
Mission: Escape

<p>After fusing with the knowledge of Ronald, Hans demeanor changed 180 degree. Right now, he was much more mature and able to think rationally like an adult. Of course, he did think rationally like an Earth modern adult not Celebus world adult. Currently, Hans should be the smartest person in the Celebus world.<br/><br/>After a light walk, Hans successfully found the main road which connected the Capital and Border city. <br/><br/>"According to the knowledge from Roland, supply is critical aspect to maintain a war. So basically there will be supply caravan using this road, right?" thought Hans. "This knowledge makes me think logical… hahaha.. I should be an officer in the palace.."<br/><br/>Waiting for almost an hour, Hans who was observing on the top of a tree, finally saw a caravan which was leaded by a Woman from afar. <br/><br/>"Hmmm…" thinking about the possibility for him to hike up and join the caravan to go to border city. "Ah I see, Psychology 101 said that woman is mostly vulnerable with a cute thing, isn't it?".<br/><br/>Hans immediately corrected his hair and lied down on the side of the road. He hoped that his cuteness could conquer that woman.<br/><br/>A moment later, the horse tread can be heard louder and louder. Until a brunette woman, who had an authority air and a very tempting body, shouted "Stop the caravan!".<br/><br/>"Jack, Check that boy! Is he alive or not?" said that woman.<br/><br/>"Yes, Miss… " said Jack hurriedly, he seemed to be afraid with the woman.<br/><br/>Hans lied down and thought, 'why it seems they aren't good guys'. Jack squatted and searched for Hans's pulse.<br/><br/>Realizing that the boy is alive, Jack said mumblingly to himself 'What an unlucky boy, you should better be died than alive and found by slave dealer.. sigh…'<br/><br/>'What the f*ck… I never thought that my luck changes drastically after gaining a precious knowledge to be found by a f*cking slave dealer' cursed Hans in his mind 'Ok, calm down.. what should I do?'<br/><br/>Hans pretended to be fainted in hope that he could observed the situation slowly before finding a solution to escape. <br/><br/>"Miss Elvin.. The boy is still alive, what should we do with him?" asked Jack in a respectful manner.<br/><br/>"What a cute boy, he can be my personal pet.." thought Elvin, after looking Hans from hair to toe she said "Pick him up and treat him until he is awake.. Ah, don't forget to tie him. If he escape, your head will escape too.."<br/><br/>Thinking of his escaped head, cold sweat can be seen on the Jack's hand. Jack hurriedly carried Hans small body in his arm and moved him onto one of the cart. He seemed to remember what Elvin said and then tied him to the cart. <br/><br/>"Hurry up, we have to continue moving Jack..!" Elvin shouted while entering the carriage.<br/><br/>"Yes, miss, we will move right away.." Jack answered and took an immediate run to control the horse.<br/>Inside the carriage, Elvin was talking with a man in Yellow robe, which had a symbol of cross potent on it, and a tiger crest on his chest. <br/><br/>"Magus Will, We already have a deal right.." said Elvin, this side of Elvin was very different with what he did to Jack. <br/><br/>"A deal or no deal depends on your performance, if my family doesn't satisfied with your demon core supply, then you can forget about any commission" Will seemed indifferent to Elvin's plea.<br/><br/>Magus Will was a member of Kennedy family, although he was only recruited after being approved as an official magus with lower-rank novice level. Magus was really rare in the kingdom and only 1 person from 10.000 people had a talent required to be a magus. Compared to warrior which can be sought with ratio of 1 person from 500 people, moreover training a magus was even harder and more expensive than a warrior. <br/><br/>But despite its rarity, there was a notion that a single lower-rank novice magus could fight equally with a single high-rank intermediate warrior. In another world, a new accepted magus could have an even fight with a 5 to 10-years experienced full pledged warrior.<br/><br/>That was the reason why every families in Ragnarok Kingdom were always offering a tempting term to attract more magus to their family. <br/><br/>In the morning, on the cart, finally Hans awoke from his 'fainted'.<br/><br/>"Hey Kid, you're finally awake, what's your name?" said Jack.<br/><br/>Hans was literary awake from his slumber and said "Ah where am I? Who are you? My name? What is my name?". In his thought he laughing 'It's better to be an amnesia, right? No one will be on-guard with an amnesia person.. hahaha..'<br/><br/>"Whatt? You don't know your name? are you sure?" said Jack curiously. Actually Jack had a bit doubt toward Hans's statement, but who cared with a little kid whether he lied or not.<br/><br/>"Yes.. I really don't know, wait I think It's Nash" said Hans in a confused manner. 'Wow a television drama in Connor world is very useful for improving my acting skill .. hahaha.. ' thought Hans.<br/><br/>"Miss Elvin, this boy name is Nash and he seemed to be amnesia, what should I do?" asked Jack with a respectful tone.<br/><br/>"Ahh, what a good news. Feed him for now, I'm busy.." she replied to jack without opening the carriage door "Oh.. Untie him, a small kid like him won't be able to run.."<br/><br/>'Good he'll be my obedient pet with his amnesia..' though Elvin with a creepy smile on her face.<br/><br/>"Hahaha.. What a confidence woman.." Hans laughing in his mind.<br/><br/>During the journey, Hans was sitting on the cart while recalling all of the Connor knowledge. Sooner or later Hans would be a walking encyclopedia in this world.<br/><br/>After two days moving, The caravan was moving steadily with just 50km away from border city.<br/><br/>"Stop!!! Surrender all your belonging and you will be alive, any resistance will be executed immediately" A black clothed man shouted to the caravan, it was a group of bandit which stationed in between of the Capital and Border City. There were 21 of them with the strength of novice warrior and only one with intermediate warrior; 12 lower-rank novice warrior; 6 middle-rank novice warrior; 2 high-rank novice warrior and the leader was an middle-rank of intermediate warrior. <br/><br/>At the caravan side, there was Jack who was a high-rank novice warrior and the other 9 people with the strength of middle-rank novice warrior. Elvin was a middle-rank intermediate warrior and Will was a powerful magus. It seemed the bandit was not aware that the other party had a magus , who thought that a common caravan will house a magus right?<br/><br/>'What a luck??' Hans smiled, He thought this was the opportunity for him to escape. The mission to escape began.</p>

If you're curious about the power level, you can check it in the next chapter or the next two chapter? haha

ajijucreators' thoughts