
Chapter 4

I just couldn`t help myself and released a deep sigh. After the entire shitshow called Helgen, I just had to release all the pent up anger and resentment I had accumulated thanks to the imperials. Sadly, that ended up being thrown at Hadvar.

From the games, I knew that he was one of the few good ones, but as it was in the moment, I just let the floodgates loose and spoke my deepest feelings at the man. There was also the fact that he kept using "prisoner" to refer to me, even if he had my name. There was also the fact that even though we were on opposite sides, we were still both just trying to survive the entire calamity that was called Alduin.

`No reason to think about it now.´ I thought to myself as I started to walk toward the kneeling figure of Ralof.

"We'll meet again in Sovngarde, brother." He spoke solemnly while closing the eyes of the dead stormcloak soldier that was leaned against the leg of the table in the room.

"One you knew?" I asked Ralof. Even if I knew the answer, he didn`t know that I knew.

He rose from the kneeling position he was in and turned his attention to me before speaking once more.

"Aye, I did. He was a good man who fought bravely by my side more than once." He said, to which I brought my still bound hands up and put them on his shoulder.

"Then don`t be sad over his death. Instead use it to fight for what you both believed in." I said.

I might be a massive asshole to most, but I knew when to be sensitive towards others feelings. There was also the fact that I was still tied up and wanted to get on with the whole dialogue.

"Aye, yer right friend." He said and began to look around the room, only seeing two corpses of his fellow stormcloaks.

"Looks like we're the only ones who made it. That thing was a dragon. No doubt. Just like the children's stories and the legends. The harbingers of the End Times" He said.

He was probably still in shock about the whole debacle, but I still couldn`t help but inwardly roll my eyes. Of course it was a dragon. It certainly wasn`t a cow with wings, that much I was sure of.

"We better get moving. Come here, let me see if I can get those bindings off." He said as he grabbed the axe that laid next to the second corpse in the room.

I just complied and brought up my hands for the man to cut the rope with the axe, which he did with a bit of difficulty since his strength had waned due to exhaustion. Once the bindings came off, I rubbed my wrists, wincing a bit since they were rather tender due to how tight the ropes were, but also because of the skin underneat since some of the fur on my wrists had come off during all the time they were bound.

"There you go." Ralof said as he hefted the axe on the right side of his hip. He then turned towards the dead soldier from before and spoke.

"May as well take Gunjar's gear... he won't be needing it anymore." He said, still with some sadness. I just put a hand on his shoulder.

"He might not need it, but we do. Remember Ralof, if we get out of here, he would have completed his mission even after entering Sovengarde. That`s why they were here to begin with I think." I said and he began thinking about that possibility. He then smiled.

"Aye, so be it." He said and I started to grab the armor the now dead Gunjar wore. I prepared to put it on but remembered that I was female now. It didn`t feel right to be watched while changing, so I turned to Ralof.

"Turn around so I can get changed." I said and gestured with my finger to turn around, which seemed to wake the man up from his staring. He seemed a bit flustered as he quickly turned around with a bit of red on his face.

I just chuckled and started to wear the armor. It surprisingly fit rather well. I only had to use the axe Gunjar had to cut a hole for my tail, but otherwise it fit like a glove. I just moved my arms a bit to get used to wear anything other than rags before smiling to myself and returning my gaze to Ralof.

"Done. You can turn back now." I told him. He turned back to me, still a bit red, but still he had composed himself a bit. He looked me over before nodding.

I wore the typical stormcloak armor with the fur boots and cuirass. Gunjar had gloves, but I myself had fur now, so I simply chose not to put them on. Other than that I had taken his one handed iron axe and put it on my right hip, ready to be equipped at a moments notice. And while I had never fought anyone before now, I still felt ready to use the axe should the situation call for it.

I also had a feeling in my gut that the being that brought me here had done something to make me accept everything faster since for one, I was female instead of the man I was before. Second, I was calm even though I was covered in fur. So with all that he had done to me, why wouldn`t he have done something with the part of my brain that was rejecting killing? Answer: He most likely did do something about it.

"Looks good on ya lass. I'm going to see if I can find some way out of here." He said after observing me. He then went on to check the locked iron door that I knew would lead us to the underground dungeons.

"This one's locked. Let's see about that gate." He said after trying to open the locked door. He then went to the opposite end of the room and tried prying that one open as well, to no avail.

"Damn. No way to open this from our side." He said after a few tries. He seemed to lose a bit of hope escaping until he noticed my ears stand on end, twitching. As a man that has hunted his fair few wolves over the years, he was well versed in canine behaviour.

"What is it? What do you hear?" He asked.

"Three people. One heavy, likely heavy armor. Heavy one sounds female, the others are men." I said before I let a growl out of my mouth. Ralof likely noticed my anger and was about to ask, but wasn`t fast enough since I spoke first.

"All imperials. The woman was the same captain from before. One of the men is the one that whipped my ear." I growled out. Ralof seemed to understand my anger after that.

We both brought out our weapons and his behind the walls in and angle so that the imperial soldiers wouldn`t notice us, and waited. Not even a minute passed before even Ralof could hear the captain shout commands at the two soldiers with her.

"Come on, soldier! Keep moving!" She shouted. I just looked at Ralof and gestured for him to stay as silent as he could. Not long after that, we heard them come up to the gate.

"Get this gate open." She commanded.

I just gestured for Ralof to wait. He didn`t have to wait long before I jumped out from my hiding spot, startling the soldiers. I went directly for the one that ruined my ear and planted my axe directly in his skull. I didn`t have time to contemplate what I had just done since Ralof too jumped out while shouting.

"Imperial dogs!" He yelled as he too, planted an axe between a soldiers eyes, leaving only the captain alive.

Ralof and I looked at eachother and nodded. Even though the captain wore heavy armor and had managed to draw her sword while we handled her underlings, she simply wasn`t able to handle both of us at once. Ralof and I sprung into action at the same time, with me facing her from the front and he from the back.

Thanks to my greater strength, I managed to overpower her, making her loose her grip on her sword. Just as she dropped her sword, Ralof jumped at her and swung his axe at her neck. While the axes weren`t exactly top-notch, it was still able to take her head with it. It flew through the air before it landed on the ground along with the now headless body. The head rolled for a few feet before it finally stopped.

Both Ralof and I were tired, but we still couldn`t hide the grin we both had on our faces. Why should we? We beat three imperial soldiers, one even being captain, while we both had inferior weapons, both thirsty and hungry. On top of all that, we had just ran from a dragon as if hell was on our tail, even though it basically was, and made it into the keep alive.

We were allowed to be a bit smug about it. I did begin to feel some bile rise through my throat but quickly swallowed it since I couldn`t afford to seem weak at that moment. They were my first kills and I felt sick to my stomach, but I had to keep myself together if we were going to make it out alive.

"We should search them and see if they have anything we could use." I told him after getting myself together. He just nodded, and we started to search the three soldiers, with me starting with the captain.

She didn`t have a lot of stuff, but I managed to grab all her armor, noting to myself to get it rinsed a hundred and thirty times before using it for anything, her sword which I hefted to my left hip, and finally a few septim and the key.

I then walked to the bastard I first killed, the one that seemed to enjoy whipping me, and ungraciously started to manhandle his corpse while searching. I got a few looks from Ralof because of that, but he seemed to understand my anger, and he just turned back to searching the other soldier.

The bastard didn`t have much, but he seemed to be a bit corrupt if all the septims I found was anything to go by. I didn`t even bother to grab anything else beside his money, quiver of arrows which I strapped to my back, and his imperial bow which was also put on my back.

That also seemed to differ from the game, since in the game, the player was only able to equip two small blades with a quiver of bolts or arrows at one time. Here though, one was able to equip as much as one could carry.

I just shrugged my shoulders as I stood from the ground and looked towards Ralof.

"Got the key, but we should check where they came from. They might have something useful." I told him. He seemed to ponder it for a while before he nodded in acceptance.

We followed the tunnel to what I knew was the imperial quarters. It was filled with beds and had a few chairs and tables around the room. There was also a few cabinets among the walls, which was what we headed for first. We kept looting the place. I eaven managed to sneak a bed into my inventory without Ralof noticing. I just knew that I would need it at some point in time.

I also noticed that I seemed to be the only one with an inventory unlike in the game where the different jarls would pull items out of their asses, or the different soldiers that would use a bow one minute, only to see the bow vanish and out comes the sword.

It made me a bit happy. It meant that I wouldn`t be implicated if I was able to rob someone. They simply wouldn`t have any evidence against me. It also meant that I was able to do more than others, which could grant me a lot more jobs, meaning more money.

But my inner loot goblin couldn`t wait anymore, so I started to go through every nook and cranny of the place before meeting back up with Ralof. He looked a bit dejected, but still somewhat satisfied, no idea how that`s possible, but that might be because of the small bag he was carrying.

"Any luck?" I asked the man.

"Aye. Managed to find a couple of potions for the journey ahead. You?" He told me before asking about my luck.

"Yeah, a few potions laying around but nothing much. With all we found, we should be able to finally leave this hellhole." I told him. What he didn`t know, wouldn`t hurt him.

The answer seemed to satisfy him though, so we both returned to the room we were previously in. We stood in front of the locked gate from earlier and I brought out the key I looted from the soldier earlier.

I put the key in the keyhole and looked at Ralof.

"Ready to get out of here?" I asked him.

"Aye. Let`s get this over with." He replied as he looked back at me.

We both shared a grin, and I finally turned the key.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Health - 100 / 100

Mana - 100 / 100

[Skills / abilities:]

Passive -

Enhanced senses - Greatly enhances hosts senses.

Enhanced strength - Greatly enhances hosts physical strength due to hellhound heritage.

Weaponry - Due to hellhound heritage, host is naturally gifted with sharp nails and teeth. Host`s nails are hard as steel and sharp enough to cut through flesh and muscle tissue. Host`s teeth are sharp enough to bite a regular human`s head off.

Active -

Human shapeshift - Gives host the ability to shift between human and hellhound form. This is an innate ability of the hellhound race. Cost 400 mana upon activation with no other cost for keeping skill active.

Charm - Host is able to charm both men and women into following simple and unsuspicious commands by using the prospect of intercourse into play. Cost 150 mana upon activation with a cost of 10 mana per minute after activation.

Intimidation - Due to the host having sharp nails and teeth combined with crass attitude, host is able to intimidate most people. Cost 100 mana.

One-handed axe mastery (3/100) - The ability to handle one-handed axes.


Reach first milestone after awakening - Rewards: Starter-pack. Status: Completed.

Escape Helgen - Rewards: ?????. Status: Active.


Gacha token x2 - Used in the [Gacha] tab to randomly receive rewards. (Note: Tokens never rolls lower than uncommon)

760 septim - Septims are the local currency in the land of Tamriel.

Complete memory pack - Contains complete memory of host`s body from before assimilation. (CONSUMED)

Low quality bed x1 - A low quality bed that was by a low ranking soldier of the imperial army.

Low grade health potion x 3 - A low quality potion used to restore a small amount of health after consumption.

Low grade magicka potion x 2 - A low grade potion used to restore a small amount of magicka after consumtion.

Iron axe x1 (EQUIPPED) - An axe made of iron. They are regarded as the lowest grade weapon availible, but is still used due to being cheap compared to other types of metal.

Imperial sword (EQUIPPED) - A steel sword made for the imperial army. While they are made of steel, these swords are only slightly better than iron-made weapons.

Imperial bow (EQUIPPED) - A bow made for the imperial army. They are mostly used by the regular forces due to their low quality. While still better than ordinary bows, they are still regarded as low quality.

Iron arrows x 26 (EQUIPPED) - Iron arrows are low quality arrows. They are cheap, therefore the most common type of arrow used.

Imperial heavy armor x1 - Heavy armor made for the imperial armor.

Imperial captains helmet x1 - A steel helmet made for soldiers of the imperial army. They are seldom used, but when used, you can be sure they are of captain rank or above.


Roll - 2x FREE ROLL.

Trash - high probability.

Common - high-mid probability.

Uncommon - medium probability.

Rare - high-low probability.

Ultra rare - mid-low probability.

Legendary - low-low probability.

Mythical - nigh probable.


Loona Wolf-fang is the daughter of Kodlak Whitemane, the harbinger of the companions in Whiterun, and Sasha Wildflower from Windhelm.

She was abandoned at a young age due to her mother feeling disgust towards her animalistic appearence. Instead of feeling sorry for herself, she went to make a life for herself. She trained in multiple weapons after reaching the age of 10 with whatever she could get her hands on and is proficient in quite a few of them.

After having left Skyrim to train in different enviorenments she returned home, only to met with an ambush by imperial soldiers and brought to Helgen for excecution.

[Familial status:]

Father - Kodlak Whitemane: Alive. Ignorant of the existance of a daughter.

Mother - Sasha Wildflower: Alive. Disgusted by the birth of her daughter.

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