
The hidden king

As the leader of the Wolf King, he mysteriously disappeared, and during her journey to explore the truth, she discovered that things were not simple, leading to a journey full of courage and suspense.

Saltyalfalfa · Kỳ huyễn
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32 Chs

Chapter 31

Annia's countenance subtly shifted as she fixed her gaze on Ethan. "Indeed," she mused, her thoughts weighing heavily.

Ethan pressed on, "Recently, I dispatched an associate to the River Realm to inquire about our acquaintance, James. Turns out, he's resurfaced, and his sudden affluence is rather peculiar, wouldn't you agree?"

Annia's demeanor soured further as she cast a frigid stare at Ethan. "What bearing does this have on me? I have no acquaintances within those factions."

"Perhaps not directly, but I daresay your lieutenant, Burke, is well acquainted with him. Individuals like James have often been linked to Burke."

Burke, in truth, was not Thomas's progeny; merely the offspring of one of Thomas's fallen comrades—a fact known to many in the River Realm, yet one that Ethan was privy to more intimately.

Annia's vexation escalated. She suddenly found herself yearning to rid herself of the young man before her. His overbearing confidence grated on her, and she was loath to have Burke, who loomed behind her, feel threatened. "Should you persist with such unfounded conjecture, I shall entertain it no further. Kindly depart at once!" Annia commanded, signaling for Burke to usher Ethan out.

Stepping forward from behind her, Burke eschewed a direct approach to Ethan. Instead, he made his way to a small cabinet at the room's periphery, retrieving a bottle of wine. After pouring a glass, he approached Ethan and extended it, assuming a silent stance behind him, head bowed.

Accepting the glass, Ethan's grin widened. Taking a sip, he reclined in his chair. At this juncture, he found the shifting hues of Annia's complexion and her blatant astonishment to be the most palatable.

"Heh, how did he sway you?" Annia's voice was as frigid as a glacial gale.

Meanwhile, Liam and Heidi occupied a secluded corner of the tavern, their countenances riddled with melancholy as they silently imbibed. A deposed priestess and an interim leader bereft of faith. "Pardon my impertinence, but are we not displaying undue passivity?" Heidi murmured, her discontent evident.

Liam quaffed a hearty gulp of his libation. "Indeed, it was simpler when our endeavors were confined to battle. Assuming leadership...well, it imposes constraints on one's efficacy."

"Would you consider joining forces with us?" Heidi's eyes sparkled with fervor.

"For what purpose?" Liam inquired.

"To assist us in apprehending these malefactors."

"And whom do you propose we apprehend? We lack substantiated evidence."

"What if we were to begin with Kenny? I possess a credible witness!" Heidi affirmed resolutely.

A flicker of excitement danced in Liam's eyes. He had endured restraint for far too long. When the clarion call resounded, valiant warriors would surge forth.

As Gabriel proceeded to the council chamber, he couldn't ignore the wary glances and hushed murmurs of the pedestrians. His suspicions deepened when he glimpsed his guards, who looked perplexed, evidently unaware of the unfolding situation. Upon arriving at the chamber, Gabriel was shocked to find all the elders present except himself. A sense of foreboding engulfed him as he realized the tide had turned against him. Indeed, he found himself surrounded, his guards disarmed by his fellow elders.

"You have forfeited your status as an elder," declared the others icily, their gazes piercing. "Embezzling the city's funds—a betrayal of the highest order. And attempting to manipulate the elders into voting for your son as leader behind our backs. How naive! We refuse to consort with such a man."

Gabriel's face flushed crimson with indignation. His feeble protests fell on deaf ears, his voice barely audible, knowing that no one would lend credence to his words anymore.

Upon receiving the news, Kenny wasted no time packing his belongings and hastily vacating the safehouse arranged by Gabriel. With a swift mount, he spurred his horse and fled the city urgently. Despite attempting to disguise himself as a common peddler, he was intercepted atop the city walls by Liam and his guards, who approached from behind.

"What's the meaning of this?" Kenny forced himself to maintain composure as he challenged them.

"Mr. Kenny, you are now being apprehended by the Lawrence City authorities on charges of endangering public safety," proclaimed Liam triumphantly, a victorious gleam in his eyes. "You may have thought you were in the clear regarding Joseph's murder when someone claimed it was Thomas who committed the crime. But now that this individual has recanted, you, my friend, find yourself once again under suspicion for Joseph's untimely demise!"

These events unfolded from the moment Ethan stumbled upon Burke. After patiently waiting outside the mansion, Ethan finally seized an opportune moment when Burke ventured out alone. Initiating a conversation, Ethan soon unearthed intriguing revelations.

It transpired that Annia had placed unwavering trust in Burke, assigning him numerous clandestine tasks. Among them was the procurement of rare herbs exclusive to the River Realm, brought by merchants from distant lands. Initially, Burke followed Annia's instructions meticulously, unaware of the herbs' intended use. However, a chance encounter with a mysterious monk changed everything. This enigmatic figure introduced Burke to a peculiar pill—colorless and odorless, yet lethal when dissolved in water, its poison acting insidiously over years.

Recognizing the potency of this slow-acting poison, Annia tasked Burke with its regular acquisition from the monk, who frequented Fangtooth Pier from the northern regions. Over time, word of these transactions spread, and Ethan, through his network of acquaintances in the River Realm, learned of Burke's involvement. Confronting Burke with this knowledge, Ethan revealed he possessed a witness willing to testify against Burke for poisoning and orchestrating Newcastle's demise.

Ethan and Burke made a wager. Their bet centered on Annia's reaction upon discovering that James, the man responsible for Thomas's death and whom Ethan had uncovered, was being bribed by Burke on Annia's behalf.

Truly, when Annia caught wind of James, she staunchly denied any ties to him or his associates.

"I harbor no acquaintance with wanderers. If you seek clarification, turn to Burke. His associations with the streets remain a mystery to me," Annia retorted with an icy demeanor, swiftly disassociating herself from Burke and casting him aside.

Burke, whose visage resembled that of a stoic poker player, finally betrayed a flicker of indignation.

"So, it was you who orchestrated Thomas's demise?" Annia feigned astonishment, her gaze fixed on Burke. "Dear me, why would you undertake such a deed? He was ostensibly your father, after all."

"Haha!" Ethan erupted into laughter, applauding as he rose from his seat and made his way towards the exit. Burke, his complexion drained of color with anger, remained silent, his disappointment and disdain evident in his gaze. He sighed deeply before turning to follow Ethan out.

In the heart of the forest, amid a tranquil clearing, a rudimentary altar of stacked stones stood tall—a testament to Ethan and Alec's craftsmanship. Heidi admired their work and offered them a thumbs-up. Then, she instructed Milia to kneel at the center of the altar, circling it while intoning incantations, beckoning forth the deity.

Liam knew she sought not just any deity but a special one—the son of a god who had perished in the tumult of the divine realm's clash with Newcastle, reduced to ashes. He had not ascended to true godhood but lingered in the divine realm as a demigod. Owing to his lineage, he wielded extensive knowledge of the divine realm's secrets and the power to manipulate specific factions to serve his aims.

Ultimately, Burke confessed all to Ethan. Through Heidi's spiritual calculations, they uncovered the means to establish contact with this demigod.

Milia knelt at the center of the altar, awaiting Heidi's incantations behind her, attuned to the inner voice. She recalled Ethan's concern, questioning her resolve to collaborate with this cunning demigod—capable of betraying anyone.

At that moment, Milia replied to Ethan, "We aren't beholden to fidelity and justice for all."

Indeed, this became her newfound creed. The justice and equity she pursued would be defined by her own standards.

The demigod materialized, his austere countenance emerging from within a wispy shroud of pale gold mist. He regarded the woman before him with an unruffled demeanor.

Milia spoke with poise, "You seek the items promised by Annia; I can procure them for you."

The demigod remained silent, his gaze growing even more hollow, devoid of emotion.

"I am aware that she claimed to be your chosen one, but her actions were driven solely by her own desires for vengeance, repeatedly thwarting your plans."

"And what do you propose to do for me?" the god inquired impassively.

"I believe I can deliver to you what she had originally pledged, in advance."

"Do you know what it is?" the god's eyes flickered subtly.

"No, I do not. However, I am certain that she has concealed something, something of utmost value to you, prompting your willingness to aid her."

Milia's audacious response was but a conjecture without validation.

She held her breath, awaiting the demigod's rejoinder.

"Ah, you are astute," the demigod narrowed his eyes. Without addressing any of her queries, he waved his hand and vanished.

Milia exhaled deeply, sinking to the ground. The perspiration in her palms had long betrayed her unease.

"What does his gesture imply? Has he consented?" Heidi inquired anxiously.

"Yes, he will await our next move," Milia affirmed. My presumption proved accurate; Annia had already secured a significant safeguard for herself, and the demigod had discerned it all. Hence, his reluctance to act against Annia thus far, instead tolerating some of her personal acts of retribution. Now, only by severing the hand behind Annia once and for all could she be truly divested of her power.