
The Humanoid Tiger

Due to an experiment to create a hybrid between man and beast a empire used hundreds of thousands of citizens and animals. They were losing the ongoing war and after 17 years they finally succeeded. Their greatest Weapon, Alicia the Humanoid Tiger.

ImaWolfGuardian42 · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs


' You think it'll be a success this time? '

' If not I may have to reduce my spending on this project. '

' It's a bit late to do so now. No? '

' Your right. Perhaps I could give the researchers some... motivation. '

' Your " motivation" is a bit harsh. Oh look, it seems it's about to start. '

In this room there were dozens of people. It wasn't very bright but there was a projection of another room. In that room there were a dozen people in full body armor and laser rifles. They were to the side, but in the middle of the room there was a teenage girl with no clothes on.

There were 5 scientists injecting something in her body and various other things. After a while they took the last syringe they had, filled with a dark blue substance that was injected into her body. After they cleaned everything up and quickly left through an opening in a wall that closed after they went out looking like a part of the wall.

The girl started twitching and doing woke up even though she was put to sleep using magic. This was expected. Soon she started screaming and that was all she could due as she was chained to the metal table. Through the screaming you could hear the shifting and breaking of bones. You could see her bones, muscles, etc moving inside her body. She was visible growing as well.

It didn't take long for blood to start coming out of her body. She was covered in her own blood within seconds. This was all apart of the process. The people in the other room knew this as similar things have happened to thousands of others. This was only half of the process after all. This teenage girl was special as she survived every other experiment so far since she was 7 months old.

Subject 2626760 named Noc plná hvězd (not - plnaa - v - est). It means A night full of stars which is like the night they found her.. That night had more stars than any other and the night sky was hypnotic. It was mesmerizing, beautiful, unique, and more.

The girl had stopped screaming simply because she could no longer scream. The bones and muscles in her body had stopped shifting. Her fingers started changing, taking on a form more similar to claws. along with her toes. Her eyes started changing color. The usual white turned black and her pupils, white. Along with the color change her pupils also changed. Her left a resembled a star and her right were vertical like a snakes.

Her hair started growing longer and ears started to emerge from the top of her head , slowly. Her hair shifted from a black to a dark blue. Her teeth started morphing turning sharper and sturdier. The people watching in the other room who were the investors looked on with glee. Although that turned into anger when her heart and brain burst. It left a massive hole in her chest and head. They were infuriated at another failure. Not to mention the loss of THE MOST PRIZED subject.

Due to their anger they let some of their strength out and the floor started to crack and some of the weaker people started to drop to their knees. Soon all that anger disappeared when they saw her previously lifeless eyes move. Soon Noc plná hvězd also called Star for short broke free from her diamond restraints. They were over joyed because this means she had a suitable amount of strength.

Soon the hole in her chest and head closed and her brain and heart started to come back. They weren't normal which no one could see but they were now light blue in color. She got off the steel bed and fell to her knees not use to her new body but soon stood up and started walking. She got used to the changes in seconds. She soon fell though. Her body started heating up. She fell onto her back groaning from the pain.

The blood in her body was changing, along with her organs which started to fail. She rolled onto her stomach coughing up blood. Her body temperature was at 167 degrees and was still raising rapidly. The blood she coughed up wasn't the usual red but a bit blue. The regular blood outside her body started boiling and after a couple minutes evaporated. Her body temperature peaked at 2780 degrees fahrenheit. Her organs were gone except her heart and brain. She was alive but in pain, her vocal cord destroyed.

The guards in the room and the investors were troubled. They saw her heart beating. They saw it because her skin was no more. Her bones remained and they were an unusual purple. To everyone's surprise dark blue blood started to be pumped out of her heart. It covered what remained of her body before skin started to from as well. It was white which went against everyone's expectations. Except her left arm was black.

Soon her organs formed again with a light blue color. She opened her eyes and slowly got on her hands and knees before slowly standing up. She looked at the gaurds with a sad look before stretching out her left hand towards them. They realized she was gonna attack them but before they could aim a black concentrated flame came out of her hand and covered them all killing them instantly.

A lot is gonna change in my new version of Humanoid Tiger and will be nothing like the previous one. Hope you enjoy.

ImaWolfGuardian42creators' thoughts