
The Hollow Zone (Dropped)

A man dies due to a earthquake and gets transported to a place where he thinks is "another world." Here he discovers that his species of creatures in this new world gets stronger the more they hunt and eat creatures to the point where their physical and mental form are enhanced. A month in this new life he sees humans, discovering that he wasn't in a new world but in a area on earth that was revealed thanks to the earthquake. Will he turn on the humans leading swarms of creatures to attack them or will he side by them and help them in this new world. (Hi, this is the author as you probably can see this novel has been dropped due to a major reason that impacts this novel, I do not know much about animal biology. I'm keeping the chapters up so authors who wish to use my novel as a inspiration could do so.)

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The surface

When Luke touched on the surface ground he was met with a shocking scene. There were many Shrieker, Stingers, and Nightmare Blob attacking many people who were wearing vests and holding guns. Most of these people were either picked up by the Stingers and stung to death and dropped or were attack and killed by the Shrieker high pitched voice and their blade like tail. The blobs were just floating in the sky and someone got near them or shot at them the entire group would target that person.

Hours before Luke reached the surface, Luke gave the order for every to go up the hole in the sky. Many creatures around listened and began to climb up the hole while the flyers began to either float or fly through the hole. Once they reached the surface they were greeted by soldiers shooting at them. Being shot at many of the flyers were enraged and attacked these soldiers, while a small number began to fly away from the soldiers and spotted nearby people and attacked them.

"It doesn't matter as long as we get our revenge" Luke said as he began to run at a nearby soldier. The soldier who was currently shooting at a Shrieker saw Luke running towards him "It's the white beast" he shouted as he tried to run. But instead left himself vulnerable for the Shrieker to wrap its tails around his waist and drag him to the sky. The only thing the soldier could do at this moment was scream as he was dragged into the sky.

Luke, after losing his target because of the Shrieker, turned his gaze to another soldier and charged at him. This time Luke target wasn't stolen and he was able to finally kill someone. Luke bite at the guys head, crushing it in the process which caused many brain matter and bits of bone to fall out of Luke's mouth.

Luke looked around once again and noticed that there were not many creatures climbing out of the hole and reaching the surface. "Maybe they need something to motivate them?"

Luke dragged the corpse of the soldier he killed and brought it near the edge of the hole. Luke then began to rip the body apart and tossing the ripped body parts into the hole.


Deep in the hole many creatures could be seen standing below it looking at the blue sky. These creatures were wondering if they should follow the others and climb the hole. As these creatures were in the the middle of thinking they heard a squelching noise land somewhere around them. When they turned their bodies to see what feel they saw the leg of something. A few creatures walked closely to the body and began to sniff it. When they sniffed the torn of leg they began to experience something that they only felt once in their life.


Several creatures began to take small bites out of the leg and soon became intoxicated by the taste. When they creatures returned to their normal thinking they saw that there was nothing left of the leg. They became angry and roared into the hole above them. As if answering their call more and more body parts began to fall. Seeing this many creatures began to desperately dash towards the torn off body parts trying to get a single bite out of these torn off body parts.

When they were done eating they looked at the sky and roared once again demanding food. After seconds of waiting they began to become inpatient and began climbing up the hole and push off any competition that would stop them from getting food.


As Luke dropped the last remaining bit of human flesh down into the hole he turned back to see that all the flying creatures had finished killing everyone around them and began to eat the bodies. As Luke was looking around and he noticed several cameras that were facing his direction. "Were they recording something" Luke thought as he walked closer to these cameras. When Luke walked up the lens he noticed that it was recording everything and broadcasting it.

"Heh heh heh" Luke began to giggle as he had a thought in his head. He looked towards all the flying creatures and gave them all an order "Land on the ground and roar out loud, the one who roars the loudest will get more meat!"

Hearing that they will get more meat from doing this all of them landed on the ground and began to roar out loud. Of course everyone stood far away from the Shriekers wince if they roared they can say goodbye to their eardrums. As they finished roaring they all turned towards me "as promised I will give you your meat" Luke said as he walked towards a building. He stopped in front of the door and looked at it for a bit. He then slashed at it several times. After a couple more hits the door finally fell down and revealed several people hiding.

"Dig in" I said as I walked away from them. The creatures saw the remaining and went full berserk and charged towards them. There were blood curdling screams coming from within the building.

"I should make myself a home" Luke thought as he began to climb down the hole that he came from. When he reach a certain high in the hole he began to dig a cave in the hole. Seeing what he was doing inspired many creatures that were still climbing to the surface to stop climbing and follow his actions began to make caves of their own inside the pit.

After a hour of carving out the cave Luke finally finished his new home. It was about twenty two to twenty five feet wide and about ten feet high. It might be small compared to the homes of the other creatures, many of them had caves as tall and wide as houses, but it was good enough in Luke's opinion. Luke climbed up the pit and reached the surface. The bodies of the people who were killed by the flyers were nothing more than bones and torn up clothing. Luke walked to the nearby forest, that were in the other side of a fence that went around the facility that pat was in the center of, and began to gather grass and some leaf's.

When Luke got enough grass and leaf's he went back to the pit. As he was walking he noticed that many land creatures were living in the buildings. If Luke had describe this facility he would say it was almost exactly like the prisons you would see in movies. There was the main building that wrapped around the pit and there were mini buildings in the center that were most likely used as a living space.

As Luke reached his cave and placed down the grass and leaf's at the corner of his cave he looked at the ceiling of his cave. "Yeah I'm not going to die because of a cave collapse" Luke thought as he climbed out of his cave and walked towards the surface.

He walked to the forest once again and noticed many Stingers forming a hive here. "Hello" Luke said to the Stingers. They turned in his direction for a bit before going back to work. Luke found a fallen tree and tried to pick it up. "It's kind of heavy" Luke said as he lifted it up using his jaw, the tree wasn't that heavy, but it was heavy enough that he was struggling. Luke dropped the tree on the floor and looked at it for a bit. He soon had an idea and began to use his two weapon tails to cut at two parts of the fallen tree.

When he finished cutting the two parts of the tree, he dragged the part that was in the center back to the facility by using his weapon blades sharp parts as hooks and the tail part as a rope. He began to make his way to the pit. After minutes of walking he made it back to the pit "now the hard part." Luke lowered the log into the pit first and soon began walk on the walls of the pit. It was a risky thing to do and Luke almost fell into the pit twice, but was able to hold onto the wall in both instances. After a minute of lowering the log of wood into the pit and climbing on the walls of the pit he made it into his cave. When he entered his cave he noticed something was sleeping on his handmade bed. The creature was a Hider. Luke put the wood onto the floor and walked to the sleeping creature.

Luke was looking down the sleeping Hider and decided to do something.


The Hider screamed as it was tossed out of the cave and into the deep abyss of the pit. "Teach you to sleep in a cave you didn't make" Luke said as he saw the Hider screaming all the way until it disappeared in the darkness of the pit.

Luke went to his bed and fell asleep, completely forgetting that he had to make the pillar.