
the hidden Treasure heist

No matter how difficult life can be with efforts and perseverance and endurance and endeavours definitely will pave the way to a brilliant and bright future in life that leads to a great success in spite of limited resources.

Safa_Cozma · Action
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8.Poverty and need at a glance

Bearing in mind that the biggest threat to any well-being is the absence of moral clarity and purpose." — Rich Sherman

The need caused by poverty itself create an urgency for a real drive for a real change for better existence.

For What is the meaning of any life is far greater than anything one have not been told about.

Poverty in few words is not natural, it is manmade". The above statement is true as the causes of poverty are generally man made.

Each one of us must make the maximum attempts in order for him to change his well being from any stagnant current situation inherited by birth due to poverty lack of security and lack of means for changing it to a better attainable future by merely implementing any resources available or provided at hand utilising it to its peak in order to achieve the desired means that leads and paves ones's way to success for then the end makes the means.

The spirit of endurance of Sami and his struggle for success with perseverance that he had was basically innate which are usually the traces which marked him to be a successful somebody in Life .

There is a worldwide saying "How narrowed and bounded life can be without a glimpse of hope."

Usually gossips were derived from somewhere when the map was found and officially granted he was thrilled for the end justified his means of change so he grabbed it seeking the desired change for his financial needs.

The need bounded by poverty at some motivated individuals like Sami ignited his motivation and struggle inside him to seek a change for his current limited stagnant financial hardship.

He had great hopes and his ceaseless endeavors for a real change has never extinguished nor withered by merely trying to excavate the hidden treasure he never lost hope in the old various gossips he heard since childhood.

Safa_Cozmacreators' thoughts