
The hidden truth of me

"The Hidden Secret of Me" It a story filled with mystery and self-discovery. "The Hidden Secret of Me" is a captivating story! "The hidden truth of me" Follow Bella Sophia Delacroix on her captivating journey as an introverted college student. Embrace her uniqueness and join her in unraveling the mysteries that lie within. Get ready for an enchanting adventure! Natasha, is filled with challenges and transformations. From facing ups and downs in school to discovering her extraordinary abilities on her 18th birthday, It's fascinating how her powers make her stand out, but also make her feel like a "freak."Natasha's life takes a dramatic turn. she tries to hide her true identity while pursuing a successful acting career. she manages to balance her hidden abilities with her public persona. The stranger who offers her help adds another layer of intrigue to the story.

Be_yamba · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 4_ law student

As the sun began to set, casting a warm golden glow over the city, i reluctantly parted ways with Freya.

The bittersweet feeling of our farewell lingered in my heart as i embarked on my journey to madam Olivia's treat restaurant across the street.

After arriving at the restaurant, I was greeted by a bustling crowd, laughter and chatter filling the air.

Determined to satisfy my hunger, i made my way through the lively scene, weaving through tables and patrons, until i reached madam Olivia's office.

With a weary smile, i greeted my mom, explaining that i had come to take some food as i was too exhausted to cook.

My mom, understanding and loving as always, called upon a staff member to swiftly prepare a meal for me.

As i waited, we shared a heartfelt conversation, catching up on the events of the day.

Finally, the staff member arrived with a delicious spread of food, carefully packed and ready for me to take home.

Expressing my gratitude, i bid my mom farewell and stepped out of the restaurant, feeling a sense of comfort and nourishment in her heart.

Feeling the need for a break, I waved down a taxi with its dazzling lights shining brightly. As I sank into the comfortable backseat, I peered out the window, observing the fast-moving city scenery.

The buildings and streets seemed to blend together as the taxi zoomed through the night, creating a mesmerizing and hazy view.

The quiet buzzing of the taxi and the gentle glow of the streetlights created a calming atmosphere that eased my weary mind.

As time went by, the tiredness slowly faded away, making room for a feeling of relief and excitement for the cozy and welcoming embrace of home.

The taxi drove me along the curving roads, bringing me closer to the peaceful haven of rest that I yearned for.

I can't wait to indulge in the scrumptious meal cooked with love by my mom. It's going to be amazing!

As I entered my humble abode, exhaustion weighing me down, I navigated my path towards the kitchen. My stomach eagerly rumbled, eagerly awaiting the delectable feast that awaited me.

As I held the plate in my hand, I couldn't contain my excitement as I indulged in the delectable meal from Madam Olivia's restaurant.

Each bite was a burst of flavors that delighted my taste buds and left me craving for more. It was truly a culinary masterpiece!

To quench my thirst, I grabbed a refreshing glass of water and a fizzy can of Coke. The cool liquid was like a soothing oasis, giving me a much-needed break from the day's exhaustion.

As I enjoyed the very last bite and took the final sip, a feeling of pure satisfaction enveloped me. It was like a wave of contentment washing over my entire being.

Feeling the heaviness of exhaustion weighing me down, I made the spontaneous decision to skip my usual nighttime routine.

I just wanted to give myself a break and relax without any obligations. Sometimes, it's nice to switch things up and go with the flow.

In the peacefulness of the night, i found comfort in my bed, falling into a deep sleep, my dream whisked me away to a tranquil world, where i could rest and recharge.

Felix's POV

she was also the reason why I was back, the longing to see her beautiful face after all those while became irresistible.

In both the fairy realm and this realm, I had the pleasure of going out with numerous ladies. It earned me the name Casanova. While I enjoyed their company and shared intimate moments, I made it clear that my heart was never on the table.

I didn't want to lead anyone on or create false expectations. It was all about having fun and being upfront about my lack of emotional attachment. Honesty and transparency were my guiding principles, ensuring that everyone involved knew where they stood.

Until I met her, everything changed. She flipped my perspective on love upside down. It was like a lightning bolt, hitting me right in the heart. I couldn't believe it myself.

I found myself questioning why my heart beats so fiercely for her. Is it her beauty? I've encountered countless stunning fairies, but none have made me feel this way before.

It's a magical connection that defies explanation, leaving me in awe and wanting to explore this newfound love with her.

Finally, i made the bold decision to visit her, determined to catch a glimpse of her peaceful slumber.

With a flicker of my teleportation ability, i materialized in her room. There she lay, deeply immersed in sleep, and a wave of relief washed over me, prompting a sigh of contentment.

Belle's POV

As the piercing sound of the alarm clock shattered the peaceful morning silence, I reluctantly opened my groggy eyes, bidding farewell to the cozy embrace of my bed.

It's always a struggle to leave behind that comforting warmth, but duty calls! Time to start the day, even if it takes a little extra effort.

With sleep still lingering, I summoned the energy to brush my teeth and tackle my morning tasks.

I diligently cleaned and organized the house, taking care of my responsibilities. As the clock ticked closer to my class, I indulged in a relaxing and comforting bath.

The warm water gently flowed over my skin, washing away any lingering tiredness. It was a rejuvenating experience that refreshed both my body and mind.

After stepping out of the bathroom, I chose a dress that showcased my lively and unique personality.

I paired it with matching sandals and a fashionable handbag, completing my stylish look for the day.

Feeling prepared and determined, I set off on my way to college. A strong sense of confidence and self-assurance emanated from within me with every step I took.

I was ready to conquer the day ahead with a positive mindset and unwavering determination.

In the busy school hallway, I encountered a fellow law student and Luna, who happened to be arriving at the same time. It was a chance meeting that added a touch of excitement to my day.

The air was buzzing with excitement as we warmly greeted each other, our voices resonating through the hallways.

As we walked towards the lecture room, we caught up on all the recent events, sharing stories and laughter as we went along. It was a delightful and enjoyable time together.

With the excitement building up for the upcoming lecture, and the happiness of reconnecting with my friend, the atmosphere was lively and full of energy as we embarked on our academic journey together.

It was a wonderful blend of anticipation and joy that made the experience even more vibrant and memorable.

Felix's POV

lyra and I used our special powers to appear in the school premises. She had a gleam of excitement in her eyes as she looked around, taking in the bustling atmosphere.

It was her dream to visit this realm, and she couldn't believe her luck when she was chosen for a special mission. The thrill of the unknown and the anticipation of what lay ahead made her journey even more thrilling. Together, we ventured into the school.

I led her to the administration office, where she could begin the process of getting admitted. To my surprise, she effortlessly compelled the administrative staff to fulfill her every request.

My suspicion grew when she insisted on being added to the law department, alongside the second-year students. It all seemed rather peculiar and raised questions in my mind.

I brushed off the unsettling feeling, convincing myself that I was just being paranoid. After playing with the administrative staff, poor Mr. Jones was left in a state of confusion, completely unaware that he had been manipulated and used.

As I cautiously opened the office door, my eyes caught a fleeting glimpse of her. I couldn't resist the urge to follow her, leaving Lyra behind. She walked gracefully through the hallway, her eyes scanning the surroundings with a gentle smile on her face.

Noticed her friend approaching, I swiftly changed my direction, trying to remain unnoticed.

I let out a sigh of relief, grateful that Lyra, who was trailing behind me, seemed completely oblivious to my actions. Her attention was captivated by the bustling scene of students walking around, giving me the perfect opportunity to continue my pursuit unnoticed.

I gazed at her intently, my tone serious as I spoke, "I don't think you need my assistance to find your way to the lecture." She responded with a warm smile, as she often did, and assured me, "You know me, I can navigate this building without getting lost. Just go on your way." Without uttering a word, I simply turned and departed from the premises.