
The Hungerer

At a period in time when all the worlds were closely still connected, beings of different kinds roam the earth, such as Magical beasts, giants, and of course, Demons. There is a well-known tale about a fearsome Devil, an existence known to have afflicted the earth many centuries ago, the one known as the 'Hungerer'. His presence brings the death of all lives, he is an immortal who has severed the law of the heavens. Fortunately, he is currently in deep slumber... but not for long. Our nemesis is sure to awaken, and when he does, this will give rise to an all-out battle that would claim many lives. Why then is all of this connected to the young boy called 'Ambrose' who has no memory of his past? there is only one way to find out... follow the story and be clarified. . . . There might be a lot of Mysterious events that may leave you unsatisfied starting from chapter 1, but this is necessary... please endure. I am not a badass novelist but I'll get better with time. The front page isn't mine...

HrDavid · Kỳ huyễn
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20 Chs

Hiding in The Dark

"You're a very hard one to find," said an individual. His stares were icy.

"I do not know what you're talking about," Ambrose replied as innocently as possible. He is four years older now (8 years old).

"Save the act," says the fearsome young man.

He clenched to his strapped sword, ready to go for the kill at any moment. This person goes by the name; Aidan.

Several more mages appeared from their hiding spot. They all surrounded Ambrose to prevent any chance of escaping.

"You should have never come into existence,"

"I have hurt no one,"

"The darkness within you is growing more powerful and untameable. I'm afraid wiping you off is the only way," Aidan said. His grip tightens on the strapped sword.

"I Refuse,"

"You have no say in this,"

In an instant, Aidan unstrapped his blade, and his figure became blurry for less than a second, in which he appeared just behind Ambrose.

"I made it painless,"


Ambrose's head fell off from his neck as his blood gushes out like a damaged pipe... the 8 years old kid dropped dead.




three years earlier before that event>>>

Young Ambrose would be five years of age in about two days from now. Of course, just as birthday works, our innocent little boy would receive a lot of gifts from all who care (which is almost everyone).

"So bored,"

On a tall tree, at the very top, sat Ambrose with his tiny little pet beside him. Due to the height of this wood, he could see a vast area of deserted land.

He sometimes uses his unique vision to get a glimpse of many distances away as he watches people's normal activities, many of which he finds uninteresting.

He also has a very sharp sense of hearing and could capture the slightest sounds. This is an ability he unlocked days ago.

On the very first day this happened, it was a real deal of unpleasant experience. Sounds of all kinds rushed into his ears, but as long as he didn't activate it, that pain would be non-existent.



A vague sound came to Ambrose's earshot, and he turned his attention to the direction from which it came but found nothing...

"Stay here Little_Blue," said Ambrose. He then leaped back to the ground and took a few steps forward.

"Is he on to us?"

"That's impossible, he's just a kid,"

In the shadows of the deserted forest, unidentified figures are hiding carefully. Their attention is directed at Ambrose, who is just standing in the middle of nowhere.

"Take him out, now,"

"Understood," one of them replied.

He then jumped out of the shadows, practically revealing himself. He is disguised, which effectively hid his identity.

"I was wondering when you would reveal yourself," said Ambrose with a smile, "Though, I'm still not sure why the others are still hiding in there," he added.

His words startled the unidentified fellow along with others who were still in hiding. Was he aware of their presence all along?

"No hard feeling, boy, just doing my job,"

"Before you assassinate me, may I at least know who sent you?" Ambrose sounded very innocent, which is a little convincing.

"That is of no concern to you, boy,"

"Oh, come on, this is my last day on earth, the least you could do is tell this to me,"

The unidentified man seems to contemplate this for a second...

"Sorry, little boy, telling this to you is impossible,"

In a swift, he cuts the distance between himself and Ambrose.


The unidentified individual, having finished his job, turned around to walk away. However, after taking a few steps, he stopped in his tracks with a surprised look on his face.

"Leaving already?"

Young Ambrose is on his feet again. His severe injury is slowly healing up until it became flawless.

"If you're going to kill me, please make sure you cut deep,"

"That's... that's impossible!" The unidentified man exclaimed.

Though not noticeable, before getting slashed, Ambrose had shifted his body position to avoid a fatal hit. In that way, his injury wasn't very serious. Couple this with his now discovered superior healing abilities, that attack isn't enough to take him down.

"No, the only possibility I can think of is your death in my hands,"

With the new technique he has mastered, Ambrose sped up and punched his foe in the gut, destroying some of his internal organs. The poor dude bleeds and dropped dead.

"And now, to take care of the rest," says Ambrose. He calmly stared at the distance, glancing at something.

"You know you can't keep hiding in there," he said.

"This is unexpected," one assassin spoke up as they all came out of their hiding.

"You are not as I had expected... Are you human?"

"Figure that out yourself,"

"Hilarious, boy. Don't get too cocky now just because you took out one of ours."

Ambrose's relaxed demeanor is bothersome. A bunch of experienced killers outnumbered the young boy, so why isn't he panicking as he should?

They were at least seven assassins, some of them are right behind him, on trees, all of this is to make sure their target doesn't run away.

Two assassins went after young Ambrose. Each of them had weapons in their possession.

"Sword art; ghost blade," one assassin enchants. As a result, multiple afterimages of his swinging blade appeared.

This technique is meant to distract an opponent. Since they can't tell which of the blade is real, they would most likely end up dead due to defending against an illusion.

However, while this is deadly, it is not much for someone with an outstanding vision.

Ignoring all afterimages, Ambrose evaded the real blade and sent his opponent to the sky with a punch, leaving a severe dent in the gut.

For the second foe, Ambrose made a hand gesture. A large body of water was drawn from the grass, and this enveloped the other assassin.

The water solidified and impaled the enemy in multiple places while he is still inside. The ice shattered, letting go of the corpse as it fell back to the ground.

"An element bender?!"

"This has got to be a joke!!"

Thank you for reading...

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