
The Immortal (twilight fanfiction)

"An everyday man gets thrown into the world of twilight thousands of years before the start of the plot. With immortality and incredible abilities. How will this man's presence change the outcome of the original story?" [ this is a slow-burn fanfiction; the MC is just trying to experience life and enjoy it, not to take over the world and rule from the shadows.] I do not own twilight or the characters of the twilight world, all that belongs to me are my own characters.

Beans_on_a_tree · Phim ảnh
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110 Chs

A fight to remember


"Shit," I thought as I saw the three vampires stop ten feet in front of me.

It was clear to see who they were or what group they were from.

"The Volturi" I mumble as we stare at each other.

Over the past one thousand years the number of vampires I have seen has grown starting in Romania where the current ruling coven is.

The Romanian vampires didn't care if people knew what they were. Ruling the people with cold hearts and an iron grip.

Massacring whole villages at a whim.

In some of the worst times I would take large groups of villagers and guide them to newer lands.

I figured the more remote the place the better because vampires needed human blood to survive to not be in pain from the lack of blood so vampires wouldn't risk a long-distance travel where it might take them a month just to reach them with no villages close by.

Thankfully there are a number of places for that and I would teach them how to survive in those places. not leaving until I was sure they could survive on their own.

After doing that a few times the Romanian coven got wind of what I had been doing and sent 70 vampires after me.

The pompous vampires were a bunch of mentally challenged pricks. And only chased me for a few days before they got tired of it and went on a blood rampage through countless villages. Killing hundreds of men, women, and children just because they could and to crush those with the hope of a new and better life that I might have brought them. while I watched them from a distance unable to stop the pointless killing. Vowing that one day I will end the Romanian coven.

And I knew just how to do that.

The Volturi.

Yes, they aren't much better than the Romanians but the Volturi brought law to the vampire world. Stopping the massacres and open killings of humans. hiding the vampire world from the human world.

So I chose from two evils. One who killed hundreds for fun or those who brought rules and order to this lawless world. punishing those who broke those rules harshly.

It wasn't a hard choice to make. The only problem was I didn't know when the Volturi started their rise to power.

But now I had what looked like three members of the Volturi in front of me.

It wasn't hard to figure out. They were in black and red cloaks, the signature appearance of the Volturi.

Or a cult but if you think about it they might as well be the same.

The three stopped about fifteen feet in front of me staring at me and my sword.

A tall vampire with night black long hair and pale white sculpted features stood in front of the other two clearly the leader.

I stood tense ready for any sudden movement that might signal an attack.

The leader of the group tilted his head to the side looking confused.

Turning to look at one of the men behind him he said.

"It's not him, this is just some human with white hair," turning back to me with an evil smile he said.

"We weren't able to have a meal in the village because of you so now you are our meal." Without wasting a second they attacked, moving in a blur right at me.

I'm not entirely sure what they were expecting me to do. Just stand there in fear or try to run but I can tell you they weren't expecting what I did do.

They came at me in an arrow formation, the leader in the front and the two lackeys on both sides behind him.

So I blurred into motion, clearly shocking them for a moment.

Leaving a gap for me to attack.

Blurring at the leader I jumped, managing a flying kick to his chest sending him flying backwards and crashing through a large tree.

Landing on my back I jumped to my feet and turned to the other two.

The other two were blurring at me one from the front and the other from the side trying to get me from both sides.

Using my speed I run at the one in front of me.

Finally trying my fighting style I get in close and use my bronze sword.

But all my sword did was cut his clothes without even scratching his skin.

" I might as well be trying to cut a rock." I thought. so I did the next best thing.

moving faster than any normal vampire could I shove the sword through the bottom of his head dropping him and my sword to the dirt.

Whirling around I grab the other vampire's outstretched hand that was about to grab me and twist it sideways.

holding the hand I raise my leg and kick him hard in the neck. in one fluid movement ripping the hand off and decapitating him.

Before the body even hit the ground I Heard the sound of running feet behind me. I turned and instantly jumped sideways to dodge my own sword that was now in the hands of the vampire leader.

He continued to push. slashing and stabbing getting angrier and angrier the more I dodged or sidestepped his attacks.

"what are you?" the man bellowed

But I didn't answer him. I was too busy waiting for an opening.

And there it was. It was clear that he didn't know how to fight with a sword. relying on his strength and speed he just swung the sword in hopes of hitting me.

But that only made my job easier.

The vampire leader went for a downward slash allowing me to sidestep and enter his guard.

Acting fast I wrapped my arms around him in a bear hug and did something I would tell stories about for the rest of my life.

With all my strength I shot my knee right between the vampire's legs.

I could feel his dangly bits turn to crystal dust under my knee.

The vampire leader let out a blood-curdling scream as his manhood was blown off by my knee.

Letting go of him he dropped to the ground still screaming in pain.

"Are you with the Volturi?" I asked the still-screaming man

But he didn't answer. So I let him roll on the ground a little longer before I asked another question.

"Why did they send you after me"

Finally, the man answered me with a stutter

"t-they are looking f-for vampires with abilities to fight the Romanian coven."

I let out a small smile

"it's about time," I thought

"You know I would have let you all live if you wouldn't have attacked me," I said, and without giving him time to comprehend what I said I stepped on his chest and pulled his head from his shoulders.

I planned to join the Volturi in ending the Romanian coven, nothing more. I won't become one of their pawns to use.

Putting all the bodies together I started a small fire. Using a piece of wood and setting their clothes on fire.

Once done with that I went back to my cart and pulled out a sack for the heads.

Once done tying the sack and placing it into my cart I went back to the tree and sat down. Picking my bread and meat sandwich back up I sat there and started to think of plans for when I brought the heads back to the Volturi.