
The hidden Uzumaki

what if Uzumaki Naruto wasn't the only Uzumaki in the village. what if there was an orphan that was also an Uzumaki, but the village first didn't know about and second he kept hidden. To find out who he is and what is his story.

thelastgrim · Tranh châm biếm
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37 Chs

chapter 1: unexpected meeting





damn, this hurts.



Wait. i'm still alive? How, and where am I?

Last I remember is that I was fighting Kiri and SUNA shinobi's, then as last resort, I used my final Jutsu, {scorch release: the heart of the inferno goddess}

-the user engulfs the surrounding landscape in a blazing firestorm, the heat of which is intense enough to scorch the sky depleting the moisture in an entire area, causing the air and water to dry up. any objects or people caught within it are reduced to ashes. makes it almost impossible to touch the user-

after that my chakra was sure to be empty, so why am I not dead? they were so dead set on killing me, so it can't be that they captured me. And I'm not imprisoned either, because of no chakra cuffs or seals, and no guards.

So what the fuck is going on???

I tried to get up but then the pain of my body hit me.


after a while, I calm myself and check myself.



ok, so my chakra is practically empty, my chakra channels are in extreme condition, my arm and legs are broken, but on the bright side, no internal bleeding and I'm still alive.

it was after that that I heard a noise.

I stop myself by calling out and try to get in a defendable position. I may be heavenly wounded but I will not surrender.

I see a light coming closer ... and closer ... and I see a human shape.

if it's a shinobi I'll fight to the death, if civilian I'll try to get help but stay vigilant.

and then I see the man closer. The first thing I notice is a headband, can't see witch village, but he was a shinobi.

I ready myself to defend myself, and he stops and takes 3 steps back while lifting his hands above his head and said:

"Ohwowowo, I come in peace. don't attack. Let's talk this out"

"Come any closer and you'll be dead, any funny business and I attack. So what do you want?"

"ok, I'll stay put. and of what I want is that I saw a bright light this evening, and I went to look at what it was, I found a forest in an inferno. So i jumped in the small river that was evaporating. That small river brought me downstream in this cave. And after what exploring, I found you. So can you explain what that inferno was or is? Because I think it will take a while for it to go out. And I think you know what that is?"

"Oh, of course, I know. I lit it up. It was my final resort "

"Your final resort, you burned a freaking forest to the ground."

" What do you expect from me, DOES BASTARDS were TRYING TO KILL ME, so well excuse me that I burn the forest to the ground. but I will not excuse myself to fighting to survive."

"What! what did you do to piss them off?"


"Feel better?"

"Eh?? What you said that to make me pissed?"

"Well ya. How else do I get you to get some relief? Look your body is getting more relaxed and is healing you better."

While keeping an eye out for the strange man, she checked her wounds and found out that the man was telling the truth.

"I think I own you thanks. But I still don't trust you."

"Well, I don't need you to trust me. I need you to keep you from killing me."

"Pff bhhahahahaha "

" Don't laugh"

"hahaha pff, I hadn't had a good laugh like that in a while. So I will trust you a little. But I keep my eye on you."

"Great, I gained trust by making you laugh at my expense."

"Don't pout, since we're going to be here a while. Can I get your name?"

"Ah yes, my name ... is it not custom to give your name first when you ask?"

"Chicken, well I'll bite the bullet. my name is Pakura of the Sand, well Pakura only now. So who are you? and don't you dare chicken out."

"Who is chicken. Ok Pakura, my name is Haru Uzumaki."

"Uzumaki, ah real-live Uzumaki. Well fate is cruel to us all, isn't it."

"Yes, it is" while Haru looks down.

"Hey chicken, don't look so sag. You're still here no. So cheer up."


"pfhahahahaha ... no your more like a rooster now ... and now that I think about it a rooster has a red top too, hahahahaha."

Haru starts laughing too.

"Hahaha, nice joke."

"So feel better?"

"Yes, a lot. Hey, did you just ... "

"Yes, I did. so how does it feel to get played by your own tricks?"

"Fine, I deserved that, so I think it's cooling down now. I'll go see and be right back"

Haru took his light and went to check outside. Pakura started thinking.

'Now what? what am I going to do? I can't go back to Suna. Rasa will have my head again. I will have the people after me but he will try to eliminate me again. so Suna is out. Kiri and Iwa are out too. So either Kumo or Konoha, I think Kumo is out to. If I show up there I'll be nothing but a breeding horse. so either Konoha or living somewhere unknown.'

"Konoha, ... maybe."

"Thinking where to go right now?

"AH, when did you get back chicken?"

"Just now. Hey, stop calling me chicken!"

"Hihihi, yes I'm trying to think what to do?"

"Well first you have to heal does bones and get back to the prime state. Then you can decide what and where to go."

"That's obvious, quick question. What are your plans?"

"Why? I don't have to tell you anything."

" Chicken mad?"

"Stop calling me chicken and I'm not mad. I just have no clue yet."

"Well isn't it obvious?"

"No? what's obvious?"

"You're taking me to Konoha."

"What??! why would I do that?"

"Well, first you can heal me, second you can show me the way, and last your an Uzumaki."

"What has that got anything to do with it?"

"Isn't Konoha ally with Uzumaki clan. I thought Senju and Uzumaki are allied."

"Senju is our allies, yes, but Konoha I don't think they are allies with Uzumaki. How else could it be that our village got destroyed without help from our ally Konoha."

"Yes, I can see that there are some answers missing there but isn't that also a reason to go to Konoha. To get answers to your questions."

"Maybe your right. But that doesn't explain about you."

"Well I need an ally to get in, so you'll do just fine."

"What? your crazy women."

"Hey, chicken, who are you calling here crazy. I just want to live somewhere safe and away from Kiri, Iwa, and Suna, because I don't want to be a sacrifice. Kumo is also out because hell will freeze over before I'll be a breeding horse. So Konoha is all there is and it would be great to at least have someone I know there. Yes, I'll have to give some secrets. but that beats being dead. And last I'll be your in as well. A capture shinobi from Suna. I think that will give you plenty of reason to ask questions, no?"

"Why would you do that even? I know you for like half a day now."

"Well one free healing, ;) two free protection and guiding, because I'm weak women and third free safe place to live, what's not to like."

"What!! you just want to ride my feathers. what weak women, I have seen what you did before to does former shinobi's that attacked you. you FRIKKING burned down a forest."

"Ah yes I forgot you saw that. but even with that, will you leave a woman like me here? Alone? In the dark?" giving Haru a pouting face.

"FFFINE damn women I'll take you to Konoha, but that's it. Once there your on your own."

"Hihi yeah yeah, Thanks chicken."