
The hidden truth of me

"The Hidden Secret of Me" It a story filled with mystery and self-discovery. "The Hidden Secret of Me" is a captivating story! "The hidden truth of me" Follow Bella Sophia Delacroix on her captivating journey as an introverted college student. Embrace her uniqueness and join her in unraveling the mysteries that lie within. Get ready for an enchanting adventure! Natasha, is filled with challenges and transformations. From facing ups and downs in school to discovering her extraordinary abilities on her 18th birthday, It's fascinating how her powers make her stand out, but also make her feel like a "freak."Natasha's life takes a dramatic turn. she tries to hide her true identity while pursuing a successful acting career. she manages to balance her hidden abilities with her public persona. The stranger who offers her help adds another layer of intrigue to the story.

Be_yamba · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

Chapter 5_ Linda

Belle's POV

Just a few minutes later, the lecturer entered the room, instantly capturing everyone's attention.

Law department lectures were always fascinating to witness, with their commanding presence and captivating delivery.

It was an intriguing sight that set the tone for an engaging and educational session.

Dressed in a fancy suit, the professor had an aura of authority and wisdom. He confidently walked back and forth at the front of the classroom, holding a stack of papers. His passionate and knowledgeable voice filled the room, captivating our attention.

The blackboard was covered in complex legal concepts and names of important court cases, creating a visually captivating backdrop for the professor's explanations. It added an extra layer of depth and understanding to his engaging lectures.

We were all filled with excitement, curiosity, and a strong desire to learn as we hung on to every word the professor spoke.

We knew that these lessons would have a significant impact on our future legal careers, so we eagerly absorbed all the knowledge being shared. It was a thrilling and important moment for all of us.

After hours of captivating teaching, the lecture wrapped up and assigned us a fascinating murder case to work on in groups.

As soon as he left, the atmosphere became alive with the sound of students excitedly chatting and discussing the case.

We were all filled with excitement and curiosity as we delved into the details, eager to solve the mystery together. It was an exhilarating experience that brought out the detective in each of us.

I was disappointed because Luna and I were not placed in the same group. However, a guy from my group approached me and informed me that we would be meeting on Thursday evening for the group work.

Each group consists of six students. Although it may not be the arrangement i had hoped for, this presents an opportunity to collaborate and contribute to the project.

After exchanging names and contact information with the guy, i and Luna continued our chat.

Luna inquired about my hospital visit, wanting to know all the details, and playfully asked about Dr. Emily's latest fashion trend.

I had a puzzled look on my face, wondering why she was so interested in these details.

I was all set to spill the beans about my hospital visit and Dr. Emily's fashion trend, but just as i was about to reply, the lecturer dramatically entered the room, stealing the spotlight.

My excitement was abruptly cut short, and I had to shift my attention to the lecture at hand.

The lecture was intense, with Mrs. Ajax teaching for a grueling hour and 30 minutes. Finally, she left, and we were relieved to head to the cafeteria for a much-needed break.

But just as we were about to enjoy our well-deserved snacks, a senior approached us, asking for the class rep.

I directed him, feeling a mix of curiosity and concern, wondering what urgent matter had arisen that required the class rep's attention.

As I was about to take a bite of my snack, Luna abruptly halted me, luna's question hit me like a bolt of lightning, my heart skipped a beat, and a rush of excitement and nervousness flooded over me, her voice filled with urgency.

She asked if I had seen Felix this morning. Her interruption caught me off guard, could feel my cheeks flush as I tried to compose myself and answer her question

The curiosity in Luna's eyes made me wonder why she was so interested in his whereabouts.

"No, I didn't see Felix this morning," I responded, my voice tinged with disappointment. A wave of longing washed over me as I imagined what it would have been like to catch a glimpse of him.

My heart sank a little, but I tried to hide my feelings, hoping Luna wouldn't notice the slight ache in my voice.

"You don't mean it, Belle! He was right behind you this morning in the hall," Luna exclaimed, her tone filled with surprise.

Her words hit me like a jolt of electricity, and my heart skipped a beat. I couldn't believe that Felix was so close, yet I had completely missed him.

The realization made my cheeks flush with embarrassment, and I felt a mix of disappointment and hope that Luna hadn't noticed my obliviousness.

The atmosphere suddenly shifted, and a subtle awkwardness hung in the air. It felt as if time had momentarily frozen, and I could sense the tension between Luna and me.

The surprise in her voice lingered, adding to the uneasiness of the moment. I tried to gather my thoughts and find the right words to break the silence, hoping to alleviate the awkwardness that had settled between us.

"Hey, belle, let's break this silence and hang out in the library today. What do you think?" She suggested, feeling relieved that Luna had taken the lead in breaking the awkwardness.

The weight of the awkwardness began to lift as we started to engage in conversation once again.

It was like a breath of fresh air, and I couldn't help but feel grateful for Luna's willingness to bridge the gap between us.

The idea of spending time together in the library seemed like a perfect way to reconnect and ease the tension between us.

The library, with its serene atmosphere and the scent of books, seemed like the perfect place to escape the tension that had enveloped us.

I imagined us sitting side by side, engrossed in our own books yet sharing stolen glances and occasional smiles, slowly melting away the unease that had settled between us.

"Alright, let's head to the library then, with a smile on my face. I'm excited to dive back into the book I was reading last time.

It'll be great to have some quiet time surrounded by shelves filled with stories waiting to be explored. Plus, we can grab a cozy spot near the window and get lost in our own little worlds.

As Luna's smile widened, she said, "Let's finish our snacks and head to the library." I nodded in agreement and told her I was done with my snack.

Lyra's POV

As I made my way through the hallways, a strong determination surged within me. It was time to find the lecture room. I tapped into my extraordinary powers, using them to my advantage, effortlessly maneuvering through the intricate layout of the building.

With anticipation, I stepped into the classroom, my gaze sweeping across the sea of faces in search of Luna and her friend. Luna had mentioned that they were in the same department and often sat together. As my compelling spell continued to hold sway, a wave of relief washed over me when I spotted Luna seated beside the girl who remained impervious to my powers.

I strategically chose a seat three rows behind them, granting me the perfect vantage point to observe their interactions. Through Luna's thoughts, I deduced that the girl was none other than Belle Sophia Delacroix, the one who harbored deep affection for Felix and possessed an intriguing immunity to magic.

I carefully selected a seat three rows behind them, giving me an ideal view to watch their interactions. By tapping into Luna's thoughts, I discovered that the girl sitting next to her was Belle Sophia Delacroix, who had strong feelings for Felix and had an intriguing immunity to magic.

As they exited the classroom, I discreetly trailed behind them, keeping a safe distance while eavesdropping on their conversation. I could hear Luna's thoughts clearly, but there was a mysterious barrier preventing me from hearing Belle's thoughts. It seemed like she was either immune to magic or had some kind of protection.

I couldn't help but wonder if it was truly possible. The thought filled me with a sense of curiosity and wonder.

With a determined mindset, I resolved to uncover the truth and have a great time hanging out with Luna and Belle. I whispered to myself, excitement bubbling within, as I approached them.

Belle's POV

While waiting for Luna to finish, a girl approached us. She was wearing a stylish top and jeans, paired with heels and a fashionable handbag.

She has a soft, oval-shaped face with a natural glow. Her hair is dark brown, falling in gentle waves around her shoulders.

Her eyes are a warm hazel color, and she has a friendly smile that lights up her face. She carries herself with confidence and has a warm and approachable presence.

As she approached us, her voice filled with excitement, she greeted us with a warm.

"Hey girls!" am lyra by the way.

Luna and I were taken aback, unable to find the right words. Lyra confidently introduced herself as our course mate, but there was something intriguing about her.

Even though I couldn't recognize her face right away, there was this strange feeling that I somehow knew her. It was like a puzzle piece that I couldn't quite fit together yet.

Luna interrupted, her curiosity getting the best of her. "Have we crossed paths before? I can't recall seeing you, but there's something about you that feels oddly familiar."

It was a genuine and perplexing moment, trying to make sense of the connection that seemed to exist between them.

As Lyra smiled, it was as if the clouds parted, and a ray of sunshine illuminated her face. Her smile reached her eyes, sparkling with joy and genuine warmth. It was contagious, filling the air with a sense of happiness.

Nodding her head, she confirmed that today was indeed her first day. There was an undeniable magnetic pull towards her, as if fate had brought us together. Lyra then pointed directly at me, leaving me completely taken aback and surprised by the unexpected attention.