
The Hungerer

At a period in time when all the worlds were closely still connected, beings of different kinds roam the earth, such as Magical beasts, giants, and of course, Demons. There is a well-known tale about a fearsome Devil, an existence known to have afflicted the earth many centuries ago, the one known as the 'Hungerer'. His presence brings the death of all lives, he is an immortal who has severed the law of the heavens. Fortunately, he is currently in deep slumber... but not for long. Our nemesis is sure to awaken, and when he does, this will give rise to an all-out battle that would claim many lives. Why then is all of this connected to the young boy called 'Ambrose' who has no memory of his past? there is only one way to find out... follow the story and be clarified. . . . There might be a lot of Mysterious events that may leave you unsatisfied starting from chapter 1, but this is necessary... please endure. I am not a badass novelist but I'll get better with time. The front page isn't mine...

HrDavid · Kỳ huyễn
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20 Chs

He's Just an Orphan.

"Ms. Nevaeh, I have more detailed info concerning Ackley's son," Colton said as respectfully as possible.

"What do you know about him?" says Nevaeh. She is in high spirit.

"He is not their biological son, but just an orphan who was welcome to the family," says Colton.

"I see..." Nevaeh had a deep frown on her face; "Those idiots, to think they would be so caring to a stupid orphan,"

"What do we do about this? I could scare him a little. I have ideas on his daily routine and know when to get to him,"

"I want him dead," Nevaeh said.

"What!! He is Ackley's son!"

"He is Ackley's stepson," Nevaeh corrected.

"I_ I don't think we should go that far, scaring him is enough," says Colton. You could tell how reluctant he is.

"No, if you do that, everyone will know it is my doing and that would bring my reputation to the mud,"

"We will be as discreet as possible. No one will find out, I promise you," says Colton. He doesn't want to go killing a child.

"NO!!" Nevaeh retorted; "My son is more talented than that useless kid. However, for some messed up reason, the stupid orphan got a chance to become an apprentice, a position that belongs to my son alone. I need that child dead, it's the only way my boy will get the position he deserves,"

"I'm sorry miss Nevaeh, but I cannot bring myself to do such a deed,"

"How dare you?!" Nevaeh had a very scary facial expression.

"Don't get too cocky just because my husband employed you, just as he let you in, I can get you out," she said.

"I still won't do it, even it means losing the privilege I've been given," Colton said while facing the ground, as he can't look her in the eyes.

His words made her fume. You could see steams gushing out of her ears (figuratively).

"You're of no use," she said. "Fine, I'll find someone else to do it. I don't exactly need your help anyway,"

Colton nodded in relief. It is not his problem as long as he won't have to kill a helpless kid with his own hands.

Nevaeh is a very wealthy and powerful woman in the city, and this goes for her so-called husband. Both of their family are almost on a par with each other so neither of the spouses has any reason to be controlled by the other, especially Nevaeh herself.

She has earned the fear and respect she always wanted. However, there is a hidden side of her nobody knows of just yet... I'm not sure her husband is even aware, either.

From her conversation with Colton, it is obvious she can do anything to get what she wants.




Heading towards his quiet place, Ambrose met someone occupying his space. This individual is a youngling just like him (that's what it looks like).

This young boy wore an attire that covered every part of his body. Nobody could get a glimpse of his skin within the heavy clothing.


A few steps away, young Ambrose finally recognized this lad. It was at the conclusive part of chapters 2-3, the helpless kid who had been bullied many weeks ago.

"Why are you here?"

"Um... Did you do this?" says the strange boy while gesturing at the disaster caused by Ambrose.

"Yeah, this is my doing," says Ambrose in reply.

"I should probably stop doing that... right?"

"Well... for the trees, yes, you should. I have been receiving a lot of complaints. Everyone blames me for this," says the strange kid.

"Why would anyone blame you for this?" asked Ambrose. He is, after all, the only one strong enough for such a disastrous output.


The strange kid strolled towards the nearest boulder and threw a punch at it.

*POW!! KaBANG!!*

A single blow created an imprint on the rock. Indeed, this strange lad has an awesome physical prowess, which was obvious from his display.

"Were you always this strong?"

"Yeah, I was born this way," he said.

"This is KI..." Ambrose mumbled. He could sense a sizable amount of magical energy secretly radiated by the strange young boy.

This is the exact spirit energy that's different from mana and is known as 'KI', the same one Ambrose had been relentlessly trying to claim as his.

"You're weird," says Ambrose.

"Why would you say that?"

"Why do you get bullied around if you're this strong?"

"My dad told me to never engage in any fights?"

"Even when you are getting kicked around?"

"I... guess so,"

"Well, your dad has no idea what you're going through," Ambrose said. He is getting quite fond of this fellow.

"My dad said we are outsiders, and I am supposed to stay out of trouble at all costs so as not to draw unwanted attention to myself," the strange young kid said in reply.

He looked quite sad while making this sentence. Though Ambrose can't see his face, it still felt that way.

"Is that why you're always dressed like this?" Ambrose said.

Just by looking at the small exposed skin around the kid's eyes, it seems there is more to this kid.

"Ah!... it's,"

"Nevermind," says Ambrose.

There must be a good reason he is dressed in such a way and he might not be comfortable discussing that with anyone... so no pressure.

"I'm not allowed here anymore?" Ambrose went back to the original topic.

"Well, as long as you don't destroy trees," he said in reply.

"Alright, if you say so,"

The strange young kid nodded and strolled away...

"I hope we meet again. He might be of use to me,"

Ambrose went back to training, as usual. He is practicing some of the new spells he had learned to execute. However, his goal right now is how to cast them without having to enchant any magic words.

He also learned to concentrate the flow of energy in a certain part of his body to maximize its output. This technique will be helpful just in case he encounters someone more powerful who happens to be a threat.

Concentrating mana to his fist can increase the damage he could inflict on any individual, or perhaps, if the mana concentration should be on his legs, this would potentially increase his speed, which would give a better chance of escaping a powerful foe.

With the big secret that he is masking, Ambrose knows he will have people coming after him soon and will need to be prepared for such a time. All that is left is mastering sealing spells, which are also very important.

Another reason Ambrose had been focused on improving his physical power is that it also has the potential of naturally developing KI within himself. So his schedule is training his body physically during the day and cultivating KI energy late in the night. This will increase the speed at which he could gain adaptability to the new realm.

This process is taking a lot of time to achieve, and that is quite discouraging. Is there something he is doing wrong?

Perhaps, he will need someone more experienced in this field to help him understand his mistakes and achieve the target result.

. . .

"Sigh, this is no use,"

Young Ambrose had been cultivating alone in his quiet place for hours and he barely noticed this... until now.

This is the first time he's cultivated outside his home and it feels more refreshing... sort of. However, he still hasn't reached his goals just yet.

"I figure you'd be here," Danica walked over, "You should stop making us worry,"

It is already late, which understandably will make anyone who cares about him get worried.

"You've never stayed this late before," she said.

"Well, first time for everything,"

"Be careful though. Mom may have given you more freedom than she did me but she can also take it back," Danica said.

"I understand,"

They both walked side by side back home while discussing like siblings...

Thank you all for reading, and yes, for the few votes I've received. That could mean my novel isn't so trashy as I thought... Unless I'm wrong.

I know this chapter is annoying since there are not many events here, the next chapter will be different. It will have something to do with trying to kill Ambrose.

HrDavidcreators' thoughts