
Magus is awesome

<p>'What a luck??' Hans smiled, He thought that this was the god given opportunity for him to escape. <br/><br/>The mission to escape began..<br/><br/>Without Elvin's order, Jack was capable enough to lead the caravan group in a situation like this one. Shortly, Jack made orders to everyone beside Elvin and Magus Will.<br/><br/>"Little Kid go to the main carriage if you don't want to die!! All members.. Protect the main carriage!!" Jack shouted and then jumped to the position. Just a moment after Jack's shout, the other 9 caravan's member created a circle of ten with the main carriage and Hans in the middle. <br/>In the carriage, <br/><br/>"Magus Will, this is just small mater, leave it to us.. Please wait a moment" Elvin politely said to Magus Will. "Sure, don't waste my time with this scoundrels" said Magus Will nonchalantly. <br/><br/>Elvin exited her carriage, and yelled louder than the bandits "Who the hell are you!! Get the f*ck out from the road!!". <br/><br/>Although Elvin knew that she was outnumbered by the bandits, she could not shown her fear because of Kennedy's representative or else she could forget about any business deal with Kennedies. No family want to have a deal with weakling and cowardice. <br/><br/>"Boss.. Look at that women, let me taste her after you, okay boss??" a high-novice bandit warrior said and chuckled. The bandits were indeed underestimating the caravan's member. <br/><br/>"Haha.. Okay then, let's leave that sexy woman alive.." replied bandit's leader.<br/><br/>The surrounding air tense increased several fold because of both parties, just a little spark could ignite a bloody fight. <br/><br/>'Go and kill your enemies… I hope all of you will be occupied by each other, by then I'll run to the forest' thought Hans. Hans was smart enough to hide under the carriage, he didn't want to be a collateral damage by standing out there. <br/><br/>"All of you!! Kill all the men and let the woman alive! I'll distract her.. So go and wipe-out her subordinate!" yelled the bandit's leader. He jumped abnormally fast and attacked Elvin, even Hans was unable to follow his movement at all. <br/><br/>"What an amazing speed! Is this the power of intermediate warrior? Cool…" Hans shocked with what happened in front of him. Although blood spill occurred everywhere near him, he was still able to maintain his composure thanks to Roland's memory. <br/><br/>It was very easy to differentiate warrior's level even a weak Hans could do it, basically warrior's promotion occurred where his/her power increased to a certain level and triggered a recognition. During the recognition, a warrior would undergo a change of eye's color. Normal human had a black color, a novice warrior had a faint-blue color, an intermediate warrior had a blue-sky color, an advanced warrior had a deep-blue while a master warrior had a light-red color. No one knew what the color of a legendary warrior was since no one reached that level in Ragnarok Kingdom. Rumor said a legendary warrior will had crimson like eye's color. <br/><br/>The low, middle, high rank in every warrior level was created to differentiate warrior's achievement and stimulate other warriors. The military used a measurement power pillar to assess warrior rank, the pillar will only shown the results either low, mid or hi after being hit by warrior.<br/><br/>Actually there was no need to check the power level using pillar. If someone had a powerful observing eye, then it was actually possible to check the rank from the eye of a warrior. To simplify, a low rank novice warrior had a 33% of light-blue color in their retina, an increment of 33% would improve the rank. <br/><br/>Using the measurement pillar was more accurate to measure warrior's strength than using an eye's color, therefore it was widely used in the military as an accurate power judgement was a needed information to formulate war strategy.<br/><br/>"Miss Elvin!! Our defenses will collapse soon, please save your life immediately!!" Jack yelled to Miss Elvin while fighting with two bandits simultaneously. <br/><br/>The circle created by caravan's member was getting smaller over time, it seemed the bandit would annihilate them if the fight prolonged. <br/><br/>"Hahahahaa!!!!!" a laugh from inside the caravan reverberated through the air and stopped all attack from bandits. <br/><br/>"It seems your courage is admirable Miss Elvin, let me handle a half while you and your party attack the other half" said Magus Will while exiting the carriage elegantly. <br/><br/>"A ma.. maguss?" the bandit's leader shocked seeing the cross potent symbol on the robe. He immediately realized that it was no longer possible for him to win this fight anymore.<br/><br/>"All!!! Escape in a random direction immediately, save your live!!!" the bandit's leader shouted while starting to run in the forest. <br/><br/>"Pursuit!! KILL ALL OF THEM!!" Elvin commanded her subordinate immediately responding bandit withdrawal. 10 Caravan's members and Elvin quickly pursued 11 bandits in every direction. <br/><br/>"Hmm.. Trying to escape?? Try this…. Three consecutive fireballs!!!" Magus Will moved his ward in a horizontal line while producing three fireballs which attacked and killed 3 bandits on the spot. After that he pursued the bandit's leader as he was the strongest.<br/><br/> "Crap… Why is he pursuing me instead of the others?" cursed the bandit's leader. "Since he is a magus, I must be able to outrun him.." thought him. "Try this!!" he took a knife and threw it to the magus while increasing his speed after that. <br/><br/>"Interesting, I can not underestimate an intermediate warrior judgement.. Barrier!!" Magus Will created a barrier and jumped to the side to avoid the knife which was thrown at high speed. The barrier successfully slowed down the thrown knife giving Magus Will opportunity to dodge.<br/><br/>"Shit, he escaped" said Magus Will, he knew it was impossible for him to easily defeat a mid-rank intermediate warrior although he was stronger. <br/><br/>"Magus Will, are you able to kill all of them?" asked Elvin to Magus will. <br/><br/>"No, I only killed three of them.. Beside one of them is an intermediate warrior like you.. It is not easy to kill him while he tries to flee" explained Magus Will while he walked and entered the carriage. <br/><br/>"Miss Elvin, three of our members were killed and all of us successfully killed half of the bandits" Jack reported the casualties to Miss Elvin "the other members only have a light injury which can be ignored".<br/><br/>"Good!! Let's continue to Border City.. I don't want to get ambushed again.." said Elvin. "Eh wait.. Where is the little kid?"<br/><br/>"This…" Jack also realized that Hans was already out of everyone sight.<br/><br/>"Elvin, What are you waiting? Do you want me to camp here?" said Magus Will impatiently waiting to continue the journey.<br/><br/>"Yes, Magus Will.." said Elvin while walking to enter carriage and angrily looking at Jack's eyes. Her stare made Jack's adam's apple moving up and down. <br/><br/>At the back of a tree, Hans sat and panted heavily. 'Oh my god, I was really lucky.. I don't believe all of them would pursue all of the bandit and leave me all alone.. hahaha..'.<br/><br/>'That magus can produce a three fireball simultaneously and killed three warriors instantaneously.. A magus is indeed awesome.. ' said Hans. He was pondering if he could be a magus too. <br/><br/>'It seems, I have to visit a Magus Academy to learn about magic.. but do I have the required talent? I don't even know what I need' though Hans. 'Forget it.. I have to walk to reach Border city now… sigh…'</p>

I don't think I can reach three chaps today..

Maybe two chaps still doable...

ajijucreators' thoughts