
the hidden Treasure heist

No matter how difficult life can be with efforts and perseverance and endurance and endeavours definitely will pave the way to a brilliant and bright future in life that leads to a great success in spite of limited resources.

Safa_Cozma · Võ hiệp
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10 Chs

9.Self contentment and moderation

Among the lessons learned from this short novel that Sami and Jessica as God and life were too generous with them they were after graduation accepting big projects with minimum profit implementing the golden rule in life will always bring greater blessings and wider range of popularity among everybody for their company was new and unknown with small and minor resources bearing in mind their minimal skills at hand as a newly established construction company so they accepted making big projects at low cost plus minor profit for this non greedy behaviour was another strategy adopted in their successful planing efforts as a gigantic thrive for their new business life with modesty and cheerful reception that really facilitated and definitely attracted most of the customers who were looking for cheaper prospects at low cost.

By merely adopting '"small profit bigger return" a lot of customer has rushed rapidly to knock their company's door after the three remarkable successfully executed buildings that were made at various locations in Lebanon.

For "self Contentment is a treasure that will never get drained "

In this regard three golden rules as a strategy marked their company with successful efforts.

1. Hit Iron when it is hot grabbing any opportunity encountered grabbing it in both their hands any arising opportunity available without and preset condition.

2.Great hopes make great men and women.

Their hopes were always big towards brighter future by all means which marked their success.

3.Self contentment is a non drainable treasure.

By merely accepting low profit they were aiming at bigger prospects targeting higher returns to be involved.

With endeavour perseverance and struggle in life each one can get rid and change any unpleasant situation including need and poverty at birth thereby transforming failure into success.

Life is a continuous ceaseless struggle but as one grab any arising opportunity prudently with the proper strategy implementation Sami and Jessica construction company succeeded with all the decisions that were adopted and prudently taken using a very skillful strategies at hand that made them sail through in spite of harsh economic financial conditions that were prevailing at their country by then.

Life is a continuous ceaseless struggle but as one grab it prudently with the proper strategy that was skillfully adopted Sami and Jessica construction company managed to break the ice and made a successful decisions that made them sail through in spite of harsh economic financial situation that were prevailing at the country by then.

Safa_Cozmacreators' thoughts