the crowd, killing the headsman, and unintentionally saving my neck, literally. T he headsman merely managed a grunt in pain before dying.

"Don't just stand there, kill that thing! Guards, get the townspeople to safety!" Commanded Tullius, but I knew better. He didn`t care about civillian casualties, only saving his own skin mattered to him.

While I knew what would happen, I was still scared as shit. Scared enough that I didn`t manage to sense when Ralof had ran up to me, helping me to my feet.

"Hey, friend! Get up! Come on, the gods won't give us another chance!" He yelled over the large roars of Alduin and screaming civillians.

"This way!" He yelled at me as we started to sprint toward the tower at the opposite end of the large yard we were in. Once inside, we could see that several of the prisoners had managed to flee to the very same tower, including a certain jarl.

"Jarl Ulfric! What is that thing? Could the legends be true?" Asked Ralof in a bit of panic.

"Legends don't burn down villages. We need to move, now!" Came the intelligent answer from Ulfric.

"Up through the tower. Let's go! This way, friend! Move!" Ralof exclaimed towards me as we started to move up the stairs.

"We just need to move some of these rocks to clear the way!" Called another stormcloak. Me, knowing what was about to happen, grabbed the man and dragged him back down the steps.

"What was that fo-" He asked me, yelling, but was interrupted as Alduin broke through the wall he had stood right in front of just moments before.

"Get back!" Yelled Ralof, making us all take as much cover as we could manage.

"Toor shul!" Roared the dragon, spewing fire everywhere. He soon stopped and flew away.

We all observed the damage left behind from the roar and one could hear several people audibly swallow their saliva. Ralof turned to me.

"See the inn on the other side? Jump through the roof and keep going! Go! We'll follow you when we can!" He spoke. It was most likely since I was still the only one still tied up, but I gave him a resolute nod.

"We`ll meet on the other side Ralof." I told him before taking the leap across the gap, landing inside the house that had it`s roof burnt down. I landed and made a roll to soften the landing before starting to sprint towards my goal, Helgen keep.

I had only barely left the building before I ran into Hadvar shielding a small boy from some of the flames. And, by the gods did it hurt my nose when I came outside. The games never depicted how bad the burning of the townsfolk really was, so the fact that I could smell the burning flesh all around me was pure torture, especially since I had greater sense of smell than ordinary people.

"Haming, you need to get over here now! Attaboy. You're doing great! Torolf! Gods...everyone get back!" Voiced Hadvar as he helped the father-son duo hide against a nearby stone wall.

I followed their example, but before any of us could do or say anything, the dragon landed over our heads, releasing another fire breath that lasted for nearly a minute before yet again taking to the skies, making us all release a breath we didn`t even know we held in.

"Still alive, prisoner? Keep close to me if you want to stay that way. Gunnar, take care of the boy. I have to find General Tullius and join the defense." Hadvar spoke after noticing my existence.

`Still calling me a prisoner eh? I`ll show you prisoner, just you wait.´ I seethed in my mind, but chose to remain silent seeing as I`m the one still tied up.

"Gods guide you, Hadvar." Spoke the man that was introduced as Gunnar. He grabbed the small boy before he started to sprint away from all the chaos and carnage.

"Come on, follow me prisoner!" Spoke Hadvar making me want to puch him in the face, but I still followed, only to push the both of us behind yet another wall as the dragon released another blast of fire.

We stood still, not making a sound until the dragon flew off to burn more of the town to the ground.

"Quickly, follow me!" Commanded Hadvar, and hadn`t it been for the fact that I hadn`t been released from the ropes around my wrists, I would have clocked him in the face with all my might.

We reached the courtyard in front of Helgen keep, and were greeted to the sight of dozens of soldiers and civillians alike, burnt to a crisp by dragon fire. There were still yet a few drawing their bows to try and kill the overgrown lizard, but none seemed to be able to hurt it the slightest as the dragon swooped down and blasted the people that fought against it.

"Tell my family I fought bravely!" Came the voice of the same man that started the condemnation of the stormcloaks after the first soldiers death. I couldn`t even feel a smidgeon of pity for the bastard as he was burned alive.

"Hadvar! Into the keep, soldier, we're leaving!" Yelled Tullius with a command.

"It's you and me, prisoner, stay close!" Commanded Hadvar. I was seriously contemplating just killing the man at that point.

"Die, dragon!" Yelled one of the imperial soldiers as he fired an arrow, only to be burnt the next moment.

"How in Oblivion do we kill this thing? Just...die!" Spoke another soldier, only, this one seemed to have lost all hope as he kneeled while watching the destruction that was happening all around him.

As we finally was reaching the keep, I finally spotted Ralof. He looked worse for wear seeing as his armor had some burns and part of his beard was singed. We finally ran all the way to the keep as Ralof finally managed to catch up with us.

"Ralof! You damned traitor, out of my way!" Yelled Hadvar.

"We're escaping, Hadvar! You're not stopping us this time." Yelled Ralof back in response.

"Fine. I hope that dragon takes you all to Sovngarde." Replied Hadvar as he once more ran for the keep.

"Come on friend! Into the keep! We`re almost at the end!" Called Ralof, he too heading for one of the entrances of the keep.

"With me, prisoner! Let's go! Come on! We need to get inside!" Called Hadvar. I looked at Hadvar and yelled at him.

"Do you really think that I would follow you!? The only reason I did so until now was because of these bindings!" I yelled and raised my arms to show what I spoke of.

"Imperials are all the same anyways! You are worse than any bandit in my eyes! Just look at me for Talos` sake. I was headed for the block for merely returning to Skyrim! No! I won`t have any dealings with the imperials." I yelled and ran after Ralof, not seeing the shocked and somewhat hurt look on Hadvars face as I had finally entered the keep.

`This is only the start.´ I thought to myself as I finally let out a breath.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Health - 72 / 100

Mana - 100 / 100

[Skills / abilities:]

Passive -

Enhanced senses - Greatly enhances hosts senses.

Enhanced strength - Greatly enhances hosts physical strength due to hellhound heritage.

Weaponry - Due to hellhound heritage, host is naturally gifted with sharp nails and teeth. Host`s nails are hard as steel and sharp enough to cut through flesh and muscle tissue. Host`s teeth are sharp enough to bite a regular human`s head off.

Active -

Human shapeshift - Gives host the ability to shift between human and hellhound form. This is an innate ability of the hellhound race. Cost 400 mana upon activation with no other cost for keeping skill active.

Charm - Host is able to charm both men and women into following simple and unsuspicious commands by using the prospect of intercourse into play. Cost 150 mana upon activation with a cost of 10 mana per minute after activation.

Intimidation - Due to the host having sharp nails and teeth combined with crass attitude, host is able to intimidate most people. Cost 100 mana.


Reach first milestone after awakening - Rewards: Starter-pack. Status: Completed.

Escape Helgen - Rewards: ?????. Status: Active.


Gacha token x2 - Used in the [Gacha] tab to randomly receive rewards. (Note: Tokens never rolls lower than uncommon)

500 septim - Septims are the local currency in the land of Tamriel.

Complete memory pack - Contains complete memory of host`s body from before assimilation. (CONSUMED)


Roll - 2x FREE ROLL.

Trash - high probability.

Common - high-mid probability.

Uncommon - medium probability.

Rare - high-low probability.

Ultra rare - mid-low probability.

Legendary - low-low probability.

Mythical - nigh probable.


Loona Wolf-fang is the daughter of Kodlak Whitemane, the harbinger of the companions in Whiterun, and Sasha Wildflower from Windhelm.

She was abandoned at a young age due to her mother feeling disgust towards her animalistic appearence. Instead of feeling sorry for herself, she went to make a life for herself. She trained in multiple weapons after reaching the age of 10 with whatever she could get her hands on and is proficient in quite a few of them.

After having left Skyrim to train in different enviorenments she returned home, only to met with an ambush by imperial soldiers and brought to Helgen for excecution.

[Familial status:]

Father - Kodlak Whitemane: Alive. Ignorant of the existance of a daughter.

Mother - Sasha Wildflower: Alive. Disgusted by the birth of her daughter.